So me posting the facts, makes me superficial. Posting the facts means I have an attitude problem.
Posting make-believe is not the same as facts. Posting self-centered make-believe is indeed superficial. Angrily posting self-centered make-believe in order to beg people's attention is an attitude problem. Seriously, follow your makeup bit back to the topic post; "makeup can hide certain forms of ugliness" might seem something of a truism, but it's also your cover for running away from having to answer for your own argument. Eventually you just come up with
post hoc bullshit like, "They aren't talking about anything. They just post narcissistic selfies and get comments."
If a Nazi flaws out flaws in the Jew religion, or flaws in the gene code of semetic ancestry, then the facts are the facts (that is, if they truly are facts).
Interestingly, you got it in the parenthetic note. Too bad you preceded that quote by dismissing the point as irrelevant. See, the thing is that if the "Nazi [points] out the flaws in the Jew religion, or flaws in the gene code of semetic [
sic] ancestry", we're going to check the presuppositions, and review the data. (
Hint: Both the points you suggested are subjective measures.)
Just like if Eliot Rodger points out flaws in the dating system ....
Yeah, y'know ... see, we've reviewed the presuppositions and found them lacking. There is no useful support data to review.
Not sure how to answer, as you are vague as per usual.
As Homer once expressed, "Do I have to draw you a diagram?"
Maybe because, your question was vague as per usual ...
... You never specified any of these things.
Here, think of it this way: You said, "If gender roles were reversed, and men had sex with women...but demanded women
pay men to have sex with them...would that make
any sense?"
Part of the reason the question of how men and women have sex with each other is important involves the question of why who pays for what. And in that context, it's absolutely ridiculous that you would sit here and bawl so loudly about something you don't actually understand.
• Has anyone ever gone to a hospital seeking medical treatment for internal injuries inflicted by your penis?
• Have you ever "accidentally" choked your partner to unconsciousness in heated passion while dorsally mounted?
• Have you ever "unintentionally" opened your partner's forehead or lip driving their head into the furniture while bangin' away?
Oh, right. Sorry.
Anyway, what was that you were saying? "If gender roles were reversed, and men had sex with women...but demanded women
pay men to have sex with them...would that make
any sense?"
Still, yes, there is as I noted, a point at which it makes sense; the problem, though, is that it raises a certain question about men only learning to fuck
properly if paid to do so. In truth, if men haven't figured it out, yet, paying them won't help.
People like you make a certain label sound dangerous, just as you go around accusing me of being "dangerous".
Actually, incels
make themselves sound dangerous↗; that's part of the point.
Very similar to how racists go around demonizing all blacks and calling them dangerous.
Honestly, if you want people to believe you're not smart enough to tell the difference between one's skin color and your choice to adopt a political identity, well, okay, I admit there are plenty who will take you up on that point. More practically, though, bullshit, the biggest stupidity is the choice to posture yourself as so damnably stupid.
Or how you go around demonizing all males and blaming them for all the worlds problems.
Well, you know, either not getting enough satisfactory sexual gratification from women who fail to disappoint a man's aesthetics just isn't the whole of all the world's problems, or we need to find a way to blame men for the white woman making slanty eyes at the Korean-American man ... oh. Well, yeah, why
doesn't that Korean-American man who served in the military go the fuck back to China? See? It's
his fault.
Involuntary celibate is a fact, whether or not you identify as it or not.
To a certain degree.
Involuntary starving is a fact, but I do not include under its rubric the notable lack of pizza just magically appearing on my desk. To the other, it's true society will eventually try to feed people. To the beeblebrox, women aren't Canadian bacon.
Furthermore, if you can't be bothered to learn to cook, yes, there will be some hungry nights.
If you are a human, and dont wish to identify as a human, then you are delusional.
With transsexuals it's a little bit different, because they actively want to transform their bodies and escape their bodies.
With incels the identity revolves around the inability to escape the identity they hate.
So there are similarities, but key differences.
If the reason one is "incel" relies on some conspiratorial bit about how society hates males, or whatever, you're not an incel, but, rather, a volcel.
You need to learn to be able to deal with people. Do you understand nobody can be obliged to your enjoyment? That's a key difference right there:
Society cannot provide you girlfriends. And, honestly, like I said,
behavior can make a man physically unattractive.
Yours and a small segment of hysterical societies idea of a word, maybe, but it is no different than racists.
For example, racists will twist a word to mean something else, for example, black means watermelon.
Incel, means evil.
That is how hysterical groups such as yourself twist words around.
Can you figure out that when we had to deal with white supremacists who called themselves "Aryan", most white Americans were smart enough to not identify as "Aryan" unless they were declaring in tha tfight.
This is another basic difference you really ought to be capable of figuring out: When a white supremacist says "black means rapist, criminal, or watermelon", that is a white supremacist talking about someone else. When incels raise the identity of violence and revolution, that's incels talking about themselves. Society tried not taking the incel movement seriously, and a bunch of people are dead because of that. Now incels have attention and we're not surprised to encounter this pathetic flock who want to talk the talk but pretend otherwise.
A flat out lie, when did I ever say to purge heterosexual men?
You are out right delusional at this point.
You're the one who invoked a "binary 'us vs. them' thought and feminist man-blaming delusion". Do you know what "binary" means?
Your "binary 'us vs. them' thought and feminist man-blaming delusion" is your own straw man;
if it was true, the other part of the binary set—
i.e., those other elements of society—
then there would be actual evidence of it.
More personal insults and abuse. But as a male, I'm expected to sit idly by and take it, especially if the abuse is given of course by a woman of authority.
Wow, you couldn't even answer the question.
Should we record that as
unwilling, or
But keep repeating the dogma that women are gods, holy pure and all that is good of the world.
I think that is what upsets these women. That I do not worship them and I am the devil of their godhood, I blaspheme against their holy name.
If, in the moment, I don't argue about whether women's beer fart stink just as bad as a man's or worse, it might have something to do with not giving a damn, or it might have something to do with the priority of some dude up on the dinner table shitting in the alfredo. And if he wishes to justify himself that his sister farted and Christ almighty does it stink, people's focus on the infliction of biohazard and forced hunger alike as they scramble to clean up the mess and figure out how to feed the people whose meal he just ruined does not in any way constitute any particular hatred of men.
To the other, your obsession is bound to creep some people out.
The most extreme male is a festering pile of rage and uncontrollable sexual and violent urges.
However, most males are not this way, the rational man is more controlled and has more morality than those absurdist males you portray in those ridiculous rock videos.
Most males don't waste their time making their sexual ineptitude into a political platform.
But at the same time, people like you want to strip males of it completely, turn them into complacent slaves who have no agency of their own, slaves waiting on female love that will never come.
It is, even now, at least slightly astonishing when ostensible men try this line, because its formulaic effect is the argument that men are complacent slaves who have no agency of their own if they ... what, aren't provided satisfactory girlfriends? Stop denigrating men like that.
When the world is ran by female narcissists, expect to get discarded for defying the gods. Of course what female narcissist would want to tolerate any views which defy the notion that she is a holy god?
I'll worry about it when these mythical female narcissists have a realistic shot at running the world.