Almost all the sedimentary rocks were formed from the Deluge.
I have only those three catagory and I do believe they cover all possiblities and can sort anything with the right amount of detail. Far more critically important is the process to those conclusions.
The first question I must ask: Do you have a picuture of this purple polar bear" In refrence to "I have seen a purple polar bear.
Was the Bear artificial colored?
Was this a real Polar bear?
A well-reasoned response, but it did not answer my qeustion. Without any more informaiton about those two polar-bear claims, is there any differentiation between them in your mind? Or are they both considered equally plausable pending more information?
Sedimentary means deposited in water.
Your ongoing ignorance never fails to amaze. Who told you sedimentary meant deposited in water? It doesn't.Sedimentary means deposited in water.
Wind and glacial formations are morphological (surface) features, nothing to do with the geological column.
The carbonates in limestones, and in shales and sandstones, precipitated from the Deluge water when CO2 from below combined with Ca and Mg in the Deluge water.
And Saquist, many people read in on these converstations, and I just let the words of all the participants speak for themselves.
ICC said:Syngameons are the scientific descriptions of the Biblical kinds of animals, you know, cats can't mate with dogs.
And Saquist, many people read in on these converstations, and I just let the words of all the participants speak for themselves.
In earth science studies, morphology refers to surface features of the Earth,
and the geolologic column is what's below all of that
I think the rest of us should just sit back and enjoy the process of enlightenment, here. With occasional questions, perhaps, if things flag.saquist said:Understood.
They can't merely disagree they deride what they can't understand.
Sedimentary means deposited in water.
They're not equal in plausibility. One is false the other is unknown.
Again you are betraying your deep seated ignorance. Glaciers not only erode (creating morphological features), but deposit (creating sediments that may for a time also be morphological features). Your original statement that sediments (implicitly all sediments) are deposited in water was simply wrong.Wind and glacial formations are morphological (surface) features, nothing to do with the geological column.
The carbonates in limestones, and in shales and sandstones, precipitated from the Deluge water when CO2 from below combined with Ca and Mg in the Deluge water.
I think the rest of us should just sit back and enjoy the process of enlightenment, here. With occasional questions, perhaps, if things flag.
Why is one false? I have asked the question with phrase "without any more information"; what information have you added to your logical process to conclude one false? You haven't shared it with the rest of us.