How does it feel to be poor?

Tuition Refund Alert!!!

Capitalism is about increasing the value of one's capital.

Most ideas aren't worth sh#t in a free market, and thus have no equivalence in capital.

Which is why you need to demand a refund: Your education wasn't worth what you paid

I was going to act like the bush admin and say " I am not going to justify such a statement with a reply" but I am a nice guy. I don't really understand this reply but I think you are trying to distinguish idea with capital. First and foremost everything is an idea, every single imaginable thing you can think of. Second capital comes in many forms, stocks, money, people, education, paper and pen, chairs, inspiration, planning, and intelligence, e.t.c. Third, almost all idea are worth something in business as long as they are affiliated with the situation, discarding ideas is the beginning of failure; you need as much as you can get in business, there is no such thing as "enough" in business. Business today is very dynamic and capricious, anyone going into business needs to be very flexible in their approach. The misconception most people that know little about business is that capital only comes in form of money, that is far from the truth, the best capital is actually good planning and mission statement; many people have gone bankrupt despite enough cash and assets.

Capital(noun), capitalization(verb): any idea used to further one's advantage
A mission statement is not capital, but it is closer. I would say a foundtational set of rules and objectives are the backbone of any business and society.
Mr. G said:
Dude, your bro wouldn't have even been paid the 9.15 if it weren't for someone else's ability to bring to life a firm able to offer product to a market willing to pay the firm's asking price which the firm was willing to share with him for drone work.

If your bro wants to earn more than 9.15, more like 40.00, all he has to do is form his own firm able to command 40.00 from the free market.

If he can't do that, he's worth only the 9.15 he's so far been able to negotiate in trade.

Yeah, your DEAD ON!!! gata make yourself in this world! Its a good thing if you wanna be rich, i think. I dont have tunz of money or anything im taking out lones to go to college but then im working hard and getten more scholarships year after year. I mean if you wanna be rich you can and will be, its jsut how bad you want it? I never spend money, if i have extra i'll put it in the bank, buy the cheap food rice + beans .. ect :/
cool skill said:
Nobody said anything about robots retard.

cool skill said:
This means that if we are on an island. And there is a machine. Say a super robot. I can press a button to make it build us a house and pile up lots of fish and coconuts.

This reminds me of my scale of freedom that I had long forgotten about.
Too bad it didn't stay forgotten, it's just more pointless hot air.

Let me ask you a simple question:
Who or what is going to perform the labor needed to produce the goods and services required by your "true" 1st world city?

Hey, I have an idea, if you are not satisfied with your situation, why dont u do something about it instead of complaining? You'd be amazed what you could do if you funneled some of the energy u spend bitching at people who have succeeded into actually improving your own situation.

Look after yourself, try and increase your own standing. As everyone tries to improve themselves, everyone benefits as the invisible hand pulls everyone up.

Redistributiion of welath destroys all initiatives for hard work and education, it sends countried into a death spiral--notice that communism has NEVER worked. You can talk all day about how that because it was never implemented properly but that just further proves my point that it cant be done.

People on this forum who complain that the rich do nothing make me sick, teh rich drive the econmoy and the country and the world. The rich do so much for you you dont even realize it, you are so ingrateful and selfish and want everything to just be given to you, and you are convinced that everyone is agianst you becasue you cant get what you want.
Jeff 152 said:
Hey, I have an idea, if you are not satisfied with your situation, why dont u do something about it instead of complaining? You'd be amazed what you could do if you funneled some of the energy u spend bitching at people who have succeeded into actually improving your own situation.

Look after yourself, try and increase your own standing. As everyone tries to improve themselves, everyone benefits as the invisible hand pulls everyone up.

Redistributiion of welath destroys all initiatives for hard work and education, it sends countried into a death spiral--notice that communism has NEVER worked. You can talk all day about how that because it was never implemented properly but that just further proves my point that it cant be done.

People on this forum who complain that the rich do nothing make me sick, teh rich drive the econmoy and the country and the world. The rich do so much for you you dont even realize it, you are so ingrateful and selfish and want everything to just be given to you, and you are convinced that everyone is agianst you becasue you cant get what you want.
Eat The Rich, get outta the palace and into the ditch. Remember that song? Awesome. You have your opinion, I have mine. The rich are a parasitic layer that feeds on the accomplishments of others and uses our young to die defending their interests abroad. Pussies with pink hands should be stripped and forced to work for once, in a coal mine or meatpacking plant and find out what it's like to work for a living. Do you have a lifesize poster of Donnie Trump on your bedroom ceiling? Is that what is feeding your delusions of grandeur? Truly pathetic.
why do you minimalize the work done by rich people. It may not seem like work to you, but they serve a peurpose just as important a the laborers. You dont seem to understand what a service-based econmoy is. Do you want to return to when everyone was a self-sustaining farmer? It is a progression--agrarian-->industrial-->service. You want to go backwards.

