FOX News offers the most trusted network and cable news coverage, 29 percent of American voters say, when asked to compare the major TV news outlets in a Quinnipiac University National poll released today. But when network news is examined on a case-by-case basis, FOX drops in the ratings.
In the comparison rankings, CNN gets 22 percent, with NBC News and CBS News at 10 percent each, 8 percent for ABC News and 7 percent for MSNBC, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University Poll finds.
When asked, "Do you trust the journalistic coverage provided by FOX News," 20 percent of U.S. voters say "a great deal" and 35 percent say "somewhat." Scores for other networks are:
- NBC News - 14 percent "a great deal" and 46 percent "somewhat;"
- ABC News - 14 percent "a great deal" and 50 percent "somewhat;"
- CBS News - 14 percent "a great deal" and 50 percent "somewhat;"
- MSNBC - 11 percent "a great deal" and 41 percent "somewhat;"
- CNN - 18 percent "a great deal" and 43 percent "somewhat."
The big winner is local television news, trusted by 19 percent of voters "a great deal" and by 52 percent "somewhat."
"FOX News may be the most trusted in the network and cable news race, but they all take a back seat to your local news," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.
In the comparison chart, FOX News is definitely the Republican choice as 58 percent of GOP voters say they trust FOX the most, while 13 percent turn to CNN, with 7 percent each for NBC and CBS, 5 percent for ABC and 2 percent for MSNBC.
Only 3 percent of Democrats trust FOX the most, with 32 percent for CNN, 15 percent for NBC, 14 percent each for CBS and MSNBC and 8 percent for ABC.
FOX tops CNN 34 - 18 percent among men, with women divided 25 - 25 percent. Voters 18 to 34 years old trust CNN more than FOX 33 - 21 percent, while voters 35 to 54 years old go to FOX 29 - 21 percent and voters over 55 years old trust FOX more 34 - 17 percent.
American voters say 48 - 7 percent that network TV news is less trustworthy than in the days of Walter Cronkite, while 35 percent say it is about as trustworthy.
Brian Williams should be allowed to come back as NBC Nightly News anchor, voters say 42 - 35 percent.
FOX News' Bill O'Reilly should be fired over allegations of inaccuracies in past reporting, 12 percent of voters say, as 11 percent say he should be suspended, 23 percent say he should stay and 51 percent haven't heard enough about this to form an opinion.