Germanwings Tragedy - Is it now all about the money?

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You say the lower CVR was recovered from an "actual plane crash"... are you now claiming the co-pilot didn't manage to get the plane into the dirt? If so... where is it, and where did the debris come from?
Now that's a good question...
Remember we have a total mystery concerning the where abouts of MH370.

Where did that go do you think?

And why is an Iranian Asylum seeker who was supposed to be on that plane MH370 under a false passport currently living here in Melbourne? [rhetorical.. so no need to answer]
Clue is that he was in Melbourne at the time of the flight but the passenger list and images show him aboard.
Interpol even checked him out and announced he was only an Iranian asylum seeker with a mother in Amsterdam. (well my man here also has a mother in Amsterdam.)
So I guess what I am suggesting is that there is a hell of lot more involved here than what seems to be the case.
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Why would they want one of their own to disappear?
because if they ( whom ever they are) wanted me gone they would have done it ages ago...and if you really want me to go into your lah lah land, territory I would suggest that compared to them the Illuminati Prior Sion etc and Masons are puppy dogs. Quite tame and stupid ones at that...
Is that lah lah lah ish enough for you?
You gotta also consider as well, that according to our science this planet will only sustain human life for about another 50-100 the maximum and so far every Climate Change prediction has terribly underestimated the situation. Things can change very quickly.
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As far as the CVR is concerned do the research and work it out for yourself... is all I can for the rest...well that's in your lah lah land..
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Now that's a good question...
Remember we have a total mystery concerning the where abouts of MH370.

Where did that go do you think?

And why is an Iranian Asylum seeker who was supposed to be on that plane MH370 under a false passport currently living here in Melbourne? [rhetorical.. so no need to answer]
Clue is that he was in Melbourne at the time of the flight but the passenger list and images show him aboard.
Interpol even checked him out and announced he was only an Iranian asylum seeker with a mother in Amsterdam. (well my man here also has a mother in Amsterdam.)
So I guess what I am suggesting is that there is a hell of lot more involved here than what seems to be the case.
The rantings of the lunatic continues..

You are yet to provide any proof of your claims. And frankly, your continued use of victims to further your own agenda is pathetic.
The actual bit that is made of stainless steel or titanium is the cylindrical bit. The rest is pressed steel. Possibly 3mm gauge

I used to work with this sort of steel a lot as a welder (DLI Ticket)
The folded steel parts have not been pulverized when everything else on the site more or less has been including both engines, and landing gear. ( according to the huge number of images published.)

*Stainless steel or titanium is not typically folded as it is way to tough, it cracks or shatters...
see post #461

Post 461 -
billvon have a look again and tell us all what you see?



Okay - so we see a picture from the some us1.webpublications site (admittedly not one I am familiar with) - I see where it mentions the cap over the memory interface and memory boards is made of stainless steel - most likely because it is corrosion resistant. I do not, however, see any mention of the rest of the construction (as the article I linked said, it is typically titanium and/or stainless steel for corrosion resistance).

You also neglected to answer:
2) Again, we are talking about a device mounted at the rear of the plane - it is quite feasible that, upon impact, it sheared off and bounced out of the immediate crash zone, and thus was not in any actual fire.
3) Again, we are talking a device designed to survive virtually anything that could befall the aircraft... the rest of its components are not.

Now that's a good question...
Remember we have a total mystery concerning the where abouts of MH370.

Where did that go do you think?

And why is an Iranian Asylum seeker who was supposed to be on that plane MH370 under a false passport currently living here in Melbourne? [rhetorical.. so no need to answer]
Clue is that he was in Melbourne at the time of the flight but the passenger list and images show him aboard.
Interpol even checked him out and announced he was only an Iranian asylum seeker with a mother in Amsterdam. (well my man here also has a mother in Amsterdam.)
So I guess what I am suggesting is that there is a hell of lot more involved here than what seems to be the case.

So instead of answering the question, you propose further nonsense about an unrelated flight... sounds like avoidance to me.

because if they ( whom ever they are) wanted me gone they would have done it ages ago...and if you really want me to go into your lah lah land, territory I would suggest that compared to them the Illuminati Prior Sion etc and Masons are puppy dogs. Quite tame and stupid ones at that...
Is that lah lah lah ish enough for you?
You gotta also consider as well, that according to our science this planet will only sustain human life for about another 50-100 the maximum and so far every Climate Change prediction has terribly underestimated the situation. Things can change very quickly.

We still haven't quite reached the magical land of woo-woo where conspiracies hide around every corner, but we're getting closer and closer :)

As far as the CVR is concerned do the research and work it out for yourself... is all I can for the rest...well that's in your lah lah land..

In other words, you cannot answer the question, so you are avoiding it... pretty typical of a conspiracy theorist - plug your fingers into your ears and simply try to shout louder than those speaking the truth.
I suppose you think that the next 150+ dead because of a possible cover up is any less sickening?
Fortunately, intelligent people will look into the causes of the crash and determine how to prevent it in the future (which is why such crashes are investigated.)
Why do you think I am challenging the so-called evidence?
Because you are largely ignorant on the topics of aircraft design, accident investigation and aviation. Thus your imagination supplies unlikely conspiracy theories to compensate for your lack of knowledge.
That it is ok to blame a co-pilot before the case is actually proven against him?
Personally I am content to let the agency complete its investigation.
I suppose you think that the next 150+ dead because of a possible cover up is any less sickening?

