gender views cause of incel.

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I see a lot of misandrist bullshit here.

Seriously sci forums should be shut down for saying such misandrist nonsense.

Seriously, is the United States such a misandrist and men-hating society?

The problem is that pretty white ladies are misandrists and many of them treat men as disposable and lets face it, ugly men like me will always be disposable to them and men like me will be thrown away into the garbage by these pretty white ladies.
Oh look, the 'not all men' are here.

Representing? Because your vapid misogyny was just not enough?

Here is the thing about 'not all men'.

We know.

The desperate manner in which the 'not all men' brigade keep reminding us that 'it's not all men', as though we are all too stupid to know otherwise... Who are you trying to convince anyway? I mean, do you think women are too dumb to know that it is not all men, that you have to come out and explain it to us, to complain about it to us?

How about you speak up about the men who are misogynists, instead of whining that it's 'not all men' and then going on your own misogynistic rants in the process? Ya know? Like this latest one:

The problem is that pretty white ladies are misandrists and many of them treat men as disposable and lets face it, ugly men like me will always be disposable to them and men like me will be thrown away into the garbage by these pretty white ladies.
The problem with this article is that it assumes men are all the same. It's not fair to generalize all men like that. Not all men are the same just not all women are the same.
I highlighted the parts that scream irony....

In case you can't find it.

The reason the "pretty white ladies" won't date you is because of the 'I'm a woman hating creep' vibe that you give off. It comes across even online. The live version of you would have that coming off you in waves.

In other words, it's not them. It's you.

Perhaps, you know, you could stop with the whole "pretty white ladies" crap to begin with. For obvious reasons. And go from there.
Perhaps, you know, you could stop with the whole "pretty white ladies" crap to begin with. For obvious reasons. And go from there.
Racist mysogynistic psychopathy
rendering a type of female to not be human.

just like the nazis did in WWII

self fulfilling demonisation of a class of human to validate hate for self objectification as a sense of self actualisation.
stuck in a constant rienforcement of external blame for lack of self acceptance and satisfaction.

it is a part of early teen psychological development.
"i feel bad so everything is your fault"
a disownership of self accountability for emotional state.

though its been fostered in a litigious climate to validate hate as a process of physical emotional manifestation.

it is as much a social environmental disease as it is a mental illness
like poison it poisons the surroundings and attracts that which is ill to make that which is ill more ill.
Is it better to assume that all white women are a certain way?

I believe that all pretty white women will simply not date a very ugly guy like me and that's a fact. It's just the way their genes and brain works.

For example women who look like Rachel Cook, Avril Lavigne, Lucy Hale, Anastasia Sheglova, (she is a Russian model), Anastajiga Kondratjeva (she is a Latvian model), Mimi Michaels (she played in the movie Boogeyman 3) and Nina Dobrev will never date a very ugly and poor guy like me and I think that's a fact I have to deal with.
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Fuck off idiot. If you don't like what I post why don't you just piss off into the ether and never come back?
She wasnt being mean and appears to have been trying to understand your position. Im not surprised that they dont like you if you do this to all women every time you perceive even a hint of critism from them.
Perhaps, you know, you could stop with the whole "pretty white ladies" crap to begin with. For obvious reasons. And go from there.

Whenever I see that phrase--"pretty white ladies"--I can't help but think of Amanda Seifreid's character in Mean Girls. You could do a re-edit of all her scenes in the film, and all the comedy would simply vanish. It would just be scary as hell.

This tactic, favored first and foremost by white supremacists, of framing your "argument" in a manner so utterly ridiculous so that respondents have to do some work in order to perceive the implicit threat--to quote Trump--should almost be illegal. I mean, I read that shit about "pretty white ladies" and I chuckle. I honestly can't help myself. But it's really not funny at all.

your throwing in "poor" as if to say they are potential prostitutes.
thats quite a different stretch from an emotional sexual relationship
or are you just talking about a sexual 1 night stand ?

you seem to be quite mixed up about it all. mashing everything in to 1 big lump and then laying a single emotional excuse against the cause and effect of the outcome based on everything else except your actions.

ive met women who have the looks of super models who are dating men who are very ordinary looking.
your application of the word "ugly" is completely loaded into your own self driving narative.

maybe you think you deserve a women who is owned by a man who is really super hot.
maybe your not really interested in the actual women as a person. only as an award to wear on your arm to serve your ego in public ?

