Hey guys


The Bug Lady
Valued Senior Member
I thought some of you might like to know that I am going to have a baby.
I am 7 weeks in. It's due in August.

Best Christmas ever.

You're going to have a larva!!! :xctd:
I thought some of you might like to know that I am going to have a baby.
I am 7 weeks in. It's due in August.

Best Christmas ever.


I recommend "Up the Duff" by Kaz Cooke ("A bun in the oven" is the cleaner American version which isn't as funny).. a very informative and hilarious pregnancy book that will save your sanity (you'll be too busy trying to not pee in your pants to worry about losing said sanity.. literally).

And ginger and ginger ale is great for morning sickness (*cough* all day nausea *cough*).. :D
Good luck with it all, Varda.

The first few months are generally the worst when it comes to all day long morning sickness. The second trimester is fairly good for most, from all reports. Then the third one is where you have a great big lump just sitting there getting bigger and stopping you from walking properly.

All of this is nothing to what comes after the birth, though.

Enjoy! :)
ehhh... not that kind of mom

more of a "lets just put it in the knickers drawer" type
verda a mom? i never thought she could muster enough seriousness for that.

congrats though, am really happy for you.. though it feels a bit weird..
Congrats Varda, the adventure begins. Post some pics of your beautiful self when your breasts start swelling :p Had you been planning on it or did it just happen?

ehhh... not that kind of mom

more of a "lets just put it in the knickers drawer" type

You say that now just wait and see.
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