Fun Facts

Yet more plastic in land fill. When these weapons have been used does any one consider what happens to all this plastic waste? No.
Plastic will be the death of us.
You may want to look into this organization.

61,045,168 Ocean-bound plastic bottles recovered 56,648 just last week See certificates See how it works Search the web and save the oceans.
OceanHero is a search engine like any other. However, for every five searches you do, you recover one plastic bottle. Add OceanHero to your browser Rated (222)
Why change my search engine? 18 billion pounds. Read more

My surfing has cleaned the beaches from 717 plastic bottles and counting.
The search engine seems to work just fine and the rotating background presents some of the most beautiful sea-life.
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Only if you click on ads. That's where their revenue comes from. It says so.
No it doesn't. I use it and the sponsor sites only if needed. For one it is a not-for-profit organization marketing a positive environmental effort. Every time I consult Wiki via OceanHero, I get credit toward plastic being cleaned.

Every 5 searches earns a "bottle cleaned", and the natural oceanlife rotating backgrounds library is breathtaking. It seems very reliable.
It has some very Big sponsors who only seek to be associated with the notion of a clean ocean. It's a good thing.

My current count is 700+ bottles cleaned from some beach = 3500 searches.
You may want to look into this organization.

That's great but my post was meant as a little joke.
Every part of a atom bomb, foam included would be vaporised pretty much instantly on detonation.
The temperatures like those on/in the sun.
No it doesn't. I use it and the sponsor sites only if needed. For one it is a not-for-profit organization marketing a positive environmental effort. Every time I consult Wiki via OceanHero, I get credit toward plastic being cleaned.

Every 5 searches earns a "bottle cleaned", and the natural oceanlife rotating backgrounds library is breathtaking. It seems very reliable.
It has some very Big sponsors who only seek to be associated with the notion of a clean ocean. It's a good thing.

My current count is 700+ bottles cleaned from some beach = 3500 searches.
Ah, so by the the Principle of Conservation of Shit, the cleaning up you do in one place fills this forum with an equivalent amount of junk.

I see: it all makes sense.
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You didn't bother to read how it works, did you? What a shock.

View attachment 5797

When you're done, I have some land in Florida to sell you, cheap.
I don't know where you got that bizarre piece of information, but it is completely misleading, and is for that I am bothering to respond to you and exchemist.

When you activate the "always use this search box", every search earns credits.

I post this not to be argumentative but to correct the record.
I use this search engine and have NEVER used any of the 4 listed sponsors. (Amazon, Hotels, Trivago, Samsung). Only 4 rotating sponsors are listed at any time).
Note that Sciforums is not a sponsor but gives me credits every time I use that shortcut to Sciforums.

Again, Credits are given for using the search bar for any search!

Top right in picture lists the current search "shell count" (33) and the number of bottles (735) that have been cleaned from beaches in my name.
The total number of bottles cleaned currently stands at 67,670,668 bottles.

I am proud that I have contributed to this worthy effort in saving ocean life, from the filth humans spread. Exchemist ....note!
I don't know where you got that bizarre piece of information,
It should alarm you that you don't know where that fact came from - since it came directly from their very site. It should alarm you that you now realize didn't bother to read up on something you bought in to and know what what is actually is.

but it is completely misleading,
I certainly do not dispute that this company is being misleading in its claims.

Top right in picture lists the current search "shell count" (33) and the number of bottles (735) that have been cleaned from beaches in my name.
No it doesn't.

Not in that screen grab, at least. That screen grab shows only numbers, without labels. And without delving into the fine print you are guessing what they actually represent.

That's how they dupe naive readers - by posting cool-looking numbers and hoping you won't read the fine print.

It's called puffery.

Puffery: futile speech, typically of a seller, which does not give rise to legal liability. In a circular manner, legal explanations for this normative position describe the non-enforceable speech as a statement that no "reasonable person" would take seriously anyway.

It is what used car salesmen are doing when they say "This baby was driven by a little old lady a half mile to church and back once a week.

No court in the land will let you sue for such a claim. You, as a prospective buyer, have an obligation to ignore such vague claims and go get a CarFax report, which tells you explicitly what exactly the car has been through.

I don't know if you're old enough to remember letters from Publisher's Clearing House. Their letters used to say (paraphrased):

You're a Winner! $2 million dollars!*

*is what this letter would say of you had signed up

We learned never to trust the bold claims - always read the fine print. There's no way you're a Boomer without learning this lesson.

The total number of bottles cleaned currently stands at 67,670,668 bottles.
Yep. Via clickthroughs.

I am proud that I have contributed
Except that you explicitly admit you have never done so:
have NEVER used any of the 4 listed sponsors.

You are a fool if you don't read the fine print of claims you participate in.

