gender views cause of incel.

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You are simply wrong here in my opinion. Women many times also obsess about a guy's looks and most women will definitely not date a very ugly-looking guy even when they say they would.

do men force woment to pay for sex before they will have sex with them ?

why ?

Red Pill or Blue Pill

Pluto, i note here i have not back read on all your posts so i do not know if you are a
pro-rapist or an anti-rapist.

i am assuming your neutral for my post.
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I know for a fact that white women will never date a guy like me, especially the pretty white women.

White people in general and especially pretty white women are evil and shallow people and I realized that a long time ago.

I have a much better chance to get a girlfriend in places like Africa, Papua New Guinea, India, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Haiti and in certain poor Latin America countries or in places like that.
I know for a fact that white women will never date a guy like me, especially the pretty white women.

White people in general and especially pretty white women are evil and shallow people and I realized that a long time ago.

I have a much better chance to get a girlfriend in places like Africa, Papua New Guinea, India, Jamaica, the Bahamas, Haiti and in certain poor Latin America countries or in places like that.

i am not surprised by your opinion.
there are communitys of singular cultural constuct inside many countrys.
what does surprise me is that you maintain the opinion after gaining access to the internet.
i guess your level of racist indoctrination has been to make you lean toward only reading material that fits the narative running in your mind.

i have met one or two dark skinned people of different ethnic backgrounds who think it is physically impossible for a dark skinned person to be racist.

ive met a dark skinned & extremely light white skinned couple with children who the male thought bi-racial couples was socially normal but gay couples were socially unacceptable.
such opinions are actualy fairly common in southern USA bible belt places where mixed ethnicity has been founded on corrective social assembly of slaves back into main stream(the slave masters) social culture.

do you reject christianity as being racist and evil ?
If you are saying women are "snakes" you have some issues.
I do have issues. Many of these issues were caused by women, but not all.

Also, it's your choice to be offended. Some use snake as a term of endearment. I simply say things as I see them, your choice to be offended or not.
For example, in a game called Metal Gear Solid, Snake is a very popular and well-received character.
If you are saying women are "snakes" you have some issues.
He's confusing his Garden of Eden story there. :) Eve talking to the snake was a literary device to show Eve's thought process. The snake turned out to be telling the truth, if that's any comfort.
We , Humanity , is a troubled bunch .

If you don't get a positive response from someone you are attracted to , move on .
INCEL is the unwilling victim of culture
it is the anti-christ child of the whiny entitlist liberal lefty facist alt-right anti pollitical correctness parents
an american socio-cultural anomaly
the clinical term is schitzophrenic
probably on the same tree as paranoid with the psychosis of borderline narcissistic gender morphic.

i would suggest 80% of all INCELS are closet homosexuals with Habituated borderline personality disorder from mild paranoid schitzophrenia normalised through a sociopathic parenting model.
INCEL is the unwilling victim of culture
it is the anti-christ child of the whiny entitlist liberal lefty facist alt-right anti pollitical correctness parents
an american socio-cultural anomaly
the clinical term is schitzophrenic
probably on the same tree as paranoid with the psychosis of borderline narcissistic gender morphic.

i would suggest 80% of all INCELS are closet homosexuals with Habituated borderline personality disorder from mild paranoid schitzophrenia normalised through a sociopathic parenting model.
It has more to do with that vapid sense of entitlement with deeply racist undertones.. They buy into the racist ideal about 'pretty white women' as being the perfect woman.

Read how these men describe women, blame women..

The central theme is that they believe they are entitled to these "pretty white women". And if those women refuse to date them, then it is the woman's fault.

The fact women in general would avoid the hell out of them because that sense of entitlement and rage and misogyny that feeds it floats of these men like a rancid gas is beside the point..

It has a lot to do with upbringing, how women are viewed in their household during their childhood, how their parents taught them about women.. Also the upbringing that 'my boy can have everything he wants!' type of parenting. Where respect is ignored.. Where the notion that women are human beings equal to themselves is thrown out the window. Instead, she is a prize, something to be shown off, paraded in front of family and friends, an aesthetic status symbol. Why? Because these men believe that is what they are entitled to. They believe that they are entitled to this to achieve success, respect and envy.

Women aren't human beings to the likes of River, gamelord and others like them. They are objects. Objects they believe they are entitled to. Objects they blame for their own shortcomings and issues.
I see a lot of misandrist bullshit here.

Seriously sci forums should be shut down for saying such misandrist nonsense.

Seriously, is the United States such a misandrist and men-hating society?

The problem is that pretty white ladies are misandrists and many of them treat men as disposable and lets face it, ugly men like me will always be disposable to them and men like me will be thrown away into the garbage by these pretty white ladies.
I see a lot of misandrist bullshit here.

Seriously sci forums should be shut down for saying such misandrist nonsense.

Seriously, is the United States such a misandrist and men-hating society?

The problem is that pretty white ladies are misandrists and many of them treat men as disposable and lets face it, ugly men like me will always be disposable to them and men like me will be thrown away into the garbage by these pretty white ladies.
OK, well, I happened to read this: this morning...

It’s a tool that is used often. Of the more than 100 mass shootings that have occurred in the U.S. since 1982, just two of them have been committed by women. It’s a trend mirrored in other violent crimes. According to the Federal Bureau of Statistics, men make up 99 percent of arrests for forcible rape, 88 percent of arrests for murder, and 80 percent of arrests for violent crimes overall.
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