Female Sexual Fantasies

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i have read that most woman are intrested by anal sex

I think most women fantasize about anal sex... without all the discomfort it actually entails.

Come to think of it, a lot of sexual fantasies are not as much fun if carried out in reality.
I'm disappointed as well...I thought I'd get to read some of my fellow females fantasies, but NOOO...fine, I'll take one for the team:

I'm not about the animals, never fantasized about a Mongol horde gangbanging me nor has a Viking swept me off my feet and then ravaged me...hmmm...lets see...

I like it rough, dirty, and wrong in fantasy and life. I never think about a guys face or his eyes or his sweet words of love...or even the setting. Give me a good wall, do me up against it, and I'm happy in about 2.5 seconds. And if you hurt me a little, I'll like that too. Or maybe bite me, choke me, bleed me, dominate me...let me do it back to you...those are all good fantasies of mine. Fuck love and flowers and soap operas and romance...believe me guys, girls fantasies are much freakier then you think, but they've just been told their whole lives not to A) act out on it or B) ever talk about it, mention it, bring it up, or think about it.

Next time you fantasize be sure to lift your right leg and wrap it round his waist.
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i have read that most woman are intrested by anal sex

Vlech. When I want the feeling of constipation I'll just OD on eggs.

I just realized i have not contributed on here so:

Not averse to a little s and m. I'd never get into anything too sketchy though.

Asphyxiation, again not going too far. Just enough for a headrush when you take the pressure off.

Electrodes. I do not know why.

Fuck love and flowers and soap operas and romance...believe me guys, girls fantasies are much freakier then you think

Yay! I'm not the only one!
VI, yea sexual Asphyxia is GREAT:p

DONT use anything but his or your hands though because people have died because they used a belt and the belt got stuck
My fantasies are rarely romantic. The men in my fantasies almost never have facial features. What does that mean? That I'm not really interested in their personalities or something? curious.
No faces???

Do they have heads?

Yeah they have heads, but no defined facial features. I'm trying to picture them right now... I always can't see their facial features for some reason or another, like because it's to dark or they aren't facing me or whatever. Weird.
I always can't see their facial features for some reason or another.
What other parts do they not need?

What about their legs...they dont need those.

Can you imagine an encounter with a Greek torso?

I have a dull fantasy life, it seems. :bugeye:

No Mongol hordes, vikings, dogs, animals, electrodes, pipes or any sort of violence. Pain is a turnoff for me. No gangbangs, one at a time is more than enough.
Not even Sean Connery...as arab nomad chief El Raisuli?


Chocolate heroes are no good in a fantasy, they keep looking for mirrors to gaze at themselves.

Now Jack Black on the other hand...:cool:


I'd take Omar Sharif in Genghis Khan though.
he was GREAT in harry potter and even better in Doctor who. She loves watching confidential though because his accent is ovious when hes talking normally in that show:p
My friend showed me a picture from some porn website of a men and women who had all of their limbs amputated. I mean I know amputees have sex too, but it never dawned on me that it actually turned people on. Grossed me out, that would take a lot of getting used to for me.
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