Just about anything is possible, if we imagine fanciful enough scenarios. Maybe the Germanwings airliner was abducted by aliens and the French "crash debris" is all fake, planted by The Conspiracy that runs the French crash investigators, the German police and apparently the whole planet. (It's possible, isn't it?)

Eventually, reasonable people need to direct their attention to what is likely.

Why do you think I am challenging the so-called evidence?

I'm not a psychiatrist. I'll leave diagnosing you to the experts.

Your desire to bury the potential of Airbus equipment failure under the unproven suicide of a co-pilot is considerably more sickening.

Well what have you got to say?
That it is ok to blame a co-pilot before the case is actually proven against him?
Or are you just going to spew your nonsense and run?

A Germanwings 'Airbus equipment failure' isn't close to being proven. It isn't even supported by any tangible evidence. All it is, is a wild speculation, a bare possibility. The co-pilot's behavior on the other hand is supported by evidence, most notably the voice and data recorders, and the record of searches found on his home computer. I don't see how an Airbus equipment failure could possibly be responsible for that. Hence the need to once again refer to the vast imaginary Conspiracy that supposedly faked all of it.
So we have
No credible CVR.
No impact crater
No bodies
No engines
No landing gear or tires.
No communications from the Flight deck
BUT wait there's more....

No indestructible security door...

and a whole heap of excuses as to why not.

and all you guys can do is resort to insults as a way of blocking any worth while discussion...
So we have
No credible CVR.
No impact crater
No bodies
No engines
No landing gear or tires.
No communications from the Flight deck
BUT wait there's more....

No indestructible security door...

and a whole heap of excuses as to why not.

and all you guys can do is resort to insults as a way of blocking any worth while discussion...

Where are you getting your info? Who's saying there's no CVR, no crater, bodies, engines, et al?


Looks like a piece of landing gear there...





Looks like the wreckage is spread over quite an area... and there's quite a lot of it. So... what's your major malfunction here?
From Bells as an example:
From what I heard in the media, the second black box was found, but the casing was badly damaged and the memory card and device inside is missing in the wreckage, presumably, it may be somewhere on that mountain in that wreckage, if it has not been destroyed.
the date of that post was 29/03/2015

The actual FDR was found around the 02/04/2015
Sure media reports.. who takes them seriously!
But when they claim something and then add "but the memory card appears to be missing" you gotta wonder WTF!
Where are you getting your info? Who's saying there's no CVR, no crater, bodies, engines, et al?
Gosh Kitty I am so hurt by all the ridicule and insults you have projected at me I find I am unable to post a proper response. Whilst I recover perhaps you may wish to do some research for your self.
Gosh Kitty I am so hurt by all the ridicule and insults you have projected at me I find I am unable to post a proper response. Whilst I recover perhaps you may wish to do some research for your self.


Looks like a piece of landing gear there...





Looks like the wreckage is spread over quite an area... and there's quite a lot of it. So... what's your major malfunction here?

Again, where are you getting your (obviously wrong) info? Or are you just fabricating is, like you seem to enjoy doing?
and perhaps notice that the worlds media on issue has suddenly gone quiet since about midday yesterday.
and perhaps notice that the worlds media has suddenly gone quiet since about midday yesterday.

Probably because there's been nothing new to report?

Or, would you rather they make a huge fuss every time they find a sock...?

You really are a nutter...
Mod note - I merged these together... for Gods sake stop responding to each part of a reply in its own post...


I see six wheels in total... any sign of the missing 5?

They made sure they photographed the finding of the FDR but for some inexplicable reason they failed to photograph and properly document the finding of the CVR. ( no location )

This is most irregular for a crash scene investigation.
The CVR can not actually be evidential-ly placed at the crash site.

Maybe they are keeping it a secret?

Someone is in trouble I bet...


what else is missing from this crash site .... ?

An impact crater for starters.

It actually looks like the plane may have exploded, shredded, disintegrated just before hitting the ground. at a height of about 100- 200 meters.
and no bodies nor sign of body parts being present (blood)

looks more like rubbish dump with some convenient aviation stuff placed strategically than a crash site...
"An A320 flies into a mountain at over 600kph with a force that totally disintegrates both engines (except one conveniently placed housing) and most other hard parts and leaves no impact crater"

Probably because there's been nothing new to report?

Or, would you rather they make a huge fuss every time they find a sock...?

You really are a nutter...

there is still heaps to report... but maybe they are trying to work out how to deal with the truth rather than continue to perpetrate the charade.

The look on one of USA senior news readers speaks volumes about his opinion as to the credibility of the interviewees, may be he took his journo intuition seriously and started checking...

Maybe one of the passengers or crew have turned up somewhere, like my Iranian Asylum seeker friend...who was supposed to be on-board the missing MH370
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"An A320 flies into a mountain at over 600kph with a force that totally disintegrates both engines (except one conveniently placed housing) and most other hard parts and leaves no impactcrater"​
So you think aluminum is stronger than stone?
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