Hotdog ethics

Last night I had an opportunity to expand my bum euthanizing ways. I am now including McDonalds food as a good wholesome source of crap and I fed it to some black woman who's sole purpose in life was to eat it.

Im in love with you!!!

One more thing you could do is make them butter the bun before they put the hotdog into it!!!
Im in love with you!!!

One more thing you could do is make them butter the bun before they put the hotdog into it!!!

Hmmm, hot dog, butter, chili, cheese, smokes, beer... lookin' good! I wish 7-11 sold absynthe and cloves... I could up the ante again.
I am the man! Tongiht was so perfect. I walked to 7-11 tonight and saw a new face amongst the crowd. A young black man (probably barely out of his teens) asked me for a cigarette. I asked him if I could get him a pack. He then asked me if I could get him a beer and I asked him what kind of 40 he would like. He then asked me for a hotdog and I laughed. He pulled back and asked if he was asking for too much. I told him "naw dude, you just made my day!". So I bought him 2 packs of cigareets, 2 40's of the hardest stuff I could find, and 2 hotdogs loaded to the hilt with chili and cheese. I even threw in a hostess apple pie for desert.

Muahahhahahahahahahahha! Victor the cleaner has nothing on me!
Speaking of hotdogs. When my mom came from Germany and got a job here in Canada, she worked in a meat packaging plant. She told me that the stores would return the hotdogs and they would wash all the green mold off them, before they repackaged them and sent them out again! :eek:
When I was at Uni I had a part time job at Hooters .. as a short order cook! Fun job that one :D anyway, we ALWAYS washed smelly green chicken drummies and wings with hot water and mixed them in with the new stuff. I figured anything going into that hot oil is probably going to die. And if not meh...
It's really awkward, I am actually gaining loyalty from some of the folks I am feeding and they do communicate the message quite clearly. They would happily put themselves in harm / risks way for me... because I feed them shit. Maybe this is partly how genes remove themselves from the pool.

Genes remove themselves from the gene pool by failing to reproduce. When you die at 60 from a clogged artery, your reproducing age passed 3 decades ago. Doesn't really matter. So this is actually the way genes persist.

You may want to move onto harder stuff that is known to prevent them from reproducing. Something strong, like meth, cut with a drug that causes infertility. By providing them with food and booze, you're only increasing their chances that they'll reproduce now. You should start handing out guns and knives and crack.
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That's too edgy with the law; however, you did give me an idea. What if I started putting horemones in their food?
Michael can i have your contact details to pass onto the local council health workers whereever you are currently. You vilolated health an hyigne laws to an exstent that you will probably get about 20 years jail for it. I just hope you didnt kill anyone.
Michael can i have your contact details to pass onto the local council health workers whereever you are currently. You vilolated health an hyigne laws to an exstent that you will probably get about 20 years jail for it. I just hope you didnt kill anyone.

Oh man, I wish I could buy your homeless ass a big, greasy burger, content in the knowledge that I am sealing your fate.
Roman im a chef, not quilifide because i decided to move into health insted but fare enough along to have studied the food handerling act
That was in Michigan a decade ago
Also, have you ever worked at a restaurant? If you think a little moldy chicken is bad - pfff you don't even want to know. Try human blood smeared la BigMac. People burn themselves all the time. Not to mention other human juices*

One reason I refuse to eat at any sort of buffet. None - I will not eat at a buffet. Especially a seafood buffet. Scary.

tip of the day - Never under any, I mean ANY, circumstance complain at a restaurant before you have been served your food and drinks. NEVER. Do not complain to the waiter , do not ask for ketchup with a steak, definitely do not ask to have a new replacement order or to have something re cooked (well maybe if you want it a little more well done - just be VERY nice "miss I'm terribly sorry to bother you I made a big mistake is it remotely possible for you ....

Funny story:
An American was at Pancakes in the Rocks (my buddy cooks there) and they complained their steak was not sweet enough. Eeeuuuuoooo! Not sweet enough! Apparently everyone was dumbfounded. Luckily there was an American chief there and he knew just what to do. He dipped the entire steak in pineapple juice and glazed it. Disgusting.

As for the bums. I really don't think there is anything you can do to stop them from breeding unless you put something into their water/coke.

PS edit - I see you have :) Well then YOU should know how ruthless short order chiefs and wait staff are!
Yeah, I never, ever, EVER fuck with anyone who handles my food. I always tip the delivery guy gratuitously. They have memories like elephants.

As for moldy food, you may be able to cook the stuff that's living in there to death, but you may not be able to destroy the toxins they produced. Some fungal toxins cannot be destroyed by heat that wouldn't also destroy the food.
Michael i have and continue to work in ALOT of restruants, infact i have been the head chef in a restraunt and if i caught ANY cook doing what you described i would have called the health department.

I ALWAYS wash my hands to hospital standeds (im serious about that, from the nails to the elbow), chicken gets used, and that that doesnt is either frozen and LABLED or thrown out. There are regulations with how long to keep meat and fish and we STICK to them (the veg are on our own discression because they wont kill someone). If someone dies from food poisioning then the head chef can be charged with manslaughter and i NEVER wanted that conviction on my head so i was VERY specific with how i delt with my staff.

I have also worked when health inspections have happened and they make EVERYTHING, even a case of vinigar flies (do you have ANY idea how hard it is to get rid of vinigar flies?)

EDIT to add in responce to Romans post, the ONLY "off" food we ever used was moldy tomatoes, they are safe to be used in stocks and nap sauce so we did. If anything else was off it was chucked
Also illegal. But then, just don't tell anyone.

Im thinking about the scenario of handling hormones and then wiping the excesss "accidentally" on hotdogs. Not sure if there is anything illegal about that. Young shaka zulu is gonna grow some breasts.
Doesn't saltpeter cause impotence? Isn't that added to meat? Just brew up some high concentrated saltpeter chilli dogs :)
When I was at Uni I had a part time job at Hooters .. as a short order cook! Fun job that one :D anyway, we ALWAYS washed smelly green chicken drummies and wings with hot water and mixed them in with the new stuff. I figured anything going into that hot oil is probably going to die. And if not meh...

And if not Meh?.....kill some little kids with food poisoning??


just one kid who was so ill with poisoning from dumbass resturants like the one you worked in!