All I'm saying is that something happened to me which is consistent with historical reports. If you want criteria for how to attain it, that's useless. Not that it isn't good to read the masters, only that there never has been a step by step instruction manual. There is no connection between here and there, there are no steps. I don't know exactly why it happened. In a sense it was an accident of circumstance. I was in a state of almost desperate seeking, and in a meditative state caused by repetitive tasks (a low paying data entry temp job), and then my expectations were disrupted when I turned a page in a book and the next one was blank. For some reason this was the trigger and I realized that the thing I was seeking was here and not on a page, and that I had been very foolish. Like looking for your glasses only to realize you had been wearing them all along. But it was also accompanied by a profound shift in consciousness, like I wasn't the one experiencing. Like I was watching myself do things. But there was also an interesting kind of freedom there when you are no longer identified with the persona you have created, our "personality". Even gravity seemed a distant thing, I could barely feel the weight of my limbs. That's why I can't help being humble about it, it was nothing I did. It can scarcely be communicated. Language depends on shared experiences, and if an experience is totally new, there is no shared frame of reference to explain it. My point in reporting this isn't to inflate my ego, but to tell you the good news, that it's not as hard as you might think.