Hotdog ethics

Crunchy Cat

F-in' *meow* baby!!!
Valued Senior Member
There is a 7-11 semi-near my place that I walk to in the evening sometimes to get some exercise and get a couple of items. Most times, some black person approaches me and asks for change so they can get food. I offer to buy them food and 100% take me up on it and its usually hot dogs that I am feeding them. The cycle repeats over and over and often I see the same folks asking for handouts.

So I buy them more hotdogs, add extra chili and cheese, and continue to clog their arteries with junk food. Sooner or later its going to catch up to them and they will die. They don't know that I'm intentionally and slowly euthanizing them. Can junk food be a new way to thin out the population affected by poverty?
Crunchy Cat you are evil.

Crunchy Cat...the "hotdog bum killer"
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There is a 7-11 semi-near my place that I walk to in the evening sometimes to get some exercise and get a couple of items. Most times, some black person approaches me and asks for change so they can get food. I offer to buy them food and 100% take me up on it and its usually hot dogs that I am feeding them. The cycle repeats over and over and often I see the same folks asking for handouts.

So I buy them more hotdogs, add extra chili and cheese, and continue to clog their arteries with junk food. Sooner or later its going to catch up to them and they will die. They don't know that I'm intentionally and slowly euthanizing them. Can junk food be a new way to thin out the population affected by poverty?

or you could just say no, and not buy them the hotdogs so they starve to deth slowly and painfully!!
I'd walk a different way to the store if you are concerned.

Instead of buying them something just give them a dollar.

Try explaining the value of a nutritional meal to them before they eat another hot dog, perhaps they will just stop bothering you after they find out that your to smart for their liking. ;)
Two cents, or something like that

Crunchy Cat said:

They don't know that I'm intentionally and slowly euthanizing them. Can junk food be a new way to thin out the population affected by poverty?

Are they, like, retarded and homeless? I mean, a flip-side is that when I smoked, I was happy to give cigarettes to the homeless. Not that I was out to kill them per se, but why should I not give a homeless guy a smoke when I'll give damn near anyone else who looks of age? Now, perhaps one might be inclined to point out that most people with a half a brain cell left know that cigarettes kill, but I'm not sure that's fair. Few of us have any illusions that hot dogs are good for us.

To the other, I had a hard time once giving away a burrito. Not a Taco Bell shit-wrapped-in-a-tortilla burrito, but a real burrito, with rice, beans, cheese, god knows what else inside. Really, I thought I understood the concept of a thirteen-inch burrito. But I didn't. It never occurred to me that the damn thing was going to be thirteen inches around, too. At any rate, we cut away part of it and ate it, packed the rest and damn near couldn't give it away. I would have done better with a 7-11 hot dog.

Life goes on, you do your best. I remember thinking about the question for myself once. I think it had something to do with Jack in the Box, and whether fast food was any sort of kindness or decency or whatever. And then I realized that I just wasn't up to carrying a stock of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (peanut allergies?) in my car, or a bunch of tomato soup. Apples? Bananas? These days I have the excuse of living on charity of sorts myself, so it seems a bit strange to give away what is given to me. But my patrons tend to not object, and since they financed me when I was a smoker (≤$150/mo. for cigarettes) ... anyway, I digress. My point is that you do your best, and that's either enough or it's not. It's up to you. Hell, I am so clearly not in a position to criticize the actual food content. At least you're making the effort.
It's really awkward, I am actually gaining loyalty from some of the folks I am feeding and they do communicate the message quite clearly. They would happily put themselves in harm / risks way for me... because I feed them shit. Maybe this is partly how genes remove themselves from the pool.
There is a 7-11 semi-near my place that I walk to in the evening sometimes to get some exercise and get a couple of items. Most times, some black person approaches me and asks for change so they can get food. I offer to buy them food and 100% take me up on it and its usually hot dogs that I am feeding them. The cycle repeats over and over and often I see the same folks asking for handouts.

So I buy them more hotdogs, add extra chili and cheese, and continue to clog their arteries with junk food. Sooner or later its going to catch up to them and they will die. They don't know that I'm intentionally and slowly euthanizing them. Can junk food be a new way to thin out the population affected by poverty?

Are they fat?
A friend told me what he lived on when he was poor and hungry but had an extremely limited budget for food. He chose to live on Little Debbie brand cake like stuff with it's hydrogenated oil imitation cream fillings. That gave him the more calories for the money than any other kind of food he could buy would, and he liked the taste.

Hotdogs can't be as malnutritious as Little Debbies are.
Originally posted by Crunchy Cat

There is a 7-11 semi-near my place that I walk to in the evening sometimes to get some exercise and get a couple of items. Most times, some black person approaches me and asks for change so they can get food. I offer to buy them food and 100% take me up on it and its usually hot dogs that I am feeding them. The cycle repeats over and over and often I see the same folks asking for handouts.

So I buy them more hotdogs, add extra chili and cheese, and continue to clog their arteries with junk food. Sooner or later its going to catch up to them and they will die. They don't know that I'm intentionally and slowly euthanizing them. Can junk food be a new way to thin out the population affected by poverty?

It will take a long time before they die from eating what you're feeding them. Starvation would kill them faster. Junk food doesn't exactly "thin" out the population either. But if these same people keep asking for handouts and can function at some level of normalcy, I'd probably just ask the 7-11 cashier to hand them an application or something.
I've decided to up the crap ante. I am now officially buying them hotdogs + a pack of cigarettes or booze. The response I got was "Thank you!!! God bless!".
I've decided to up the crap ante. I am now officially buying them hotdogs + a pack of cigarettes or booze. The response I got was "Thank you!!! God bless!".

OMG :eek: stop this ... this is soooo wrong :mad: you are using this for your own amusement. Don't do this! !!!!!!!!!!!!!
They will probably die young for other reasons. I wouldn't worry about feeding them cheap high calorie food.
No, they need it. For people that don't eat much, it will not affect them negatively. I read about an autopsy of a homeless alcoholic, and there was almost no body fat in spite of an extremely unhealthy lifestyle.
No, they need it. For people that don't eat much, it will not affect them negatively. I read about an autopsy of a homeless alcoholic, and there was almost no body fat in spite of an extremely unhealthy lifestyle.

well what is this unhealthy lifestyle that got him than? If he had no body fat, what did he die from? lungs collapse? :bugeye:

This crunchy cat woman is deliberately killing innocent people...
well what is this unhealthy lifestyle that got him than? If he had no body fat, what did he die from? lungs collapse? :bugeye:

This crunchy cat woman is deliberately killing innocent people...


As I explained, homeless people will probably die long before any chronic condition like clogged arteries will become an issue. It's probably not very ethical to give them alcohol though.

As I explained, homeless people will probably die long before any chronic condition like clogged arteries will become an issue. It's probably not very ethical to give them alcohol though.

they are to be given yogurt and vegetables to eat as well as small brochures on healthy lifestyle, instead of fatty hotdogs and cigarettes
Speaking of hotdogs. When my mom came from Germany and got a job here in Canada, she worked in a meat packaging plant. She told me that the stores would return the hotdogs and they would wash all the green mold off them, before they repackaged them and sent them out again! :eek: