Does descent based Darwinian classification exist in science? And is it possible for me to define the word "race" by this? Is this how Darwin defined the word in "On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life."? Is "no biological differences between humans" something supported by evidence or some kind of religious fantasy?
There is no biological differences between different ethnic groups that would define "race".
"Race" does not exist in biology.
The only people who obsess or demand that it exists are people who are only looking at skin colour and ethnic groups for social and political reasons.
But in science and biology, "race" does not exist. At all. Race, as a concept, is only literally skin deep. In science, it does not exist.
To put it another way, homo sapiens have not evolved to the point of having such differences to infer a different race of homo sapiens. In short, migrations out of Africa and adapting to climates which resulted in change of skin colour or eye shapes, is not the result of a new branch off the homo sapiens tree. It is still the exact same tree. Shared ancestry, is not race, nor does it involve race. I'll put it this way, take the organs out of people who are black, Asian, white or whatever little colour groupings you have going on in your head, and put them all on a table. You will not be able to tell which one is from which.
Let's see:
According to my source the British are largely Germanokelten with some Anglo-Saxon (both Nordid), with some ancient Mediterranid especially in Wales.
Are these not your words?
You are confused by ancestry shared at a major race (Nordid Germanokelten and Anglos) versus subrace level.
No I am not. You, however, seem to be confused in a variety of ways.
Because as others have pointed out, if this new direction of yours is to be believed, then all your previous arguments in this and other threads, are wrong. You are now directly contradicting yourself repeatedly.
One the one hand, using terms often employed by white supremacist and the Nazi's will only help your cause with the white supremacist bigots currently 'liking' your posts. They have no place on a science forum. Your so called "Nordid Germanokelten and Anglos" are not a "major race". They are themselves, a mix of different ethnic groups that existed in Europe and were invading forces. They were literally, what one could call mongrels, with a mix of different ethnic groups, descended from homo sapiens who had "mixed" with various other hominids during their migration and settlements out of Africa. There is no "major race" simply for the fact that every single non-African group are so mixed that the only regard for "race" is looking at cosmetic things like skin colour, which is ridiculous.
The fact that you believe that a) "Nordid Germanokelten" are a "major race" and b) that Anglos make up a major race, apparently versus what you deem to be "subrace level" is laughable and shows a clear lack of education and understanding of a) human evolution and b) biology and even rudimentary genetics. To refer to groups made up of different ethnicity's who were, in effect, invading other regions and inhabiting those regions as being a "major race" is laughable and completely contradicts your whole argument in this and other threads.
Yes, did I say something different?
You know, you aren't that clever or smart to try to pull this off.. You do know this, yes?
Again you are confusing shared ancestry at different levels of analysis. I never disputed subgroups within the overall Nordid classification of the pre and post Anglo British. And you are presenting nothing to contradict this.
Of course you don't think it contradicts you. Because anyone who read the study would see just how much it contradicts you. The fact that the study found that the "Nordic" groups left virtually no trace genetically is beside the point? The fact that despite being occupying forces in the UK for years, they left little to no trace genetically escaped you? Or the fact that the UK was made up of different tribes who did not share any ancestry in the sense that you are arguing and the only "shared ancestry" came from invading forces who were themselves made up of different ethnic groups. And you think the UK is made up racially of the "Nordid Germanokelten"?
Just because you are obsessed with Nazi and white supremacist terminology to assign a major race, does not mean that is based in reality. You haven't even provided any scientific proof or support for your claims (possibly because none exists). What you have provided were from white supremacists. This isn't stormfront or any of the other white supremacist sites you might frequent. If you can't back up your claims with science, you will be relegated to the Cesspool.
In science, race does not exist. So if you keep at it, you won't last here very long.
Defining race by ancestry would make a classification possible if there were literally no differences. Do you honestly believe there are no biological differences between races? What, uh, quantity of difference would justify a classification? Would you like to compare human racial difference measures to various animal subspecies, or should I?
Classification for what? For what reason or purpose?
Because of the sheer level of mixing in human history, it is impossible to classify people based on their "ancestry". For example, someone could have French, Dutch, German and African ancestry. What race would they be in your opinion? What "shared ancestry" would they fall under? Look at their genes and see which is more dominantly represented? Or does the one drop rule apply?
Do I believe there are no biological differences between races? Yes, I believe there are no biological differences between races. Hence why I suggested you leave the white supremacist writings and Nazi writings behind
and actually stick to science.
I guess it makes sense that you aren't actually sticking to science because if you did, you wouldn't have a leg to stand on.
And you can try to compare "human racial difference measures to various animal subspecies",
but the result will be to your detriment. We don't allow white supremacist bullshit on this site. And if you keep going as you are going, you will be permanently banned. The choice is yours.