Valued Senior Member
GR rules the roost in explaining the gravity. It is the most successful theory of gravity and despite the presence of many alternatives, the supremacy of GR rules. But there are certain issues like singularity and reconciliation with quantum mechanics which either require some changes in GR or search for a new theory.
An attempt is being made here, the maths for the same is to be worked out which may take quite sometime.
2. Since it is a 3 Dimensional phenomenon more akin to fluid analysis, and hence Tensor based stress/strain maths is required. Development of required maths is in process.
Strong Interaction between quarks
Is Gravitational Attraction with very high G, as the stretch caused between two quarks is very large.
Nuclear Force between Neutrons & Protons
Is Gravitational Attraction with reduced G, as the stretching reduces due to increase in volume.
Force at Macro Scale between Stars /Galaxies/Planets
Is Gravitational Attraction with very very reduced G, as the stretching is quite relaxed.
Some other points
What all it resolves
An attempt is being made here, the maths for the same is to be worked out which may take quite sometime.
- The universe is full of isotropic stretchable energy field.
- This energy field gets stretched in presence of matter.
2. Since it is a 3 Dimensional phenomenon more akin to fluid analysis, and hence Tensor based stress/strain maths is required. Development of required maths is in process.
- This energy field gets stretched in presence of matter, as the energy density of the matter is higher than that of this field.
- In case the matter is isolated, not connected to any other matter object, some kind of stability is formed, with energy field getting relaxed around it, in non stretchable form. This may not happen in reality.
- As soon as other material object is present, this stretching on either side causes Gravity. The gravitational force is dependent on the normal stretching of this field.
- The stretch force is variable, depending on the stretch.
- This makes the Gravity variable that is gravitational constant is no longer constant; it is variable depending on the stretch?
Strong Interaction between quarks
Is Gravitational Attraction with very high G, as the stretch caused between two quarks is very large.
Nuclear Force between Neutrons & Protons
Is Gravitational Attraction with reduced G, as the stretching reduces due to increase in volume.
Force at Macro Scale between Stars /Galaxies/Planets
Is Gravitational Attraction with very very reduced G, as the stretching is quite relaxed.
Some other points
- The relationship of Gravitaional Constant Vs stretching is to be worked out, it appears to be a dumb bell shaped curve which peaks just about quark-quark level with reduction on either side.
- The light can only traverse a path as guided by this energy field.
- Between two objects however apart they are, the light can only traverse if they are connected through this stretched energy field. The stretch has relevance only if two or more particles are interacting.
- The question mark, why the value of permittivity is constant? Why only G changes?
- The Quark – Quark Bonding for Neutrons / Protons
- The Neutrons - Protons Bonding in nucleus
- Why upper limit on the element nucleus ?
- The atom – atom Bonding
What all it resolves
- Strong Interaction.
- Strong Nuclear Force.
- Gravity.