I can find out quite easily what WLC considers to be evidence,
Then do it.
Stop worrying about poohing on the floor.
but I am interesting in what you and other theists here actually consider evidences to be.
Then be nice.
No one wants to discuss anything with a mardy little poo-pants, who acts like an idiot because he can’t get his own way.
You're promoting those of WLC without any input by you, or even any indication that you actually have a clue what Craig argues, and not what evidence he brings to the table.
Obviously, as I put it forward for evidence, there is an element of support for it, but I would hardly call that promoting. Especially as it is merely a preferred response to a question.
The good think about WLC's arguments which reveal evidence of God, is that he wholly explains it. There is no ambiguity, no need for second guesses.
So if you can't be arsed to unpack it, maybe you're not really interested in finding evidence of God.
Who are we kidding? You aren't.
As for this thread, this would have been a genuine thread into what theists see as evidence, but once again you have seen a threat to your thinking (if you actually have any) and have done your utmost to bring the walls crashing in and to lay waste to the thread.
So much of a threat that all you can do is whinge, moan, and talk about when you used to poo on the floor.
You haven't once talked about what I regard as evidence for God, irrespective of whether you like how I have presented it or not.
Because that isn't what this is about is it.
If you think my thinking is under threat, then expose it, as I know you're not interested in evidence for the God you already know exists, but deny and reject it.
Otherwise what are you doing here?
It's akin to posting a video with no analysis. It's against what I understand to be forum rules.
Then analyse it.
I'm not going to do that for you.
On what basis do you consider them evidence rather than merely philosophical arguments?
So theist not only have to present evidence to the mighty atheists, they have explain why they regard it as evidence?
What does the mighty do with that information? Decide whether it fits with their little worldview?
Are you the judge Sarkus? I don't think so mate.
From where I sit, you're the one that is lacking, not me?
If you want to find God, then do so. But don't hold me responsible for your lazy, foolish attitude, which you seemingly allow to stop your search.
You're not my responsibility.
Where? Post number, please.
Find it yourself.
And you haven't done. You've simply provided a name and a demand for others to Google it.
So google it, and stop whinging.
So why keep talking about when you used to poo on the floor?