Registered Senior Member
The word genonymous comes from Greek genesis (origin) and onoma (name).
Genonymous terms are those that are related because some contain the previous one in its definition.
In Biology:
1- Cell is the essential microscopic unit of living beings.
2- A tissue is each of the structures of cells of identical nature and origin that together perform a certain function in living organisms.
3- An organ is any of the parts of the body of a living being composed of tissues that play a differentiated function
The word genonymous comes from Greek genesis (origin) and onoma (name).
Genonymous terms are those that are related because some contain the previous one in its definition.
In Biology:
1- Cell is the essential microscopic unit of living beings.
2- A tissue is each of the structures of cells of identical nature and origin that together perform a certain function in living organisms.
3- An organ is any of the parts of the body of a living being composed of tissues that play a differentiated function