Female Sexual Fantasies

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I read a thread here and then i tought on something...what do you guys think about female sexual fantasies? do you mind that your girl fancy about other men?

Do you think that they do that?

Do u think that its almost impossible to find a woman that NEVER:
a) had a fantasy about a stranger
b) had a fantasy about menage/orgy/rape, etc
c) had at least one fantasy about other male (AND, the woman has a male partner altought she may had a fantasy with other guy -colleague, stranger, etc)

I think that LOTS of women that you see everyday ("normal" women that maybe shy or not, that may have good ethics, etc) had at least one of the fantasys refered in that 3 options.

sure women dream of having sex with differant men, if for example, you see a guy that is good looking, and built like a shit brick house, he will stick in your mind, has would a good looking woman to a man,

its very difficult not to find a woman who has had those feeling and if they say they havent then they're lieing, and for all those people who are saying women fantisise about men because they want to reproduce with them thats such rubbish, women are capable of just wanting down right, dirty, wrong, bad sex and why not? if men can have those feeling why not women
imagine that
being on the defensive
representing the corporeal rather than the cerebral
in sci

you are getting played
wake the fuck up and tell it like it is
our conditioning is more pathetic than yours
Probably women have a farther range of fantasies than men. I have found women can differ quite a bit in taste for that type of thing.

If I were to make a generalization about it, I think they would spend more time piecing up the boring shit like how they met this "fantasy" man, what motivated him to want her, probably a huge romantic build up to the event followed by some harelquin style actual mojo action. That or maybe they just reach for their weapon of choice and just press a button - no thought necessary.

See how stupid generalizations can be?
I know and have known women with a wide variety of fantasies, I do not think at all that most women have the fluffy fantasies such as the first one described by nietzschefan.
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The fluff fantasies come from watching Soap Operas. I no longer have any romantic fantasies, nietzschefan has crushed them all.
You name it . . . women fantasise about it! Shagging an entire rugby team (in emulation of the novelist Molly Parkin). Shagging a class of fourteen-year-olds (in emulation of two black chambermaids at a London hotel; the lads were Germans on an educational visit). Shagging monkeys, dolphins, alsatians, or Shetland ponies. Being ravished by a gorilla. Underwater, aerial or zero-gravity shagging. Posing for porno mags. Acting in porno movies. Shagging on a crowded beach. Performing striptease at Grand Central Station. Being raped by a teenage intruder. Being carried off by a Viking. Belonging to a French Foreigh Legion brothel.

But I was hoping for something really wierd and original in this thread. :D
You name it . . . women fantasise about it! Shagging an entire rugby team (in emulation of the novelist Molly Parkin). Shagging a class of fourteen-year-olds (in emulation of two black chambermaids at a London hotel; the lads were Germans on an educational visit). Shagging monkeys, dolphins, alsatians, or Shetland ponies. Being ravished by a gorilla. Underwater, aerial or zero-gravity shagging. Posing for porno mags. Acting in porno movies. Shagging on a crowded beach. Performing striptease at Grand Central Station. Being raped by a teenage intruder. Being carried off by a Viking. Belonging to a French Foreigh Legion brothel. ....

yeah, that sounds about right. But a lot fewer animals. And teenagers. And ruby teams.
yeah, that sounds about right. But a lot fewer animals. And teenagers. And ruby teams.
Glad you enjoyed the Viking. Do you fancy a Mongol horde?

You know, I was hoping to read something really WILD in this thread that would never have occurred to a man. I put this down to webforums being undersubscribed by nymphomaniacs. Maybe they are otherwise engaged. Maybe it's not about fantasising for them, anyway.

I guess I left out women fantasising about being men.
l was honestly hoping to see a few fantasies of the women of sciforums posted on here... too bad, but I think River Ape has covered all hypothetical possibilities. With the Vikings and such.
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l was honestly hoping to see a few fantasies of the women of sciforums posted on here... too bad, but I think River Ape has covered all hypothetical possibilities. With the Vikings and such.

I'm disappointed as well...I thought I'd get to read some of my fellow females fantasies, but NOOO...fine, I'll take one for the team:

I'm not about the animals, never fantasized about a Mongol horde gangbanging me nor has a Viking swept me off my feet and then ravaged me...hmmm...lets see...

I like it rough, dirty, and wrong in fantasy and life. I never think about a guys face or his eyes or his sweet words of love...or even the setting. Give me a good wall, do me up against it, and I'm happy in about 2.5 seconds. And if you hurt me a little, I'll like that too. Or maybe bite me, choke me, bleed me, dominate me...let me do it back to you...those are all good fantasies of mine. Fuck love and flowers and soap operas and romance...believe me guys, girls fantasies are much freakier then you think, but they've just been told their whole lives not to A) act out on it or B) ever talk about it, mention it, bring it up, or think about it.
I like it rough, dirty, and wrong in fantasy and life. I never think about a guys face or his eyes or his sweet words of love...or even the setting. Give me a good wall, do me up against it, and I'm happy in about 2.5 seconds. And if you hurt me a little, I'll like that too. Or maybe bite me, choke me, bleed me, dominate me...let me do it back to you...those are all good fantasies of mine. Fuck love and flowers and soap operas and romance...believe me guys, girls fantasies are much freakier then you think, but they've just been told their whole lives not to A) act out on it or B) ever talk about it, mention it, bring it up, or think about it.

lol Surprisingly arousing stuff there :D Except... I wouldn't choke you, I wouldn't bleed you... with this strange and fun new data presented I may lightly bite you though. Ok ok, this is as close to cybersex as I'll go (public cyber! :eek: )
Of course my girlfriends have thought about other men. I couldn't care less and I can't imagine why anyone would worry about such a thing.
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