ive met couples of al different shapes sizes and colours and sexual orientations.
when 2 are in love, the looks have no matching sexual comparative external features.
apart from being clean & hyginic and having generaly good quality personal hygine.

i think your sticking your head down a hole in the ground and then complaining about it being dark and dirty.
and thats after you have spent an awful long time looking for a particularly dirty dark hole in the ground.

maybe you have developed an inter personal relationship with misery.
its not uncommon.
but misery AND dehumanising women together... thats not good.

and if you want some cold hard facts about where the pendulem seems to not swing at all...
domestic abuse
battered wifes
tortured children
domestic homicide
domestic child murder
male on baby infanticide

the dice is squarely loaded against women.
the homicide rate is roughly 45% of ALL murder is domestic murder of a women by a partner.

sure some people treat other like they are disposable.
the actual amount of women who act that way to men compared to the vast number of men beating their own loved ones to death on a daily basis, doesnt really compare.

maybe you should start reading govt stats on domestic violence.(if and when your emotionally capable to process such misery).
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Argument: Women dont care about looks, just get a confident personality, be happy, successful and charming, women will come to you.
That would be an argument that all women are the same, wanting the same thing. As for what men want, I've seen all sorts of women. Each had something to offer. One thing is for certain, a smile can go a long way.
I believe that all pretty white women will simply not date a very ugly guy like me and that's a fact. It's just the way their genes and brain works.
It's called self preservation.

Most species are able to identify a predator or potential predator and steer clear.

For example women who look like Rachel Cook, Avril Lavigne, Lucy Hale, Anastasia Sheglova, (she is a Russian model), Anastajiga Kondratjeva (she is a Latvian model), Mimi Michaels (she played in the movie Boogeyman 3) and Nina Dobrev will never date a very ugly and poor guy like me and I think that's a fact I have to deal with.

Would you like a cookie?

You being ugly or poor is not the cause. It's your personality.

It's the fact that you are looking solely at aesthetics instead of substance.

It's the fact that you're the dude who carries on because you deem yourself worthy of only the best, while demonising everyone else and then blaming the women for giving you a berth wide enough to park the titanic in sideways.

As I said, it's your personality.
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"whining" may have gotten you what you wanted as a child and as a teenager.
however, it does not get what you want from other adults.

just because they wont give you what you want when you whine about it, does not mean they are inherantly bad.

i hope you evolve past the age of a whiny 10yo spoilt child at some stage
though, this is the kicker, developing layers of morality judgements over the top of the developmental problem causing psychosis makes getting better an awful lot harder.
It's how people like him try to justify themselves. By diminishing others in regards to their age, looks, etc.

ive been recently studying(a hunch i had) "narcissistic defense mechanisms" conscious & unconscious.
it is my recent discovery that i suspect narcissistic subconscious defense is an invasive species which muddys the water between being able to clearly define the difference between a person with CB negative behaviour patterns and someone suffering from BPD or narcissistic personality disorder(generalised).

Freud was no stranger to the mysoginistic process through association of male hate toward the developmental child.

thus the self association to validate ones own belittlement to service the victim as a form of ND(conscious) would be quite normal.

i think this trait range of disorder is specifically highlighted in the babyboomers because of the black & white difference between emotional development and gender seperation normalcy through emotional relationships and societal function.
matched with self actualisation.

much like the autism spectrum of today however it is just hidden behind religion as a disguise. all the racism gender discrimination and homophobia normalised as religion to hide the incel habbituated bayboomer self actualisation.

all emotional problems are the womens fault because i am only allowed to emotionaly open up to a women.

very 10 year old child kinda thing
very formative to the psychye

not a death sentence, but trying to get 40 to 60 year old men to start therapy is as you would imagine, almost impossible.
It becomes a death sentence to the women they kill.

That's the thing. People do not take gender violence seriously.

They ignore the warning signs. They ignore previous instances of violence. And then when women die, we get the 'we had no idea'...

Bullshit they had no idea.

Look at Nicholas D'Agostino in Texas.

He was also known for his hate fill posts on social media, the hatred going towards women. And they still let him out on bail. He was not disarmed. Despite the fact they knew he posed a real risk towards women in society.

These men believe they are entitled to behave this way and society looks away for most of it.
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