Existence of god

Your attack against American morality comes from a historical event that took place more than 50 years ago? C'mon dude! All you're doing is showing everyone how much you hate America.

Sorry, but I wasn't born then. I would have kicked the attacker's ass!

When we lived at the apartment complex, there was a rock garden in our front yard. One night I heard a man yelling at a woman. I ran outside, picked up a big rock and yelled out, "Is there a problem!!!???" I was full ready to go use the rock to protect this woman. But they both looked embarrased and took care of their business more quietly, under my watchful eye.
So 50 years ago, we were less moral than now? I thought that was before the evil atheists kicked god out.
So 50 years ago, we were less moral than now? I thought that was before the evil atheists kicked god out.

50 years ago there was a lot of racism. People didn't know any better. I was raised as a New Ager and spiritualism. Civil activism was very important to us. We fought for human rights, civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, black and minority rights. Today, most of those rights have been won, at least in the United States. But there is still such a thing as American culture and heritage. I fear that atheists are trying to destroy that by tearing God and soul out of this country. I don't expect you to understand what you're doing.
50 years ago there was a lot of racism. People didn't know any better. I was raised as a New Ager and spiritualism. Civil activism was very important to us. We fought for human rights, civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, black and minority rights. Today, most of those rights have been won, at least in the United States. But there is still such a thing as American culture and heritage. I fear that atheists are trying to destroy that by tearing God and soul out of this country. I don't expect you to understand what you're doing.

God is precisely why racism, sexism, and other forms of bigotry had (and still have) such a strong hold on this country. It's the return to the secular values of our forefathers that has turned us around.
50 years ago there was a lot of racism. People didn't know any better. I was raised as a New Ager and spiritualism. Civil activism was very important to us. We fought for human rights, civil rights, gay rights, women's rights, black and minority rights. Today, most of those rights have been won, at least in the United States. But there is still such a thing as American culture and heritage. I fear that atheists are trying to destroy that by tearing God and soul out of this country. I don't expect you to understand what you're doing.

Most other industrialized nations are less religious and they are doing just fine. What's the problem?
God don't kill people, it is some of the fanatical, extremist, God worshipers that cause undo misery.

Guns and drones don't cause misery unless assisted by humans.

Autos dont cause misery, except when their faulty or humans are behind the wheel.

Bridges don't cause misery, except when humans forget to maintain them.

Gravity don't cause misery, except when humans fail to acknowledge cosmic laws/principles.

Nuclear power planets dont kill people unless it falls within the realm of an accepted 'cost benifit analysis' as as assessed by some humans who benifit from the sales of nuke plants.

Comlexity dont cause people misery, it is simple minded people who don't understand the complexity, that causes misery.

Simplicity doesn't cause misery, it is the over complication of the simple that causes misery.

Hurricanes, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Floods, Volcanoes do cause misery. Are humans to blame for that also?
Perhaps most here have not followed Mazulu for long. He claims to have telepathic communication with space aliens who are instructing him in how to build a gravity beam for the purpose of interstellar travel. Perhaps (he claims) faster than light travel. Travel to other universes. He has also seen spirits and is a spiritualist. He (I guess) believes in voodoo. ANYBODY that takes anything that he says as even a possible scenario is as crazy as he is. He presents himself as a Christian, but no Christian I have met would accept him into their circle. There is something wrong in his brain.

Oops, I almost forgot the biggest most amazing of his claims. He has been personally trained by (the) ascended masters. Woohoo, loony bin stuff. His martial arts are just icing on the cake.

And that is just the stuff he admits to.

Great counter-point.

But seriously, look at the rationale behind segregation, behind the subservient role of the woman, behind the ill treatment of homosexuals and racial minorities. Religion is inexorably linked to bigotry in this country's history. Where there is mistreatment of a class of person based on their immutable qualities, you will always--always--find a biblical passage endorsing the behavior.
Great counter-point.

But seriously, look at the rationale behind segregation, behind the subservient role of the woman, behind the ill treatment of homosexuals and racial minorities. Religion is inexorably linked to bigotry in this country's history. Where there is mistreatment of a class of person based on their immutable qualities, you will always--always--find a biblical passage endorsing the behavior.

Abusing people doesn't require religion; it just requires power. Physical force or a weapon are perfectly good ways to force others into submission; you don't need religion. Warlords of Africa don't need religion; they have guns. So, I don't understand your point.
Abusing people doesn't require religion; it just requires power. Physical force or a weapon are perfectly good ways to force others into submission; you don't need religion. Warlords of Africa don't need religion; they have guns. So, I don't understand your point.

I didn't say it requires religion. I said that in our history, American history, religion has always been a motivator and enabler of hate and oppression. You're going on idiotically about how atheists are ruining the good Godliness of this country, I merely wanted to point out that it is precisely the reduction of this religiosity that has enabled us to move on from our ugly history.
Abusing people doesn't require religion; it just requires power. Physical force or a weapon are perfectly good ways to force others into submission; you don't need religion. Warlords of Africa don't need religion; they have guns. So, I don't understand your point.

Mazulu, in other words, the Bible is often used to justify all sorts of heinous acts. Homosexuality is considered a "sin," and women should be "quiet and submissive to men." This type of thing gives way to abuse and bigotry. What you say here has merit, there are non-religious people who commit crimes and exhibit bigotry, but you see religion as this beacon of hope in a sea of sinful non-believers. In truth, religion is often the problem sadly, and not the solution. I think you seem well-intentioned with your faith Mazulu, but don't just blindly support Christianity because it really isn't this white knight that you think it is.
I didn't say it requires religion. I said that in our history, American history, religion has always been a motivator and enabler of hate and oppression. You're going on idiotically about how atheists are ruining the good Godliness of this country, I merely wanted to point out that it is precisely the reduction of this religiosity that has enabled us to move on from our ugly history.

