Female Sexual Fantasies

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Registered Senior Member
I read a thread here and then i tought on something...what do you guys think about female sexual fantasies? do you mind that your girl fancy about other men?

Do you think that they do that?

Do u think that its almost impossible to find a woman that NEVER:
a) had a fantasy about a stranger
b) had a fantasy about menage/orgy/rape, etc
c) had at least one fantasy about other male (AND, the woman has a male partner altought she may had a fantasy with other guy -colleague, stranger, etc)

I think that LOTS of women that you see everyday ("normal" women that maybe shy or not, that may have good ethics, etc) had at least one of the fantasys refered in that 3 options.
I believe that many if not all women have sexual fantasies. The main question however is whether women have sexual fantasies of men.
I'd think that a womans sex drive is more for reproducing rather than pleasure for the most part.
MY sex drive always went into overdrive when I was pregnant. Not having to worry I might have an unplanned pregnancy was freeing.
And when the hubby got a vasectomy...whoa! It went into hyper-drive.
what a load of CRAP.

Can anyone name the ONLY organ on the human body of EITHER sex that is PURLY designed for pleasure???

anyway on the origional topic, YES women have sexual fantasies. So do men

WHO CARES?????????

would you complaine about someone's dream?????????
I read a thread here and then i tought on something...what do you guys think about female sexual fantasies? do you mind that your girl fancy about other men?

Do you think that they do that?

Do u think that its almost impossible to find a woman that NEVER:
a) had a fantasy about a stranger
b) had a fantasy about menage/orgy/rape, etc
c) had at least one fantasy about other male (AND, the woman has a male partner altought she may had a fantasy with other guy -colleague, stranger, etc)

I think that LOTS of women that you see everyday ("normal" women that maybe shy or not, that may have good ethics, etc) had at least one of the fantasys refered in that 3 options.

You're probably right, although you should add a scenario "d".

d) Had at least one fantasy involving Kadark.

I don't know what's wrong with me...

Why would the majority of women in Michigan be gay? That makes no sense. You just really need to change the way you think about women. Orleander's right.
Well, what should I change?

Let me preface by saying, I like you draq. I'm trying to be helpful so don't take offense.

But you have to stop thinking of western women the way you do. Western women are not a separate species from Japanese women. Not all (or even most) western women are fat, uneducated, lesbians, just as not all Japanese women are in good health, very intelligent, and straight. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be the easier you'll find happiness with a woman.
stop thinking women only have sex in order to get things as well.

If you sprout have the crap you do here to people offline its no wonder women dont want to get to know you
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