The reason electric cars are a pipe dream is because we are now out of time and money. ...
No, we are not. You were more nearly correct when starting the apocalypse-soon thread. There you just got the time scale very wrong. I. E. it is true on decade time scales that the average cost or oil is and will continue to rise, as the "low hanging fruit" is picked. Sugar cane alcohol has many advantages over gasoline, including lower cost per mile driven, fully renewable as is solar energy stored, and net zero (or initially slightly negative) CO2 releases.
Reason it is not already the main liquid fuel for cars is that its production is very local and widely distributed. I.e. impossible for 5 or so large corporations to monopolize and control, like they do petroleum. If physics and economic rationality controlled the choice of energy systems for transportation, as you argue, then our cars would be using that alcohol, not gasoline, but powerful vested interest like to keep control of our transport fuel and are still doing so.
Electric cars are currently to expensive for the masses to afford, in large part because of the cost/ battery size/ range relationship; but with Musk's GigaFactory, now in costruction and Tesla, soon to make available lower cost EV, at about $35,000 or less, the current use of gasoline will greatly drop. Your argument that the world must run on petroleum as physic proves that is nonsense.
Your physics and /or entropy mandates world must run on oil is no more valid than the same argument applied to wood 200 years ago is.
Currently EVs mainly run on fossil energy (converted to electrical energy, with over all efficiency of energy delivered to the Car's motor of less than 30%); but this is rapidly changing. Much faster than the change from wood to petroleum was. Solar cell capital cost per watt capacity continues to fall rapidly. So the solar to electric energy they make is at least doubling each year now. said:
According to a recent report from China's National Energy Administration, the country connected 5.04 GW of solar capacity in the first quarter this year. That's nearly as much as the 6.20 GW installed in the U.S. during 2014; and China is planning to install as much as 17.8 GW this year alone. ...
I. e. China ALONE will install three times more solar cell generation in 2015 than the US installed in 2014! China also leads the world in the two other forms of solar energy (Hydro-electric and wind), because it is working hard to end its terrible pollution problem, and ALREADY closing coal fired generation near the urban areas, where electric or human powered bikes etc. clog the streets.
No "red tape" to cut here - The CCP just commands and it is done. said:
While the solar industry in the U.S. is caught up in a debate about subsidies, net metering, and the impact on the grid, China is just looking for as much clean energy as it can find. ... Beijing is shutting down all of its major coal power plants in 2016 and wind and solar energy are ways to fill the gap in generation.