Entropy in everyday life

Yep. That much I know. What I am not sure of is whether there is indeed some physical manifestation of it that is logarithmic.
Not with pH, I think. But the free energy and Nernst equation examples are physical manifestations, it seems to me, so long as you accept that free energy is a physical manifestation. That of course could be something of a discussion in itself, since free energy is enthalpy less entropy x temp (G=H-TS) :biggrin:
And just like that, the discussion about entropy is done.

I'm reminded today of why I stopped posting here. The rudeness can be overwhelming at times. :(
The thing is that it's all connected in some relative way.

Moreover, as entropy seems to be a process affecting everything, many seemingly unrelated phenomena can be produced as examples of entropy.
Among all continuous probability distributions with support [0, ∞) and mean μ, the exponential distribution with λ = 1/μ has the largest differential entropy. In other words, it is the maximum entropy probability distribution for a random variate X which is greater than or equal to zero and for which E[X] is fixed.
The exponential distribution and the
geometric distribution are the only memoryless probability distributions.
The exponential distribution is consequently also necessarily the only continuous probability distribution that has a constant
IOW, entropy will eventually cause the universe to settle in its lowest energetic state, or as I call it "movement in the direction of greatest mathematical satisfaction" i.e. stasis.
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Not with pH, I think. But the free energy and Nernst equation examples are physical manifestations, it seems to me, so long as you accept that free energy is a physical manifestation. That of course could be something of a discussion in itself, since free energy is enthalpy less entropy x temp (G=H-TS) :biggrin:
Thank you. I had never noticed the word "enthalpy" before, but it seems to be a very important word.....:)
Enthalpy is a thermodynamic property of a system. It is the sum of the internal energy added to the product of the pressure and volume of the system. It reflects the capacity to do non-mechanical work and the capacity to release heat.
Enthalpy is denoted as H; specific enthalpy denoted as h.Sep 27, 2018
What Is the Importance of Enthalpy?
  • Measuring the change in enthalpy allows us to determine whether a reaction was endothermic (absorbed heat, positive change in enthalpy) or exothermic (released heat, negative change in enthalpy).
  • It is used to calculate the heat of reaction of a chemical process.
  • Change in enthalpy is used to measure heat flow in calorimetry.
  • It is measured to evaluate a throttling process or Joule-Thomson expansion.
  • Enthalpy is used to calculate minimum power for a compressor.
  • There are many other applications of enthalpy in thermal engineering.
  • Enthalpy change occurs during a change in the state of matter.
And directly related to the concept "entropy"?

So, entropy is at work, when I'm experiencing trials and tribulations. It's as simple and complicated, as that.

Have you considered entropy in this way?

if you do nothing you die
if you do everything you die
if you do somewhere between nothing and everything you dont die so quickly as doing one of the 2 other options.

human relationships are much the same
this defines emotional environments and consequential self image

constructs of self fulfillment are defined by an entropic balance
i have been quietly pondering this for a year or soo.

you can not make room for yourself unless you push others(others includes the self) out of the way
Thank you. I had never noticed the word "enthalpy" before, but it seems to be a very important word.....:)
And directly related to the concept "entropy"?
The diagram is making the point that they are different. There is no need in invoke entropy in an explanation of enthalpy.

This thread is not about enthalpy, so embarking on a discussion of it would be derailing the thread. You are welcome to start one on enthalpy, if you are interested, under either physics or chemistry, and I will be happy to take part (so long as you leave microtubules and Bohm out of and promise not mention the words "function" or "potential").

I notice you were not interested enough in the issue you raised about heat change on inflating a balloon to take up my previous similar offer, though.
The diagram is making the point that they are different. There is no need in invoke entropy in an explanation of enthalpy.
As I understood it;
If we instead consider that an opposite thing is a suplemental thing, then the opposite of entropy is enthalpy, together they make energy.

I thought this relationship to entropy might be of interest to other less knowledgeable persons such as myself.
Enthalpy comes up in my spell check on my phone. My phone knows more than me. :-}
No? I'll bet if she asked it, it would tell her what it means. :)
Haha, touché, possibly.

But - as we are in the philosophy section - it would still do so by just looking up a definition and repeating it, without understanding (a bit likeWrite4U :D).
What is the unit of "aging"? What is the mechanism by which it acts upon things to increase entropy?
Sun on the brick you have mentioned will expand it via heating and brick will shrink when cooling

If it happens to rain the rain will etch off a few atoms

Sun on the brick
solar wind on the brick ?
cosmic rays on the brick ?

if there is no radiation hitting the brick and it is atmospheric heating, then sun is a deliberate miss direction

the brick is probably a lie
is a brick still a brick when it has no other bricks to be a brick with ?
and the heater/oven might still be on so better go back and check it

maybe the brick is an alien and has no license to use the sun

Captain, we found a brick
is it pulling us or are we pulling it ?
Captain, we found a brick

solar wind on the brick ?
cosmic rays on the brick ?


if there is no radiation hitting the brick and it is atmospheric heating, then sun is a deliberate miss direction


the brick is probably a lie
is a brick still a brick when it has noother bricks to be a brick with ?


and the heater/oven might still be on so better go back and check it

maybe the brick is an alien and has no license to use the sun

Sure possible

Captain, we found a brick
is it pulling us or are we pulling it ?

Switch off our puller and try to back away, if we can't, shields up and engage photon canons

Sun on the brick you have mentioned will expand it via heating and brick will shrink when cooling

If it happens to rain the rain will etch off a few atoms

Those are not units; those are effects.

How many "ages" is the brick today?

I think you are saying this tongue-in-cheek, so I won't make a big deal.
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What is the unit of "aging"?
You got me

There are none

What is the mechanism by which it acts upon things to increase entropy?

Sun on the brick you have mentioned will expand it via heating and brick will shrink when cooling

If it happens to rain the rain will etch off a few atoms


Are mechanisms which act on things (ie bricks) which increase entropy ie change

You can look (at the brick) any moment during said change and label it as the AGE of the brick up to the moment, from your arbitrary start point

How many "ages" is the brick today?

I think you are saying this tongue-in-cheek, so I won't make a big deal.

Give me a starting moment in your preferred age unit and I will calculate how many of your preferred age units have passed up until your arbitrary stop moment


Give me a starting moment in your preferred age unit and I will calculate how many of your preferred age units have passed up until your arbitrary stop moment
Yesterday at 1130 AM.
The brick expanded in the sun, then contracted at night. Now it's the same size.
I guess it did not age?