I already know that paranormal and parasychology is true. How living beings, not just the inanimate, affects other living beings on the most unseen/invisible level to the visible yet there are those who can't fathom it as possible seems to be a dire form of utter dishonesty simply because it can't be proven in a concrete or established way currently.
Pauli himself explained his beliefs somewhat esoterically when he professed to believe in “the existence of relatively constant psychic contents that survive personal ego...All we can observe is their effect on other living people, whose spiritual level and whose personal unconscious crucially influence the way these contents actually manifest themselves.”
I already know that paranormal and parasychology is true. How living beings, not just the inanimate, affects other living beings on the most unseen/invisible level to the visible yet there are those who can't fathom it as possible seems to be a dire form of utter dishonesty simply because it can't be proven in a concrete or established way currently.