Farmer and Lazy Pig


Gravitational Fields and Gravitational Waves
Registered Senior Member
The farmer raised a very fat lazy pig. In order to make the pig lose weight, the farmer thought of a way. He put the pig on roller skates, tied a gong to its butt, and shot the gong continuously with a gun. When the pig hears the sound of the bullet hitting the gong, it will speed up and run, and when the sound disappears, the pig will glide at a constant speed on the smooth ice surface again. The pig keeps speeding up and running, and finally when its speed is equal to the bullet, the bullet can no longer hit the gong, and the pig no longer accelerates, it will keep sliding at the same speed as the bullet. Because of his own efforts, farmer's bullet can't catch up to its ass, so pig is very proud and continues to enjoy its laziness.

Einstein came up with the great SRT, SRT tells us that the faster an object goes, the more mass it becomes, and that no object can go faster than the speed of light.

So scientists designed such an experiment to continuously accelerate a charged particle in an electric field. They wanted to know whether the particle could eventually surpass the speed of light. Experiments show that no matter how long the particles are accelerated by the electric field, the speed of the particles cannot reach the speed of light, thus once again verifying Einstein's great SRT.

Lazy Pig heard about this particle experiment, and it felt that something was wrong. Obviously, when the speed of the particle is close to the speed of the electric field, the acceleration of the electric field on the particle will become very small. When the speed of the particle is equal to the speed of the electric field, the particle will no longer be accelerate. This should be the same as the bullet chasing its ass, the pig fell into thinking. Didn't the pig save the ass, but Einstein saved the it’s ass? The pig also began to worry that because of his running, his mass would become larger and become a fatter pig.

Scientists in Europe had heard of the pigs' distress and began to worry that their experiments would bring disaster to the planet. Because the great Einstein told them that when the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, the mass of the particle will approach infinity. According to the kinetic energy equation E = 0.5mv^2, this particle will have a very terrifying kinetic energy, once the particle hits the earth, the earth will be destroyed. The more scientists think about it, the more afraid they become.

One day, Chinese scientists also wanted to design a particle acceleration experiment, but this great plan was stopped by Professor Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, a scientist from the United States. Professor Yang knew that this would be a disaster, so he stopped this dangerous experiment in China .

Finally, the pig knew the scientist's concern, and he took a deep breath and said, "Fortunately, the bullet is not fast enough, otherwise its butt will destroy the earth."
Einstein came up with the great SRT, SRT tells us that the faster an object goes, the more mass it becomes, and that no object can go faster than the speed of light.
I thought it was, James Clerk Maxwell, that came up with the constancy of light.
I thought it was, James Clerk Maxwell, that came up with the constancy of light.
It doesn't matter who was the first to tell the lie, what matters is that Einstein turned that lie into a global catastrophe.
Not only did Einstein not sit on the throne before he left this world, but he was considered a very stupid and selfish person.
But after Einstein died, believers dressed him in the emperor's new clothes, and he became the supreme god of physics. Einstein has become a cash cow for believers. As long as they tout, praise and defend Einstein's fallacies, believers can gain money, status and honor.
When Einstein went to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for 20 years to combine general relativity with electromagnetism and his understanding of nuclear physics to come up with a unified field theory, Freeman Dyson went to Einstein's office Advanced Study, talk to Einstein, look at his equations and determine that Einstein's work is rubbish. Freeman Dyson refused to talk to Einstein at all in the 1950s. Just ignore him altogether.
Shiing-shen Chern, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, also commented on Einstein. He thinks Einstein's GR is completely wrong, Einstein's mathematics is extremely bad. Chern declined Einstein's offer to collaborate.
Einstein was at best an average to below average physicist and a very bad mathematician. The same was said by the late Professor Seymour Margulies, who disliked GR/SR and thought Einstein was just hype with no substance.
It doesn't matter who was the first to tell the lie, what matters is that Einstein turned that lie into a global catastrophe.
Not only did Einstein not sit on the throne before he left this world, but he was considered a very stupid and selfish person.
But after Einstein died, believers dressed him in the emperor's new clothes, and he became the supreme god of physics. Einstein has become a cash cow for believers. As long as they tout, praise and defend Einstein's fallacies, believers can gain money, status and honor.
When Einstein went to the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton for 20 years to combine general relativity with electromagnetism and his understanding of nuclear physics to come up with a unified field theory, Freeman Dyson went to Einstein's office Advanced Study, talk to Einstein, look at his equations and determine that Einstein's work is rubbish. Freeman Dyson refused to talk to Einstein at all in the 1950s. Just ignore him altogether.
Shiing-shen Chern, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, also commented on Einstein. He thinks Einstein's GR is completely wrong, Einstein's mathematics is extremely bad. Chern declined Einstein's offer to collaborate.
Einstein was at best an average to below average physicist and a very bad mathematician. The same was said by the late Professor Seymour Margulies, who disliked GR/SR and thought Einstein was just hype with no substance.
You need to provide references for these statements.

