Then what is the problem?
The problem is that you are spreading misinformation out of ignorance.
Is participating in this "scheme" beneficial or harmful to the world's oceans and beaches?
But you are
not participating. You
said so.
And it's not a "scheme" (that's a strawman). It is
... a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it...
All you do is cast suspicions about the financial model used to earn, account for, and benefit the effort to be environmentally responsible.
Then you have failed, once again, to read and comprehend. I cast no "suspicions". (That's another strawman.)
This is what I said:
OceanHero's model of sponsoring cleanup via revenue from clickthroughs (which they openly declare for all who care to read) is a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it, and the rest of the world is well aware of it.
A sucker for doing what? Participating in a good thing?
Once, again: you are
not participating. You
said so.
Who said anything about getting scammed? (Another Strawman.)
Now do you understand why you make me sick?
I do. I shine a light on your naivete, and lack of comprehension of things you copy-paste. That's got to be embarrassing.
It is your callous disregard for Nature and the damage we inflict on ocean life by our wanton behaviors.
I have shown no callous diseregard for Nature. (Yet
another strawman.)
I haven't said
anything negative about OceanHero. Once again:
...[it is] a perfectly common and legit revenue model, employed my thousands of companies. There's nothing untoward about it...
And don't tell me you care. Your priorities have been demonstrated.
What I care about, here on this forum, is the spreading of misinformaiton due to ignorance. That hurts the world. Stop doing that.
P.S. The fact that you have erected no less than four independent strawmen in the same post is an indication that you have no actual complaint, so you have to make your own things up and then attack
them. "scheme" is your word, "suspicion" is your word, "scam" is your word, "callous disregard for nature", your words. None of these things apply to anything I've said (and you would know this if you bothered to read before posting.) So you attack
yourself, and in doing so, look the fool.