Hate to break it to you, but your "work" is not that valuable. You do not offer much to the system. Anybody can work, poor people in other countries, machines, even mindless cattle can do work. YOU ARE DISPENSABLE, THAT IS WHY YOU DO NOT GET PAYED VERY MUCH, YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH TO OFFER, HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYED DEPENDS ON HOW VALUABLE YOUR WORK IS!!!! One person with an education can do more work and create more happiness and benefit for society than thousands of uneducated workers. It doesn't matter how many oxen you have, no work can be done unless a person drives teh plow.
Jeff 152 said:
why do you minimalize the work done by rich people. It may not seem like work to you, but they serve a peurpose just as important a the laborers. You dont seem to understand what a service-based econmoy is. Do you want to return to when everyone was a self-sustaining farmer? It is a progression--agrarian-->industrial-->service. You want to go backwards.

Hate to break it to you, but your "work" is not that valuable. You do not offer much to the system. Anybody can work, poor people in other countries, machines, even mindless cattle can do work. YOU ARE DISPENSABLE, THAT IS WHY YOU DO NOT GET PAYED VERY MUCH, YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH TO OFFER, HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYED DEPENDS ON HOW VALUABLE YOUR WORK IS!!!! One person with an education can do more work and create more happiness and benefit for society than thousands of uneducated workers. It doesn't matter how many oxen you have, no work can be done unless a person drives teh plow.
Little soft, effeminate pink hands can become calloused, like a man's hands, when the Trump poster on your ceiling induces excessive masturbation. You still have hope! ;)
I notice you have no actual rebuttal of substance to my belief, why is that?? Instead you can only talk about masturbation. Well you say your hands are calloused, is that from masturbation?? maybe if you spent less time masturbating you could actually benefit society and make some money.

Or actually, make a sex tape of you masturbating. Do something kinky and orginal and there are plenty of people who will gobble it up, you will be rich in no time!!
dagr8n8 said:
Yeah, your DEAD ON!!! gata make yourself in this world! Its a good thing if you wanna be rich, i think. I dont have tunz of money or anything im taking out lones to go to college but then im working hard and getten more scholarships year after year. I mean if you wanna be rich you can and will be, its jsut how bad you want it? I never spend money, if i have extra i'll put it in the bank, buy the cheap food rice + beans .. ect :/
You're going to succeed in life. You have the bead.
Jeff 152 said:
I notice you have no actual rebuttal of substance to my belief, why is that?? Instead you can only talk about masturbation. Well you say your hands are calloused, is that from masturbation?? maybe if you spent less time masturbating you could actually benefit society and make some money.

Or actually, make a sex tape of you masturbating. Do something kinky and orginal and there are plenty of people who will gobble it up, you will be rich in no time!!
Excellent Idea! I don't need links though to express my disdain for the parasitic bottom feeders you call 'rich.' Media makes sure to get greed and self interest into the psyche at a young age. All in the name of my wallet, etc. There is nothing wrong with working for a living, getting your hands dirty and building, processing, cleaning, growing, harvesting, hauling and all those things that pinkie finger pussy fat cats can't physically accomplish. Paris Hilton is rich. Is she someone you wish to emulate? Does she appreciate who built this country and who is resonsible for her undeserved wealth?? I know there are some good wealthy people, but looking at finances or one's occupation as a measure of the quality of a person is something encouraged in America's caste system. I just think a man that isn't willing to pull his share of hard work (not shuffling papers) is a weight on society, not a benefactor.

btw I'll have a whopper with everything and a Mr Pibb.
nice straw man argument, way to distract attention from the issue and instead focus on whether people who become rich throguh inheritances deserev it or not. I never said that people like taht are admirable, im talking about peole who become rich through benefitting society in some unique way that noboy else can.

And just by the way, she has made plenty of money on her own and the clothing and perfume lines she creates and all the cmpanies she sells her name to create jobs and increase value that trickles down to the poor
and i never said that there is anything wrong with people who work for a living, im just saying taht taht is not anything special since every single able-bodied person can do it. Even paris Hilton, if she had to work to survive, would do it. People will work if its life or death. Being able to work to survive is not unique, evry single living thing on the planet can do it, its called instinct.
Jeff 152 said:
nice straw man argument, way to distract attention from the issue and instead focus on whether people who become rich throguh inheritances deserev it or not. I never said that people like taht are admirable, im talking about peole who become rich through benefitting society in some unique way that noboy else can.

And just by the way, she has made plenty of money on her own and the clothing and perfume lines she creates and all the cmpanies she sells her name to create jobs and increase value that trickles down to the poor
If only we could ALL become worthless Hollywood whores! :rolleyes:
Raithere said:
Too bad it didn't stay forgotten, it's just more pointless hot air.
Stop taking things out of context you fucking moron.
The island was YOUR idea.
This is your problem. You do not focus on what is being disucssed, and respond to things that were never said.
It does not work. I'm making about apples, and you respond to comments about oranges.
Nobody said anything about robots.
The discussion is about TECHNOLOGY YOU IDIOT.
Current technolgy is not yet capable of such robots as described in the island EXAMPLE.
Jeff 152 said:
Hey, I have an idea, if you are not satisfied with your situation, why dont u do something about it instead of complaining? You'd be amazed what you could do if you funneled some of the energy u spend bitching at people who have succeeded into actually improving your own situation.