I can find no reference at all to Siing-Shen Chern disparaging Einstein. Unlike Einstein, Siing-Shen Chern was not a physicist, of course. He was a mathematician.

Seymour Margulies seems to have been an obscure lecturer in physics at Illinois, where he worked on the Mossbauer Effect. I can find nothing about any work on relativity.!40000!0&profile=rev-icos

We should test that shit to experiment! :leaf::p
Be careful when doing particle acceleration experiments. The great Einstein told us that if the particle speed reaches the speed of light c, then the mass of the particle becomes infinite, the particle will have infinite energy, and the particle will destroy the earth.
Be careful when doing particle acceleration experiments. The great Einstein told us that if the particle speed reaches the speed of light c, then the mass of the particle becomes infinite, the particle will have infinite energy, and the particle will destroy the earth.
Maybe I appear dumb. But, I'd say the ozone layer deserves a lot more respect.
Lazy Pig heard about this particle experiment, and it felt that something was wrong. Obviously, when the speed of the particle is close to the speed of the electric field, the acceleration of the electric field on the particle will become very small. When the speed of the particle is equal to the speed of the electric field
An electric field does not have a speed.
This should be the same as the bullet chasing its ass
Nope. The pig will see the bullet slow down. The pig will never see photons slow down. They are inherently different situations.
Scientists in Europe had heard of the pigs' distress and began to worry that their experiments would bring disaster to the planet. Because the great Einstein told them that when the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, the mass of the particle will approach infinity. According to the kinetic energy equation E = 0.5mv^2, this particle will have a very terrifying kinetic energy, once the particle hits the earth, the earth will be destroyed. The more scientists think about it, the more afraid they become. One day, Chinese scientists also wanted to design a particle acceleration experiment, but this great plan was stopped by Professor Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, a scientist from the United States. Professor Yang knew that this would be a disaster, so he stopped this dangerous experiment in China .
To get a particle to an infinite mass you need to supply infinite energy. Since we cannot generate infinite energy (or even close to it) those Chinese don't really have anything to worry about.
Be careful when doing particle acceleration experiments. The great Einstein told us that if the particle speed reaches the speed of light c, then the mass of the particle becomes infinite, the particle will have infinite energy, and the particle will destroy the earth.
Thinking about the mass increasing is not a very good way to picture what is happening to the particle. These days, most physicists stick to using rest mass, not the so-called "relativistic mass" of a particle.

A better way to think about it is in terms of the kinetic energy of the particle. You're correct when you say that a massive particle would have infinite kinetic energy if it could be accelerated to the speed of light. However, to do that would require infinite work, which is unavailable.

It is true that a particle with enough energy could destroy the Earth, hypothetically. Fortunately for the Earth, space is not filled with extremely massive particles going extremely fast (relative to the Earth).
Einstein came up with the great SRT, SRT tells us that the faster an object goes, the more mass it becomes, and that no object can go faster than the speed of light.
Specifically, the Einstein said that the total energy (mass energy + kinetic) of an object is $E=\gamma mc^2$, where $\gamma =1/\sqrt{1-(v/c)^2}$ and $m$ is the rest mass (which is constant).

No massive object can get to the speed of light, because that would require that infinite energy be given to it ($v=c$ in the above equation implies $E=\infty$).

The quantity $\gamma m$ is sometimes called the "relativistic mass", and this is the origin of the (somewhat unhelpful) idea that "mass increases as the object goes faster". Inventing this "new" type of "mass" doesn't really add anything terribly useful; it is better to stick with a definition of mass that is invariant in all frames of reference, which is the mass $m$: the rest mass.
So scientists designed such an experiment to continuously accelerate a charged particle in an electric field. They wanted to know whether the particle could eventually surpass the speed of light. Experiments show that no matter how long the particles are accelerated by the electric field, the speed of the particles cannot reach the speed of light, thus once again verifying Einstein's great SRT.
Yes. The experiments do show that.
Lazy Pig heard about this particle experiment, and it felt that something was wrong. Obviously, when the speed of the particle is close to the speed of the electric field, the acceleration of the electric field on the particle will become very small.
Yes, more or less.
When the speed of the particle is equal to the speed of the electric field, the particle will no longer be accelerate.
In your example, the field is static. You're assuming a constant electric field doing the accelerating, are you not? Fields have no speed. (Do you know what a field is?)

