Some scientists bull-shitt that the big bang can create 10^500 types of different universes with different laws of physics.
I challenge you, can you propose just one set of laws of physics of the (10^500-1) alternate universes?
E.g. , what other possibly structure of their atoms?
what other gravitation law?
Please suggest you alternate models (don't just talk only).
That would be easier to do IFF we actually had a complete set of the laws of physics for THIS universe, and we don't.
For instance, at the exact dead center of every gravitating body, at the point where the radius is zero, there exists a singularity of gravitational force. It does not matter at all how small or how large, how dense or how light a gravitating body may be. That force at the geometric center is always infinite, in the theories that have "won" in terms of being incorporated and ordained by science.
Hard to reconcile how that could possibly be. Wouldn't everything (planets, moons, galaxies, nebulae) simply collapse to singularities, just like so many black holes? This isn't an alternative universe we are talking about. It is this one.
ONE candidate physical parameter you probably could change, if you wished, would be the speed of propagation of light in a vacuum. Physicists are always setting c=1.0 anyway. This would theoretically be a universe in which time itself proceeded at a more leisurely pace. Except that it wouldn't work that way at all, because the speed of the propagation of light is evidently NOT the basis of time itself. If it were, light wouldn't just propagate slower; it would not propagate at all. The electric and magnetic fields of Maxwell's equations would not propagate in the direction of the Poynting vector, because whether they derived of something actually moving or the vacuum itself, it would be impossible for them to change at rates that exceeded c. Note that an EM wave, even and expecially light does not need to be sinusoidal. And there is nothing to prevent a radial component from changing much faster than a wheel can roll.
About the only alternate universe I can think of in which we could possibly define sufficiently to describe in any detail would be one in which real, actual time came to an abrupt halt. To imagine such an exotic universe, it would only be necessary to increase the speed of a single observer in this one to 0.99999999999999999 x c. At that speed, all forward momentum of the geometric center of particles comprising anything stops dead in its tracks almost indefinitely. Timepieces stop moving altogether. Brownian motion stops. Radioisotopes halt their process of decay. But atomic structure would remain intact because most of that structure is already time dilated all by itself, in real time. Even if we don't completely understand all of the physics or the nature of time, this alternate universe is one that is doable. Sorry about the rest of the 10^500. That would be a non-starter.
I think we can also safely rule out alternate universes in which time proceeds backwards as a viable candidate.