Move on into what?
Mazulu, in other words, the Bible is often used to justify all sorts of heinous acts. Homosexuality is considered a "sin," and women should be "quiet and submissive to men." This type of thing gives way to abuse and bigotry. What you say here has merit, there are non-religious people who commit crimes and exhibit bigotry, but you see religion as this beacon of hope in a sea of sinful non-believers. In truth, religion is often the problem sadly, and not the solution. I think you seem well-intentioned with your faith Mazulu, but don't just blindly support Christianity because it really isn't this white knight that you think it is.

If I had my way, the aliens would have landed and it would have ushered the world into a new era, a New Age of crystals, starship ports, and cities of light. That's what I wanted. I wanted peace, freedom, and spiritual light. I wanted hyper-drives and Star Trek. Unfortunately, the aliens didn't show up. I wanted to believe that there were ascended masters living in the Himalayas, and that physical immortality was possible. I wanted to believe that the masters and gurus who preached peace and love were really on to something, ...

I wanted temples of healing... I wanted Kundalini power and chakras.... I wanted all that cool stuff. That's what I really wanted, wegs.
If I had my way, the aliens would have landed and it would have ushered the world into a new era, a New Age of crystals, starship ports, and cities of light. That's what I wanted. I wanted peace, freedom, and spiritual light. I wanted hyper-drives and Star Trek. Unfortunately, the aliens didn't show up. I wanted to believe that there were ascended masters living in the Himalayas, and that physical immortality was possible. I wanted to believe that the masters and gurus who preached peace and love were really on to something, ...

Can I partake of what you're smokin', boy? :p (just kidding)

There's nothing wrong with believing in God. There isn't. If you keep things though in the proper perspective. The sense I get from your posts at times, Mazulu...is that you want to float away to another world. What do you have against ...well, reality? :eek: I don't mean to offend you, I just think that you spend a lot of time thinking about "what might be," instead of what is.
If I had my way, the aliens would have landed and it would have ushered the world into a new era, a New Age of crystals, starship ports, and cities of light. That's what I wanted. I wanted peace, freedom, and spiritual light. I wanted hyper-drives and Star Trek. Unfortunately, the aliens didn't show up. I wanted to believe that there were ascended masters living in the Himalayas, and that physical immortality was possible. I wanted to believe that the masters and gurus who preached peace and love were really on to something, ...

I wanted temples of healing... I wanted Kundalini power and chakras.... I wanted all that cool stuff. That's what I really wanted, wegs.

OMG, is Mazulu actually admitting it was all a dream? An illusion that vanished once he was fully awake? Complete the thought Mazulu. Say it. It was just an illusion, a crazy idea in your very small head.
Move on into what?

Into a culture where people are considered equal regardless of their immutable qualities. Into a culture of not just tolerance, but acceptance. We're not all the way there yet, but we've made huge strides, and only because we stopped deferring to the authority of scripture. At least in certain areas; we're still climbing the hill of religious influence when it comes to the sovereignty of a woman's body.
If I had my way, the aliens would have landed and it would have ushered the world into a new era, a New Age of crystals, starship ports, and cities of light. That's what I wanted. I wanted peace, freedom, and spiritual light. I wanted hyper-drives and Star Trek. Unfortunately, the aliens didn't show up. I wanted to believe that there were ascended masters living in the Himalayas, and that physical immortality was possible. I wanted to believe that the masters and gurus who preached peace and love were really on to something, ...

I wanted temples of healing... I wanted Kundalini power and chakras.... I wanted all that cool stuff. That's what I really wanted, wegs.

So it's your own worldview that has left you feeling empty, yet you claim atheists are philosophical zombies?
Can I partake of what you're smokin', boy? :p (just kidding)

There's nothing wrong with believing in God. There isn't. If you keep things though in the proper perspective. The sense I get from your posts at times, Mazulu...is that you want to float away to another world. What do you have against ...well, reality? :eek: I don't mean to offend you, I just think that you spend a lot of time thinking about "what might be," instead of what is.

What's wrong with reality? Have you ever watched the news? There is always something terrible going on in the world: warzones, starvation, killing, international conflicts, ... I am one of the lucky ones who has a good job. We're having another round of layoffs; thank God in heaven I'm not one of them. But my job is getting harder and harder to perform because they keep laying off engineers. Do you have a job? Do you understand what reality is really all about? I don't use illegal drugs, but sometimes I wish I did, I wish I could. I wish I could not give a damn about what's happening in the world. I think about how much I wish life could go on after we die, in an afterlife; and then I think about African warlords hacking up women and children because they think it's fun. I got my opportunity to experience what life has to offer; if I died tomorrow, then I've lived a good life. But life is oneshot, we only get one try and that's it. There is no afterlife. And I think about all those people whose live's were wasted. People who are in prison in countries like Saudi Arabia, Mexico, China, and other hell holes where there is no liberty. Religion eases the suffering of people around the world. it gives them hope and shows them mercy.

I had hoped there was a silver lining to the suffering of the world. I had hoped there was good news. But sorry! Evil people like Cheezle win! Atheists win. There really isn't any hope anywhere in the universe, in existence.

On a happier note, my chantilly Tiffany cat is demanding attention. Wolfie looks like this
