Feedback on forum software upgrade

Unfortunately you have to do a manual work around currently to inline an attached image.

What you do is go through the process of attaching an image, use the post preview option to see how your post will look. Right click and "copy the Link location", go to the edit box and create a "img" tag filled with the copied links location. You can then preview again to see the image inline.

..which appears to be visible only when logged in

post # 258 when logged out....


post # 258 when logged in....


the image is stored
That's likely down to a user group setting where the "Visitors group" (e.g. not logged in) doesn't have the privileges to display attachments. In other forums they sometimes run a modification of code there where it would replace the attachment with a message saying "Only members have access to this attachment, please login".

(In any event you can strip the &d=1344440960 off the end of the URL, the only important part is the piece up to attachmentid=5700 since that's the bit that identifies which one you are trying to access.
I can't edit the title of the newly started thread. If I remember, I was able to do that for 10-30 minutes after starting a thread in the old version...
since the dawn of history, tt's could only be edited by mods
typo the tt and be forever remembered as an illiterate
I'm having fewer problems since I used the "remember me" button when I log in. I don't know why that is but it is and wanted to let you know about what I found.
Brief Notes

(1) Would it be possible to set the standard post font to something else? True enough, I have always preferred serif fonts, such as our prior basic font, which displayed as Georgia on every computer I used. If, for some reason, people prefer sans serif fonts such that we must use one, could it at least be something else? In truth, Verdana annoys my eye, and even more so in italics, such as the quote function renders.
That should be simple enough if still needed. The Font type is likely applied globally via CSS.

(2) Would it be possible to display embedded hyperlinks? Presently, hyperlinked text appears no different from any other. I believe it would be helpful to display the embedded hyperlinks, as it will make it easier for people to know what to click in order to find source documents.
The fix here would again be CSS. For instance currently the link only shows "text-decoration" (underlining) when it's moused over or classed an A:link (active), so setting it to cover all link states would mean links would have underlinement. (Some sites actually modify the link systems to include a small icon to identify it's a link too)

(3) Is the showpost (view single post) function permanently lost? Post numbers (at the top right of each post) presently refer to a targeted showthread view. If possible, could this be reset to showpost?

It seems the single post view has been depreciated, likely due to how the posts are now viewable in your profile under your activity. (If it had of been possible to see a single post, thats where it would have been, but alas it's not)
i want to see all my posts and threads
it used to be under "statistics" in profile
profile now has only latest posts/thread
where is it?


that does not work
doing a search gets a few or nothing

Although you've probably found it, this is for other people that want to know howto:
Go to your profile, click the "About me" tab
Where it says "Total Posts" the number will be a hyperlink.
This will create a user specific search for all your posts to date.
Tip: When you Reply With Quote and the screen needs to be moved so you can Go Advanced, just click Reply With Quote a second time and you will also get the advanced screen up.
Am I missing something, or are the posts no longer dated? I can't tell if I'm responding to something from today or last year!
EDIT: Oh I see, it's there, just in the backround color. Clever.
Let's face it... This was a bad change, all around.
It's not really a full update, it's currently "partially applied".

If it ain't broke. don't fix it...
This is a great rule apart from when you are dealing with a constantly changing software environment. Software like Vbulletin is constantly getting patch to deal with various bugs and security issues, when the software reaches it's "EOL" it tends to lose the support, which means any remaining bugs or exploits aren't patched, over time they become well known, robots are written to look for exploitable versions and before you know it the forums offline outputting a error message with a URL stating where a particular piece of code stopped working, or worse you come back and find that some rogue group has deleted the whole database and defaced the site with a picture their favourite 1980's pop band (Mullet's included).

Hopefully in the very near future, the bugs pointed out will be resolved.
Personally, I like the aesthetics of the new board a LOT more. I also love that we have the option to store images locally on the server. I think once you get the little things taken care of (like that damn "white text on white background" post date!! and inline images!!) then this was a huge improvement.
Personally, I like the aesthetics of the new board a LOT more. I also love that we have the option to store images locally on the server. I think once you get the little things taken care of (like that damn "white text on white background" post date!! and inline images!!) then this was a huge improvement.

What's wrong with inline images?
When I give a URL for an isn't "inline". There's apparently a workaround for it if you want the image to be stored on the server but I haven't tried that yet. IMO images should ALWAYS be inline...
When I give a URL for an isn't "inline". There's apparently a workaround for it if you want the image to be stored on the server but I haven't tried that yet. IMO images should ALWAYS be inline...

I'm still not sure what you mean.

Images outside the forum still work as they used to:

Images inside the forum, stored on the server still work as they used to:

The only thingh I haven't looked at is when you attach a file to a post, because that's not a function I've ever really used.
I would like a moderator to respond to this so I know it has been noted as a problem, otherwise I will start pesky PM's

When using PM's It seems unusually hard to navigate back to the forums. Perhaps moderators have a different page for PM's and do not have this difficulty. If so create an account and go into the private message areas and try to navigate back. I recently went to site map at bottom of screen and then clicked It should be easier.
I would like a moderator to respond to this so I know it has been noted as a problem, otherwise I will start pesky PM's.

I'm not too sure what problem you are having, current there are two ways to get back to the main forum, either clicking the Logo in the Top Left corner or clicking the "Forum" link on the actual navigation tab (Next to Encyclopedia)
I would like a moderator to respond to this so I know it has been noted as a problem, otherwise I will start pesky PM's ...
I don´t like to do a long string of the Browser´s page backs, which probably is the simple ugly solution, so I click on the large "Sf buzz saw" (water wheel?) in top left corner. I forget where that takes you, but think it is the main list of forums. From that page it is only a couple of clicks to get back in thread you were in before the PM {assuming you can remember it}

PS thanks for asking "a site question," even I could reply to.