The Bible is demonstrably no more an authority on the characteristics of God than you or me. If I assume my speculations regarding the nature of God to be divinely revealed, then why not assume my collection of such, or “My Bible,” to be the word of God?
At least that is an honest statement, albeit utterly wrong. Sorry.
Suppose we set aside the thinking human race for a moment. Would you say that a single celled organism is an expression of God? If so why did God create a paramecium? In what divine plan does such a creature fit?
Was the paramecium a creation of God? Why? If all these questions remain unanswered, how can anyone ever make a case that a God was necessary for the creation of the universe and living organisms.
The current mainstream science does in fact explain all that. But science suggests that spontaneous emergence of physics is an entirely possible and acceptable proposition. Which has been confirmed by experiment.
Given the least chance, nature will form a natural chronology of emergent patterns, which can be seen and predicted to become expressed in reality
Miller-Urey proved spontaneous chemical reaction under very simple mundane conditions. Nothing miraculous about it. They "created" bio-chemicals from a little water, air, and electric sparks. Presto, thousands of spontaneous chemical interactions and formation of bio-molecules formed where none were before.
Science has been able to purposely
"create" the Higgs boson!
I have yet to see a human perform a miracle, even as "they have become like us (really smart) and therefore we shall confound their language". Well, yeah, you cannot perform miracles by waving your hand and mumbling some secret incantation.
OTOH, theism is relegated to pure speculation about some kind of motivated mysterious (supernatural) force, who incorrectly created the univers and humans for His pleasure, but completely ignores every other natural phenomena. And where scripture attemps to explain anything in historical or scientific terms which can be tested, scripture always has it wrong.
The problem with Theism is that it is incompatible with our accumulated knowledge of physics and mathematics.
It is not a problem of Science not knowing either. Science does know almost everything all the way down to Planck scale. A few gaps, but there are some viable hypotheses out there.
Does it not mean anything when 99% of all scientists are in agreement on some very fundamental facts about how "potential" becomes expressed in reality?
Remember when all "agree" on what they "observe" we call that reality.
Scientists don't kill each other over ''quantum mechanics" or "relativity".
It is Theism which has chosen to remain willfully ignorant, stuck in a false abstract fantasy.
And from this a theist can draw comfort that he/she has the found the "secret of life"? Theists canot even agree on a single God. Religious scripture is truly "confounded".
Religions don't even agree on a "God" figure. They kill each other over who is right.