What you're probably grasping for is the idea of photons pushing the particle along, which is a somewhat different picture than the field picture. The thing is, if you fire photons at the particle at a constant rate, then the rate at which the particle absorbs them decreases as the particle gets faster. This is the familiar Doppler effect.

This works in a similar way to your Pig Arse Cannon, actually, when you're viewing things from a "stationary" frame. In the particle's rest frame, the explanation is sort of similar. The problem is not so much that photons can't "catch up" with the particle (they still travel at c in the particle's frame), but that their energies and momenta decrease as the particle speeds up, so they give the particle less and less of a "push" each time they hit. Which isn't so different to the pig example, really.

Keep studying relativity, Tony. If you try hard, I'm confident that you will understand it one day.
Scientists in Europe had heard of the pigs' distress and began to worry that their experiments would bring disaster to the planet. Because the great Einstein told them that when the speed of an object approaches the speed of light, the mass of the particle will approach infinity. According to the kinetic energy equation E = 0.5mv^2, this particle will have a very terrifying kinetic energy, once the particle hits the earth, the earth will be destroyed. The more scientists think about it, the more afraid they become.
It's worse that that! The correct kinetic energy expression is actually $K = (\gamma - 1)mc^2$.

So, yes, a particle with sufficient (rest) mass, going sufficiently fast, could destroy the Earth.

Well spotted, Tony!
One day, Chinese scientists also wanted to design a particle acceleration experiment, but this great plan was stopped by Professor Chen-Ning Franklin Yang, a scientist from the United States. Professor Yang knew that this would be a disaster, so he stopped this dangerous experiment in China .
Is this part of the pig story, or are you saying this happened in reality? If this is supposed to be reality, is there any public record of it?
Finally, the pig knew the scientist's concern, and he took a deep breath and said, "Fortunately, the bullet is not fast enough, otherwise its butt will destroy the earth."
Smart pig!

This pig can teach you, Tony.
Be careful when doing particle acceleration experiments. The great Einstein told us that if the particle speed reaches the speed of light c, then the mass of the particle becomes infinite, the particle will have infinite energy, and the particle will destroy the earth.
This is a high school level misunderstanding. No wonder your papers get rejected.
Why, thankyou, Tony. How kind of you to say that. Like I said earlier, I really don't consider myself any sort of expert on GR, but I'm flattered to find that you think I'm one.
Yes, I gave you a very correct evaluation. GR was very successful as a cult. There are many cultists like you in the world. If you have the opportunity to come to China, you can meet many believers who worship Einstein as devoutly as you.
But it is a pity that Professor Chern Shiing-shen, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, a world-renowned mathematician, and Einstein's colleague at Princeton University, thinks that Einstein's things are completely wrong, and Einstein's mathematics is extremely bad. Chen turned down Einstein's many collaboration invitations!
Einstein and his stupid theories are only touted by cultists.
But we must admit that human beings are very easy to be controlled and enslaved by cult forces.
But it is a pity that Professor Chern Shiing-shen, a member of the American Academy of Sciences, a world-renowned mathematician, and Einstein's colleague at Princeton University, thinks that Einstein's things are completely wrong, and Einstein's mathematics is extremely bad. Chen turned down Einstein's many collaboration invitations!
Einstein and his stupid theories are only touted by cultists.
But we must admit that human beings are very easy to be controlled and enslaved by cult forces.

Yes, I gave you a very correct evaluation. GR was very successful as a cult. There are many cultists like you in the world. If you have the opportunity to come to China, you can meet many believers who worship Einstein as devoutly as you.
There are many cultists like me, too. We believe in the cult of Einstein, Maxwell, Ampere, Ohm, Volta, Bell, Kirchoff, Viterbi, Lamarr and Schottky. It's a very successful cult. Because of our cult you have computers, the Internet, the lights in your house, your TV, your cellphone and your GPS map. It's a cool cult because it matches up with reality, and you can test that to prove it to yourself.

Lately there's a new kind of cult that doesn't believe in any of that. They believe that the Earth is flat, that vaccines don't work, that masks don't work, that Ivermectin cures everything, that we never went to the moon, that the government uses mind control rays on people. that cellphones cause cancer and that there's no such thing as evolution. Unfortunately these people tend to die off, since their beliefs don't match reality.

So choose wisely!
We believe in the cult of Einstein, Maxwell, Ampere, Ohm, Volta, Bell, Kirchoff, Viterbi, Lamarr and Schottky.
You put Einstein in, did you ask Maxwell, Ampere, Ohm, Volta, Bell, Kirchoff, Viterbi, Lamarr and Schottky how they felt?