Female Opinion Required

Originally posted by Adam
Cool_skill, there's no excuse for joking about rape that way. A very close friend of mine was raped. I do not see such jokes as even slightly funny.

Even in his absense, adam makes a good point.
Old garbage.
It was pointless then. It's pointless now. Get over it.
Originally posted by Fafnir665
Just another reason woman may find you unappleaing.
Can't you come up with a weaker method of hating on me?
In my opinion, money play a key role in every relationship. Even girls that do not care about money do it unconsciously or indirectly. Some reasons for it were already discussed here and this is my 2 (or maybe more) cents:
1.Our culture is based on money. Money therefore play a key role in almost everything.
2.You do not have problem with money if you have them.
3.Some girls are indeed attracted to poor guys. But attraction and stable relationship are two completely different things. It is really no problem dating a poor guy for several months or so. It is usually very big problem to live with him for several years.
4.It is not only in girl’s attitude. It also the guy’s. Having a rich girlfriend which supports you can be fun for some time. But I do not know many guys who are able doing it in a long run without feeling inferior (unless they have gigolo mentality).
5.It is also your friends, family etc. At first everybody would congratulate you to your rich girlfriend. But after some time, if they see you are still supported by her, they will start looking down at you.
6.I have both experiences – I used to be really poor. Although it was not a big problem to have a girlfriend, the relationships never lasted long. After I started earning my own money, it was better and better. Girls need not to be “money oriented”, but it really helps if you can take them to some good restaurant, buy them some nice things etc. Also, if YOU have money, you feel more self-confident, more relaxed etc. and that also counts.
7. I know few guys who are able to be very poor and very self-confident and relaxed at the same time - no one of them lives in stable relationship. Some of them, who were that way in the past, immediately changed it when they found a girl they really cared about.

As for welfare thing, there are at least two reasons why I would have problem accepting it:
1.My pride and self-esteem.
2.My attitude towards system. I do like system of country where I live, so I would not accept anything from it. I do not want anything from the system except one thing – to leave me alone.
I think most women prefer a man who could somehow provide for themselves, and not be a leech on their earnings from a legitimate job. I dont think welfare qualifies as a 'dual income' household. Really, how do you live on 550 a MONTH? Thats more than 12k under poverty level. What do you drive, the most dilapidate hoopdy on the block? Is your 'apartment' a parking space?
i'd be more interested in someone that works part time to barely survive rather than a dole bludger, for the simple fact that dole bludging is so wrong, when there are people out there that need the money more than him. I don't care that he doesn't have any money. Flowers picked from the park are just as good if not better than bought ones. And there's always things to do without money, like having a picnic in the lounge room, or going to feed the ducks. It's the effort you show, not the money you spend. Being a student, it helps to know these things.
I don't look at money when I date somebody. They should hopefully be self sufficiant, if you can't find work and need help fine but to be on wellfare just to be on it? I'm sorry I couldn't do it.
I agree with what a couple of others have said on this issue. It's not about the income level. It's a question of character. If you are capable of pursueing your creative goals then you are capable of generating your own means of support. It shows a lack of integrity to cheat the system if you are able to work. In the long run that is going to damage you. It's undermining your own sense of self worth. I have no question that you could find a woman who would tolerate the way you choose to live and could love you for your good qualities. The real question to me is how will you maintain your self respect when you are not living with integrity. It may feel easy to you now but it has undoubtably already impacted how you see yourself.
Cool skill sees people who work for a living as 'slaves of the system' and doesnt respect them at all. One wonders if he views women the same way, or is it only men?
It shouldn't matter what they earn, or don't earn for that matter If you really like them, or love them, it wouldn't matter if they lived in a box, would it, because you would share the box together.
Fafnir665 said:
Cool skill sees people who work for a living as 'slaves of the system' and doesnt respect them at all. One wonders if he views women the same way, or is it only men?
Irrelevant. Ad hom. You're a moron. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!
Uh huh. I'm just repeating what you say.

Can you not even remember the crap you spew? That would make you the moron ;)

Its funny how not a person would want anything to do with someone leeching off welfare.

Oh, and would you make an exception for a working woman? Are you that desperate that you wouldnt hold to your ideals? Wouldnt that make your ideals very thin and shallow?

Loser :p
Fiiine, insults... Hmm, except mine arent meaningless.

You loser with no work ethic on welfare because youre lazy. No wonder you never get laid :p
So wait a second... is there a single male on welfare here? Because if so... you've met your match dreamboy.
I'd definitely date a guy like that (assuming I liked other things about him). I think wasting away your life working is pretty darn stupid and I wouldn't date a guy who thought otherwise.
I'm not the obsessed idiot going around trying to pull up my threads because you are mad and psychotic.
What exactly was your purpose for responding to this thread that has been gone for years?
Some women like men who are motivated, or ones they respect (welfare dosnt fit either category very well) Ill say that its not at all impossible to find a girl who would appreciate you for who you are, but If I was gay, I wouldnt go for you as you choose to live off of benifits instead of working to change somthing.
Actually, the point of my thread bumping is to show how pathetic you are :D

Seems to be working ;)