George Meek's Spiracom device

Magical Realist

Valued Senior Member
So I chanced upon this guy online named George Meek who, along with a psychic friend, constructed a tone generator for communicating with dead people back in the 80's. Great I thought. More parodelia with white noise. But these recordings are noticably different. You can clearly hear words being enunciated over the tones. Turns out Meek fine-tuned his device with advice from the dead person he was communicating with, an engineer friend named Dr. George Mueller who had passed away a decade earlier. He and his assistant William O'Neil accumulated over 20 hours of information from this source all about the nature of man, the various levels of consciousness, and the afterlife. He even wrote a book about it. See what you think about these recordings:

"In 1979, he (George Meek) and his colleague Bill O'Neil developed the Spiricom device, a set of 13 tone generators spanning the range of the adult male voice. O'Neil was psychically gifted, and he collaborated with his spirit friends while developing the large radio-like apparatus, which gave off a droning buzz that filled the room. When O'Neil spoke in its presence, you could hear his voice getting wrapped up in the buzzing noises of the Spiricom machine. He worked on the machine for months, and then a most amazing thing happened. Another voice began to get wrapped up in the radio sounds too—a voice belonging to someone who was present in the room, but invisible. The voice of a spirit.

Bill O'Neil and his spirit friend Dr George Jeffries Mueller had more than 20 hours of dialog through the Spiricom device which the two developed together between 1979 and 1982. These are excerpts from those dialogs."

Also of note is Meek's own scientific report on his device and experiments. Quite detailed and fascinating:
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So it turns out that a device to communicate with the dead doesn't really work? Who could have seen that coming!?

Seriously though MR, glad to see you investigated a bit and and dismissed it. There is hope for you yet.
Now if only you could apply that same level of critical thought to all the other woo that you swallow without question.
Reading some of the forums about the Spiricom device, I find it surprising how far some are willing to casually ignore what most people would find rational (ventriloquism, using an artificial larynx where occasionally he got the timing wrong etc) and try to explain how gifted the "medium" clearly was, how strongly they cling to the notion that it was all genuine and not in any way a hoax.

MR, you at least have some standards! :)
I'm not going to be drawn into how high I think those standards are, though! ;)
Reading some of the forums about the Spiricom device, I find it surprising how far some are willing to casually ignore what most people would find rational (ventriloquism, using an artificial larynx where occasionally he got the timing wrong etc) and try to explain how gifted the "medium" clearly was, how strongly they cling to the notion that it was all genuine and not in any way a hoax.

I found that same information about this Bill O'Neill character. I find it strange that George Meek, who seems very sincere in all this, could be duped by this so-called "medium". I guess honest people are the easiest to fool. I also noticed there's a whole community out there of people who experiment with devices for contacting the dead, called ITC (Instrumental Transcommunication). While I think there are SOME cases that appear authentic thruout history, like Raudive and his EVP's, most of these can be chalked up to parodelia or hearing what you want to hear. There's even some people who take pictures of water reflections in pots and find faces in them! lol!

MR, you at least have some standards! :)
I'm not going to be drawn into how high I think those standards are, though! ;)

I have very high standards about what I think is verified, but very low standards about what I think is possible. If that makes any sense. :)