Female Sexual Fantasies

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you missed the most ovious:p

HUMANS!!!!!!!!! (we are animals two)

ALL three groups have a comparitively long infacy (in humans it could be argued to be 13 years or more but in general its concidered to be 5 years). This means nature needs a way to keep the parents together in order to protect the children. THATS why females have organisams and males keep there heads after sex:p

Haha, I thought you meant animals other than humans. Misread. And yes, I knew all of that. But what do you mean women have orgasms and men keep their heads after sex?
So you're saying they fantasize about having sex with a man who has a lot of money? That's probably true for some, I hope not for as many as you think. I know I never have or will. Very low on my list on turn ons. Not on the list at all, come to think.
Well, many women clearly love power and/or fame. Even convicted murderers get marriage proposals all the time.

And look at rock stars or NBA players having sex with literally thousands of women. I recall some "behind the music" bit where they talked about how the guys from Def Leppard would go under the stage and have an orgy during the drum solos (except for the drummer, of course).
So you're saying they fantasize about having sex with a man who has a lot of money? That's probably true for some, I hope not for as many as you think. I know I never have or will. Very low on my list on turn ons. Not on the list at all, come to think.

I am with you on that one. It doesn't matter how much money a man has if I don't have any attraction to him. I couldn't marry a man just because he was a millionaire and could buy me anything I wanted, if I wasn't attracted to him for the man and not what he had.
mrow if you look at nature males tend to be used only as long as they proved sperm, for the incect world males this is the point where the males get eaten because nature feels providing a free meal is more benifical than a living male. Of course most of those species then the children eat mum so she doesnt get off any better:p

But the female organisum is a result of pack matting, as you said an orgasium inproves changes of fertility which means that a female who is having sex with all the males in the pack still has a method of controling who gets her pregnant (normally the pack leader).

However the pleasure responce specifically is natures way of keeping parents together for a long period of time in order to increase the chances of long term survival of the offspring.

In biology i belive these actions are called privlage.

its also statisically true that although women cheat both up and down the social level the chances are MUCH higher for pregancy when a women cheats UP the social ladder. This is because the best carer might not produce the strongest offspring (no im not just talking about infertility)

Males tend to be indescriminate in there cheating on the other hand because for males is quanity that matters rather than quality like it is for women
Males tend to be indescriminate in there cheating on the other hand because for males is quanity that matters rather than quality like it is for women

Speak for yourself, some males aren't into screwing every slut that walks by.
Some men are not turned on by a trashy woman that would sleep with them the same night they got picked up in a bar. There are men out there who also want quality over quantity.
HEY, that you for that. I have never cheated in my life, and i never would. Actually i have been cheated ON but thats nither hear nor there
HEY, that you for that. I have never cheated in my life, and i never would. Actually i have been cheated ON but thats nither hear nor there

Good to hear that you wouldn't, terrible that you were. I have never experienced that and hope I never will.
ops that was ment to say "thank you for that".

Anyway i was talking from a biological standpoint rather than an ethical one. From an ethical standpoint cheating isnt defencable but its still a biological imperitive that is built into us.
Jesus you guys speak a lot! I started the thread and in the next morning (i live in Portugal) so much crap of conversations :-D

Ok, kiding. Really, what you guys think about female sexual fantasys?

Men masturbate/fancy about other women (other then their spouse/girlfr.). I bet that majority of men do that.

What about women? The same thing?

How do you face that on your normal life? To know that your GF (or BF, if you are woman or gay) could have sexual desires towards a stranger, a friend or even worst: a great friend of yours??
Kabadan do you ever have fantasies about someone other than your partner?

If you do you cant really complaine if she does, its natural. I only expect what im willing to (or even can) give, ie fedility in action. You cant blame a person (of either gender) for perving on a cute ass (figerativly speaking)

its your actions not your thoughts that matter
Im not sure where i herd this story but someone was telling me that they had a dream that there partner cheated on them and then wouldnt talk to them for a week because they should apologise for something that was only in the womens head:p
Can anyone name the ONLY organ on the human body of EITHER sex that is PURLY designed for pleasure???

First vote was the clit. My vote is the tongue.

EDIT -- retracted. Tongue doubles a muscular surface during mastication, swallowing, and speech.
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A female sexual fantasy should be with other women. The first time I really watched lesbian porn( i swear on everything i'm not making this up) I was so turned on I was crying. They just knew what to do, I most have watched it for hours and pleasured myself 100 times that week. There's nothing hotter than lesbian porn.
I love power. I find it attractive as hell. I think its why the men I dated are large men and why I've dated so many of my bosses. Power is sexy. And it does play a large part in my fantasies.

Never mix business with pleasure...I guess she has never heard of that saying. Sounds like she gives the other employees a lot to talk about at the water cooler. :rolleyes:
Kabadan do you ever have fantasies about someone other than your partner?

If you do you cant really complaine if she does, its natural. I only expect what im willing to (or even can) give, ie fedility in action. You cant blame a person (of either gender) for perving on a cute ass (figerativly speaking)

its your actions not your thoughts that matter
Im not sure where i herd this story but someone was telling me that they had a dream that there partner cheated on them and then wouldnt talk to them for a week because they should apologise for something that was only in the womens head:p

hey, thats not my problem! Really! I am not worried about that! Sexual fantasys are good

i am just trying to know what do you think about how woman experience their sexual fantasys and how you deal with the fantasys of your partners

i really enjoy this kind of theme (sex! lol)
So you're saying they fantasize about having sex with a man who has a lot of money? That's probably true for some, I hope not for as many as you think. I know I never have or will.
Most women say this when they are young. But as they get older and life becomes less idealistic/artistic and more mechanical they start to see their male partners more like human cash registers with arms and legs...from which they can make convenient monthly withdrawals.
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