Yikes, I hope for your sake you have someone who has Power of Attorney over your finances!
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It should alarm you that you don't know where that fact came from - since it came directly from their very site. It should alarm you that you didn't bother to read up on somethin you've committed to.
I certainly do not dispute that this company is being misleading in its claims.
And what about the sponsors who pay for the cleaning?
Amazon, Hotels, Trivago, Samsung are supporting a fraudulent enterprise? Yes, they are so easily fooled or part of fraudulent practices.
They pay for the advertisement, not for the exclusive use!
Again: I have acres of land in Florida to sell you, cheap!
No you don't and I would not trust you to be an honest broker.

I do trust this company. They don't sell land in Florida. They clean beaches from plastic trash around the world.
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And what about the sponsors who pay for the cleaning?
These are questions you should have asked yourself before signing up.

I've already done more research into this organization than you have - and I didn't have to go farther than one click on 'How It Works'.

No you don't and I would not trust you to be an honest broker.
I guess it's good to know know you are at least capable of skepticism for offers from strangers.

I do trust this company.
Of course you do. You didn't bother to read what they actually do. You read the front page and signed up immediately, without doing even a smidgoen of research.

Are you starting to see why you have no credibility here on SciFo? We see the exact same utter lack of comprehension in everything you mindlessly cut and paste.

This supercedes mere academic disagreement on a discussion forum; I am now geniunely concerned for your well-being as a fellow human. You are absolutely ripe to have all your wealth and fortune taken by the first grifter that sees you coming from a mile off. Jesus, man! You are a walking, talking sucker! Get yourself some critical thinking skills before you end up wearing a barrel!
These are questions you should have asked yourself before signing up.
Again you miss the point. These companies just want to advertise, using the OH search engine.
But why would these reputable companies associate with a fraudulent non-profit organization is the question? Do you think they are stupid too?

You have been arguing too long trying to debunk EVERYTHING in this forum.

p.s. The last property investment I made yielded a $50,000 profit. How about you?
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Yes, it does. Says it right on the page... in plain sight.
How does OceanHero work?
1. Users search with OceanHero and we display search results with a few related ads
2.Revenue from users clicking on ads pays for the collection of ocean-bound plastic

He can't seem to be bothered to read it when it's in black body serif text or when it's the only thing on the screen written in 20pt white sans header text for extra special attention...

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Yes, revenue from clicking on all ads or just using the Ocean search bar will earn you bottles.

OK, then tell me how I was able to collect 735 bottles . Wait now 736 going on to 737 on my next random search.
Also note that 2 advertisers have rotated. Obviously I cannot click on the previous 2. They are no longer there. But there are 2 new advertisers.

Why do you ignore what I post

Watch this:


  • upload_2024-1-18_15-11-38.gif
    224.5 KB · Views: 2
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By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the ocean

That’s why we recover ocean-bound plastic when you browse the web

Collect shells
along the way
How do I earn shells?
Collecting shells is very easy. Just open tabs, search the web or answer fun questions about the oceans.


Just surf the web like you do every day
Collect shells
along the way

No clicking on sponsors "required" to earn shells.

Do you realize what you are doing here? You are sabotaging a worthy legitimate program!!!!!!!!!

You make me sick !
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Yes, revenue from clicking on all ads or just using the Ocean search bar will earn you bottles.
So you seem to think. We have shown where the organization itself says that's not the way it works.

OK, then tell me how...
We're not here to do your homework for you.

Why do you ignore what I post
What you post doesn't refute the facts we have found with 5 seconds of research.
Collect shells
along the way

No clicking on sponsors "required" to earn shells.
Ooh - lots of pretty clipart for you, congrats. What are you, twelve?

And here I thought we were talking about actual bottles collected. Bit of a moving of the goalposts there. Are you now walking back your claim actual bottles getting collected? At the very least, you're distancing yourself from it.

Do you realize what you are doing here? You are sabotaging a worthy legitimate program!!!!!!!!!
Anything that can be dismantled by the simple revealing of facts, deserves to be.

And all we have done is list facts. Facts directly from the organization's own website. And facts you should have found yourself.



All that is happening here is that you are evealing your own naivete and superficial virtue-signaling. "I'm saving the world by collecting pretty shell badges!"

You make me sick !
That is a sympton of having your unfounded beliefs shaken, yes.

And, of course, the embarassment that we could do so with 12 seconds of research that you didn't do.

Stop beating this to-death. You're making a fool of yourself.
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Collect shells
along the way
What do the shells mean? Anything?

What does the company undertake to do when you collect enough shells? How many is enough?

Do you know how the site works, or don't you? Can you explain?
Again you miss the point.
Right the point is when W4U makes a mistake instead of saying, "oops", he doubles down and refuses to admit any error and makes increasing embarrassing assertions hoping to cover his error. His behavior is baffling since 'sticking to his guns' just makes him look way, way more foolish than just admitting his error.