it seems wrong/unethical/immoral to keep immigrants out
wall theory ...
probably worth its own thread given the vast array of social policy, politics & competing economic ideology.
what you have elucidated is the something i have noticed mentioned by differing people.
the concept of
morality around immigration rules.
i think it is the wrong way to look at the issue
morality is wholly defined by regional religious ideology in 99% of the world.
china being a statistical exception however their rule of law is no different to any religious dictatorship when it comes to real effects.
capital punishment & corporal punishment are a good mediator of that scale.
Muslim law country's have a different morality to christian law country's
equally china has its own
morality law.
inserting the idea of
morality into a mandate to define a singular balance is devoid of the very nature of the culture to which is being allowed to come in and set up their own cultural
morality is the only
morality that can be defined as an inclusive
moral code to abide immoral nature to preventing different
moralities from being allowed in... thus defining a
moral nature to the act of border control.
ironically, or humanistically
climate change suffers from the same type of divided divisiveness nature toward dictatorship & inclusiveness
all parts are equal to the whole when the human is inserted into the environment or extracted from it.