Hi all.

Buongiorno. (or in this time zone, buon pomeriggio) What are your interests? Though I generally confine my contacts to those passionate about methodologies of identification and counting cougar scat in determining population density in montane regions of the Northwest, I do sometimes venture beyond that illustrious circle to mingle with the common folk.
Buongiorno. (or in this time zone, buon pomeriggio) What are your interests? Though I generally confine my contacts to those passionate about methodologies of identification and counting cougar scat in determining population density in montane regions of the Northwest, I do sometimes venture beyond that illustrious circle to mingle with the common folk.
To answer, I have to say my interests are in Reality and how it is perceived.
LOL. My father tried to kill me five times. I spent three tours on the Tonle Sap. I've rated at one hundred percent service related conditions. I could go on, but why bother.