Download and Print Your Product

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Valued Senior Member
I was reading the february issue of Discover magazine and there was an interesting article in there which was titled: Behold, The 3-D Fax.

In a nut shell, it covered a new technology being developed by Charles Hull, designer of the 3-D prototyper. This new device is based much on his first machine, building a 3-D object one layer at a time.

If you are not familiar with his 3-D prototyper, it can produce a 3-D model from a computer model (CAD Design). By exposing a light sensitive polymer to a beam of ultraviolate light, the polymer will be hardened. The beam of UV light traces the object in a tub of polymer, layer by layer. This method of producing prototypes has been used for several years.

The idea now is to build a machine for the consumer, much like a printer, which will allow you to download and reproduce an item. Also, it will allow you to customize your item.

It's all very large.
Huuumm eating polymers doesn't sound too tasty. Sounds like a neat idea though.
Yeah, it wouldn't be the most ideal lunch, but there are many other possibilities.

It's all very large.
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