samcdkey said:
You need to work on this a bit more, clarify concepts so they are better understood.
It is interesting but still nebulous in parts.
What kind of governing system do you forsee for civic functioning?
A populist democracy.
The problem with current government system is that the administration is seen as the governing body. The fact is, the real governing body is the people. The administration must be seen and treated not as our fearless leaders, but as our humble servants.
This is a post from awhile back on another thread.
cool skill said:
It is important to note that government by the people does not mean that the government is in authority while the people are subjects. It means that the people are the authority (the government), while their representative agents are the subjects.
An important note I wanted to mention about the principal servant (which would basically be sort of the presiding administrator or president):
Due to conflict of interest, the Principal Servant takes the responsibility of presiding over the administration, but also must not only take a vow of poverty, and should have legal restrictions of conflict of interest. This means that this individual that takes up this great responsibility is also legally not allowed to own anything, have any money, and is responsible for managing the administration. Everything of course, is provided for this individual as is for all members of the First World with the only exception that the right to property are forfeited during official term.
This prevents conflict of interest. Often times in corrupt USA government, we see public officials that are rich. The mayor of NY is extremely wealthy, and uses his position for his own profit as the best interest of the people instead of what the people decide what is in their own best interest. This is just one example out of many many rich politicians. Using the vow of poverty and conflict of interest limitations, our public officials are truly servants of the public just as a maid is a servant.
They have taken that position to serve the people without profitable interest. It is a nonprofit voluntary position out of pure generosity to the public. They preside over the administration without any personal interest whatsoever because as servants of the public, they give up their own personal interest for the sake of the personal interests of the public.
Creating a highly efficient and effective political structure is an important task. The most important thing is excellent highly competent service to deliver peak results. The entire operations should run as smooth as possible, and should benefit all citizens equally with the most effective foundational barriers to corruption in full protection of the earth environment.
Perhaps a board of elders presiding over the administration.
This is similar to a corporation. I am president, and I have a CEO. I own everything, and have all final decisions, but the CEO does all the work. Similarly, an elected board of elders is responsible for designing and strategic planning under the principals of city design. The executive director answers directly to them. The executive director is in charge of everything, and has no legislative powers.
There might not be a need for any senate per say, but a forum for all qualified voters. This forum uses the rules of order to vote on each proposal. They are responsible for allocating public funds. Of course, they are made up of the public participants.
There is of course a justice system in which any person may bring a civil suit against any person or entity. There is also a criminal justice system with utmost respect..
Our current plutocracy is a government of mass uneducation and miseducation. Either the masses do not know or the masses are fed the wrong information. The public is unaware that they own, and have the right to everything. But they are treated by the governing plutocracy of the united states as greedy subjects. The plutocracy has a serious control over mass corporate media. There are no laws that require news media to report true information. They cannot easily be sued for providing the public with false information because their legal representatives base everything on the fact that they have no legal restriction on information they provide. They have every right under law to say whatever they way. Freedom of speech.
However, if any media causes a significant influence on the public that threatens the plutocracy, they are considered to be inciting public disturbance.
This is easily proven in the frustration that we cannot turn on the news to get information on what is going on in the world. The news is nothing more than one sided brainwashing. The best thing to do with the news is to turn it off, and get the hell away from it. You can easily test this. When one is trying to get information on all sides of the story, watching the news is nothing but a frustrating event. They repeat one side over and over and over, but we never get to see objective interviews or learn anything about what the other side wants.
You can even analyze a CNN article about NY transit strikes The article itself places the crooked mayor as the standard view, and the view of the transit workers under “Differing Views”. If you are the public, this basically tells you what is the standard view, and what is the “differing” views. The worst part is, they never mention a single time what the transit city workers want other than an outright lie: They are striking for higher pay, and better healthcare. Sure everybody wants that, but that has never been the actual purpose of their strike which they never mention in the article. In the end, their leader was forced to send them back to work under threat of arrest. The claim was that they violated their contract. Unfortunately, the contract is in violation of the law.
-Unarmed patrol responsible for patrolling public grounds.
-Emergency knights trained specifically for physical force and captivity, but no power of arrest. (unarmed)
-Armed emergency knights trained specifically for armed threats.
-Unarmed detectives with power of arrest.
Upon an emergency involving violence, an emergency team is immediately dispatch to keep the situation peaceful. Along with them is a detective that may arrest and process anybody accused of violation. All officers/knights are under oath of chivalry conduct. They do not have freedom of speech while on duty. They only speak pure logic adhering to the situation. They are trained in logic and compassion to all.
They may not use profanity. They may not abuse people. They may not hit people. The training for physical force is 100% humane physical detention. There is absolutely no granting of favors or other such similar corrupt behavior. All people must be treated equally. Anybody in violation is in criminal violation of the law.
Regarding arms, only certain knights are armed. The necessity of armed units is only relative to the public threat of armed violence. There are very strict rules regarding arms. No civilian has any right to bear arms. Any knight on the task force does so during duty as needed, but must go trough intensive training. Other than these specific threats, arms are completely illegal. Martial arts training is not limited to physical training, but inner peace and moral compassion as well.
Current police are idiots. They are complete and utter morons with no ability to assess any situation. They are corrupt in everyway. Especially Miami PD. Go hang out in any precinct, and you will see what I mean. They have a gang mentality. They are anything but knights of high conduct. They are drooling idiots with guns, high tempers, obnoxious attitudes, and pure corruption.
Need I even get started on proper humane methods of incarceration and reformation?