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Hi I understand I need to introduce myself and my reason for being here. I am 26 years live in the UK. I stumbled across this site whilst looking into and hoping to gain insight to the strange dreams I have, wondering if they could possibly be predictions of events which subsequently happen in my life. I would like to add that all dreams I have that seem to come true at not about me but others and I have no control over. They are also quite obscure but once the event happens there is a definite link to my dreams in the finer details. I suppose I am on a search of answers as it not only creeps me out but others around me too. Is it just a Series of coincidences, do I have delusions of grandeur or am I genuinely picking up and interpreting energy.
Hi I understand I need to introduce myself and my reason for being here. I am 26 years live in the UK. I stumbled across this site whilst looking into and hoping to gain insight to the strange dreams I have, wondering if they could possibly be predictions of events which subsequently happen in my life. I would like to add that all dreams I have that seem to come true at not about me but others and I have no control over. They are also quite obscure but once the event happens there is a definite link to my dreams in the finer details. I suppose I am on a search of answers as it not only creeps me out but others around me too. Is it just a Series of coincidences, do I have delusions of grandeur or am I genuinely picking up and interpreting energy.

Howdy Shell! It's... honestly quite hard to say. Some call it a "self fulfilling prophesy" - you dream that something will happen, and thus you find a way to make it happen, even subconsciously...

I don't quite buy that though - I've had instances where I've dreamed things long before they occur, and they have nothing to do with me - the most recent one actually involved a TV show my wife and I watch (Once Upon a Time) - there were some minor variations, but until I actually saw the scene happen in the episode (which was its first airing), it didn't click why it seemed so familiar - I had a dream about it several weeks prior. It was... uncanny...
Hi Shell. Memory is a funny thing. Trying to relate an experience back to a remembered dream that was vague to begin with is pretty much hopeless. I would recommend writting down these dreams for some period of time and when you have an experience that seems to correlate to the dream, see how well it correlates to what you wrote, and see how many other events could also correlate to that dream.

If you really are having dreams that predict future events you will be the first ever to have this happen and you should also be able to easily become wealthy with this ability.

By the way do you have any examples of what you are talking about?

Full disclosure - I am a big time skeptic of all paranormal, but if there were actual evidence I would not dismiss it.
That's part of the kicker Origin - is it a matter having a preconceptual dream... or are we simply attributing something happening in real life to how we remember a vague thing that occurs not during consciousness but during a period of sub or super consciousness (a state that we still don't really understand well) and, as a result, making connections that aren't actually there.