Look after yourself, try and increase your own standing. As everyone tries to improve themselves, everyone benefits as the invisible hand pulls everyone up.

Redistributiion of welath destroys all initiatives for hard work and education, it sends countried into a death spiral--notice that communism has NEVER worked. You can talk all day about how that because it was never implemented properly but that just further proves my point that it cant be done.

People on this forum who complain that the rich do nothing make me sick, teh rich drive the econmoy and the country and the world. The rich do so much for you you dont even realize it, you are so ingrateful and selfish and want everything to just be given to you, and you are convinced that everyone is agianst you becasue you cant get what you want.
Try reading a little bit more about what the rich do.
1. They do nothing. They do no labor. The workers do everything.
2. The rich do not drive the economy. They manipulate the economy on what they think is best for them.
3. Crappytalism has proven not to work either. The results of crappytalism are all around. Crappytalism and Communism are 2 sides of the same burnt out coin.
4. The only thing the rich should be thanked for is screwing up the lives of hundreds of millions of people. Let's all give the rich a great big THANKS ALOT!
5. Who is it that is keeping the economy intact? The laborers. No the assholes sitting at their desks in their nazi suit/tie outfits. It is the laborers with their hands in the dirt. Try refocusing who you should be thanking for anything that you actually have, and blaming for what you do not have.

(PS - I hope you have read the thread in its entirety. Much of the things you are talking about have already been addressed. We have moved way past this.)
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Jeff 152 said:
why do you minimalize the work done by rich people. It may not seem like work to you, but they serve a peurpose just as important a the laborers. You dont seem to understand what a service-based econmoy is. Do you want to return to when everyone was a self-sustaining farmer? It is a progression--agrarian-->industrial-->service. You want to go backwards.

Hate to break it to you, but your "work" is not that valuable. You do not offer much to the system. Anybody can work, poor people in other countries, machines, even mindless cattle can do work. YOU ARE DISPENSABLE, THAT IS WHY YOU DO NOT GET PAYED VERY MUCH, YOU DO NOT HAVE MUCH TO OFFER, HOW MUCH YOU ARE PAYED DEPENDS ON HOW VALUABLE YOUR WORK IS!!!! One person with an education can do more work and create more happiness and benefit for society than thousands of uneducated workers. It doesn't matter how many oxen you have, no work can be done unless a person drives teh plow.
I don't see the rich driving any plows.

You are claiming that the rich are important because they are educated and are driving the economy.
The rich are in fact a bunch of incompetent nutbags screwing up the economy.

Why do you believe you should be bowing down to masters with whips when they put you in shackles, and throw you into the fields?
Strawman? Yes, but really, the rich are not our benefactors. They rape people out of everything they have.
They in no means drive the economy progressively for the benefit of the individual. They drive it destructively using the individual like a vacuum cleaner sucking up resources of the earth. People are nothing by vacuum cleaners for the rich. The rich suck up the earth's resources, and use humans as vacuum cleaners to do it. So they really are driving us.
You dont seem to realize that what is best for a rich person is very often best for you. the rich owner of a corporation wishes to increase his profit, so he creates a new product for consumers--he gets money, you get a new product, its a tradeoff, if you dont like your side of teh deal, become a producer.

Or if you dont liek that one, he wants to increase profit by expanding into a new location. First, he has to build a new building, so he provides hundreds of jobs in consturction to people who otherwise were unemployed or were making less money. Then teh store opens and more jobs are created. Argue all you want that the jobs are low paying, but they are obviously better than the job they had before, else they would not sign up for this new one. Finally, the presence of a new producing company in teh area creates competition. Competition drives all prices lower, making the gods more affordable to the people, thereby increasing the people's real income or consumer surplus. The corporation benefits, the peole benefit, hurray, the genius of capitalism!!!

And even if we do assume that teh rich manipualte teh economy so it only benefits them and nobody else (this is false but im making a point), since in a capitalistic system EVERYONE can participate in the economy, EVERYONE can manipulate it for their own benefit.
cool skill said:
I don't see the rich driving any plows.

LOL, that was a metaphor. The workers are oxen, therefore the rich are driving teh plow. Wokers (oxen) by themselves can only survive and provide for themselves without benefitting teh rest of society. Only with teh direction and manipulation of teh rich (farmer driving plow) can the oxen create goods that can benefit society.

coolskill, do you want everyone to be self-sustaining? Do you want everyone to make only what they need to live with no commodities, or maybe u want the government to hand out that same level of sustinenece to everyone?