So what - a shrinking is what has to be expected if the prices for the main things sold are low.
Yeah, so what?

You have misrepresented and based your argument on a number which has lost half its in the course of 1 year. Its positive trade balance in vanishing, along with Mother Russia's chief source of foreign currency.
Start yourself with becoming honest. I have never questioned that they are affecting the economy. My point is that the effects are less serious than the NATO propaganda wants and presents them.
When have I not been honest comrade?
We have been trough this before, you have denied sanctions were adversely affecting Russia's economy and you have denied Russia's economy was significantly adversely affected by oil prices all of which are demonstrably untrue. The truth isn't NATO propaganda. It's just the truth. As has been repeatedly pointed out to you, you cannot prove there is NATO propaganda much less that all the unpleasant facts you like to summarily and without merit are propaganda.
You don't remember recently writing this, "Commodity prices down is, of course, an indication of a world economic crisis. And, of course, a world economic crisis is not good news for Russia too. But this will last as long as the corresponding crisis."?
The main mistake - anti-capitalism - is not repeated. Russia is a capitalist economy now.
Well, not really. The Russian government still owns or directly controls most of the countries businesses. It owns the media. It owns its oil producers. It really isn't that different from the old system of Russian Communism. What we see in Mother Russia is something called "State Capitalism". That isn't free market capitalism.
The second big mistake was to try to export her own system - communism - to other countries. No such attempts are made now. Allies can have their own religion, their own system, this is their internal problem.
I don't want to debate whither this is first or second, but you are understating and attempting to minimize this particular problem. The mistake was to try to take on more than Mother Russia could support. Mother Russia over stretched its resources in an attempt to compete with the West. Had it not done that, it is likely the old Soviet Union would be alive today. It's the same mistake many others have made in the past (e.g. Napoleon). Mother Russia is a backward state which wants to act like a first rate world power and it isn't. It likes to be the big man on campus, but it can't pay the bills required for that kind of lifestyle. It's a recipe for failure.
Feel free to believe this. Low commodity prices have always been indications of economic crisis. The oil price will raise again in the long run, because nobody invests now in oil. One has to wait, that's all.
Well this isn't a matter of belief, this is a matter of fact. The fact is there is an oversupply of oil which has driven down commodity prices. Oil prices are not down because there has been a change in the demand function, but rather a change in the supply function. And as much as you dislike it, it's a fact. And just because prices are down, it doesn't mean they will magically come back someday. That's magical thinking comrade. There is an oversupply of oil in the world and despite Mother Russia's desperate attempts to reduce oil supply, it's not going to happen. The cartel that once kept oil prices artificially high is over. If prices rise much above 40 dollars a barrel the world's largest oil producer (i.e. the US) will begin pumping more oil and once again flooding the world with oil. That's a problem for oil export dependent nations like Mother Russia.
China's Growth Rate:
China's economic growth rate is slowing to more modest and sustainable growth rate. But it is still growing at a very good clip.
US economic growth rate:
The EU economic growth rate:
Mother Russia's economic growth rate:
The unfortunate fact for you is the world isn't in a recession or a depression, Mother Russia is.