to you, james, the sighting of an ufo, the confirmation thru various means, the innumerable official investigations, the existence of actual unexplained events by those bodies are equated with sighting terrestrial cryptids. if you are that eager and enthusistic about this field, take cryptozoology to the science forum. after all...
Do you hold a particular animosity to the subject of cryptozoology?
despite the the fact that we already have an example of a spacefaring civilization in this universe, (earthlings) speculating about the extraterrestial origins of another by way of a ufo sighting is the same as postulating it comes from realms of angels and demons. some other worldly dimension. equal credence should be given to those archaic interpretations in the 21st century. yes, that is really rational and scientific
I agree that Ufology should have its own subforum, but I don't agree that all of the hypotheses or schools of thought about the phenomenon should be discarded.
Ufology has never been a monolithic consensus. There are nuts and bolts ET theories; ultraterrestrial; and extradimensional, which I would say probably includes demonic theories (John Keel), and whatever else people have come up with. Some would reject any one of those outright, or say that aspects belong in parapsychology.
Does ufology deal exclusively with Unidentified Flying Objects? Does it exclude cases where a typical humanoid associated with ufo's (greys, for example) are sighted in the absence of any flying vehicle?
There are precedents for such things. Wasn't NICAP known for not wanting to touch any cases where occupants were sighted, for various reasons? Aerial Phenomena were the center of study.
I don't think that's specifically where you were going, and this really isn't germane to whether or not there should be a ufology subforum, but I had to say something about the definition, since you were talking about that. I'm only wondering how broad or narrow the lines of demarcation between these subjects needs to be.
I'm all for Ufology as its own subject here. Lord knows it's about time.
Gustav said:go look for yourself. do a comparison of topic titles containing the relevant terms and see what you come up with. in para, esp is the focus,ghosts are a footnote at best, and pseudo has perhaps less than 10 cryptid discussion. now count the ufo threads. large orders of magnitude is what you will see.
so what is your objective again? make this place even more woo woo? equal time to the sasquatch proponents?
I agree with your assessment, for what it's worth: ufology, in my experience, has probably attracted more serious scientific study, as well as cases and witnesses, than any of the other "fringe" topics. The Air Force never had a Project Bigfoot Book.
Although, you describe ghostly phenomena as a footnote, and maybe it is here, but there seems to be no shortage of ghost hunter shows on TV. I guess I couldn't speak to that.
Beyond that, and giving ghosts to the paranormal forum, where would cryptids fit in? I don't piss on that topic, and never have. There are plenty of people who are just as convinced of seeing Nessie and Sasquatch as they are convinced they've seen a flying saucer, and I see no good reason to either group them all together, nor throw any of them away.
Any suggestions where the leftovers and outcasts go? Anyone?
This is what exists at this time:
- Alternative Theories (revolutionary physics, alternative medicine, creationism/intelligent design and more)
- Parapsychology (ESP, telepathy, faith healing, precognition, dowsing, talking to dead people)
- UFOs, Ghosts and Monsters (They are amongst us...)
- Conspiracies (faked moon landings, JFK, etc.)
- Pseudoscience (If it doesn't fit in any of the other Fringe categories...)
Something should be done with some of these.
I don't even know why I'm saying anything. I'll be quiet now.