Does God care about atheists

The Flat Earth Society does not constitute humanity.

I agree, there'd be chaos. Of course. But IMO, the difference between fake and real is not a a mere quantitative difference, say between 80% convincing and 90% convincing. It's a qualitative difference. One could actually say 'well what can I do that would convince you?'

Regardless, it's an intractable question. Neither of us are really wrong.
Aye, which is what makes the debate fun (at least when both parties are debating in good faith).
And there would, no doubt, be war. And death. Lots of death.

Let's be honest - we can't even get people to believe demonstrable fact (such as "the Earth is round" and "smoking contributes to the risk of cancer")... You expect people to simply believe what they see on TV when it goes against the very fabric if their beliefs?

Humanity... Sadly... Just isn't that smart.

Ok... so im guessin that you have faith that Gods plan to stay hidden is best for humanity.!!!

Insofar as I am aware, that desire was not part of the original design (Adam nor Eve). Perhaps an unintended flaw in our cognitive faculties that allowed such things to come to exist? I cannot say.

So when i replied to that wit this queston:::
Woud you at least prefer a God who created life as we know it except that any desire to molest children woud never occur.??? didnt answr... so i asume that you also have faith that when God put his creation plan into action... a plan which made child molestation inevitable... was best for humanity.???
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If you had a limited number of days of life, how valuable would those remaining days be?
Everyone has a limited number of days of life, God isn't needed for that.

Are you arguing that cancer in young children is actually giving them a gift? What about child them an appreciation for those who don't abuse them?
Everyone has a limited number of days of life, God isn't needed for that.
Sometimes we need a reminder.

Are you arguing that cancer in young children is actually giving them a gift?
I don't know what purpose such things might serve...possibly another reminder.

What about child them an appreciation for those who don't abuse them?
Is abuse a gift from God or other people.
Sometimes we need a reminder.

I don't know what purpose such things might serve...possibly another reminder.

Is abuse a gift from God or other people.
God is in all of us, right? So, either way it's a gift from God. Let us remember, he works in mysterious ways, which seem to me to be an indication that he doesn't exit. :)

When things effective work out the same way with or without a God it's an indication that there is no God.
When things effective work out the same way with or without a God it's an indication that there is no God.
I somehow have a feeling that imperfection is perfection, that we all arrive at our destination in the present moment, not always understanding how we got there or why.
Perhaps a new perspective gives reason for life.

Certainly - rarely, though, is what caused the new perspective the reason to be found. Such as a near death experience - being forced to face one's mortality can be a huge kick in the arse.
So you find your child has an imaginary friend.

At first you try to overlook it but as the condition continues your child displays concerning behaviour attributing more and more to the imaginary friend.

Something gets broken ...its the imaginary friend..the child won't eat this or that because the imaginary friend doesn't like that particular food.

The child asks questions about the world and you answer God did it.
The child asks where is God you reply..In heaven.

You immerse your family in the activity of your church and tell the child God will punish you if you are bad and you won't go to heaven.
The family pets dies and you tell the child its gone up to heaven to be with God.

Why did Muffy die? ..God has a plan that you can trust.

You wonder why your child has the affliction of trying to escape reality by inventing an imaginary friend.

You talk to your friends and even a doctor such is your concern asking why does my child fantasize like this.

It gets so bad you go off and pray to God your imaginary friend.

Is there a problem...of course not..not that you can see.

I somehow have a feeling that imperfection is perfection, that we all arrive at our destination in the present moment, not always understanding how we got there or why.
I somehow have a feeling that No God is God and therefore the creator of the universe is not the creator of the universe.
So you find your child has an imaginary friend.
The imagination of a child is an amazing thing. I wish I could entertain my mind so easily as when I was a child. My brother had an imaginary friend when he was a kid. He's quite a happy guy now.
I somehow have a feeling that No God is God and therefore the creator of the universe is not the creator of the universe.
That's fine. It really is your conclusion, and it's not my mission to convince you otherwise. I do believe that a spiritual life is more full than one of simple existence, but I also believe you can't force spirituality into your life. It's either there or it isn't there.
That's fine. It really is your conclusion, and it's not my mission to convince you otherwise. I do believe that a spiritual life is more full than one of simple existence, but I also believe you can't force spirituality into your life. It's either there or it isn't there.

I think most people would feel that their life is more than simple existence even if they don't believe in spirits. Wonderment is available for all.
The imagination of a child is an amazing thing. I wish I could entertain my mind so easily as when I was a child. My brother had an imaginary friend when he was a kid. He's quite a happy guy now.
The imagination of many folk is an amazing thing and one would like to think being able to distinguish between that which is imagined and that which is real was in there somewhere.
Tell me about the imaginary friend of your brother and if his environment in anyway may have contributed to such a condition.
Does he still have his imaginary friend?
Most imaginary friends names begin with G or J.
I think most people would feel that their life is more than simple existence even if they don't believe in spirits. Wonderment is available for all.
I would agree, but what is the source of their "Wonderment"?