Valued Senior Member
How would you recommend He do that? Send prophets to tell us? Or maybe come again and lay the truth bare?
Would anyone believe in whomever professed to be God? If a man or woman were to arrive tomorrow and, with a touch, begin curing folks of cancer, restoring sight to the blind, or call a plague of locusts against His enemies... What do you think the reaction of the general public would be? I'd wager on absolute chaos...
I think the biggest cop-out (IMO) is this idea that God is perfection, some look to nature and find "perfection" in something, yet nature is far from perfect.
God creates imperfect Man when it would have been just as easy to create perfect Man in a perfect world. This is usually followed with "but he gave us free-will". Again, why do that? Or, if we were perfect, giving us free-will would still result in perfection.
Regarding believing "someone" was God if he returned to Earth. How about just ending all war, sickness, injustice, cause everyone to get along and cooperate for the betterment of all.
It wouldn't actually be a hard thing to convince people if the God that arrived was more than a hat trick artist.