Does Bible teach us everything good?


Valued Senior Member
I mean, morally good, perfect!

Anything in Bible is not good to our mind?
I think the old testament is the road to the dark side
I think the new testament is the road to the path of light

You only can take either 1 of 2 paths, the light or the dark. Thats what the bible is about. There is no contradictions in the bible, just that people do not understand what i just wrote.

The only free choice you have is on every decision you make, you either goto the light or to the dark. There is no free choice other than that. Thats for you to choose.

You think about things wrong in terms of the bible. There is only the path to light or the path to darkness. The bible tells you two stories, and its upto you which you resonate with.
I mean, morally good, perfect!

Anything in Bible is not good to our mind?

Much of what is written in the bible is morally repugnant. Even Jesus, who is widely (and wrongly) considered this upright citizen, preaches stuff you'd consider immoral today, such as leaving your family.
Yep really, listen to the sermon on the mount, and tell me thats a person whom spoke from darkness. Thats a person on the road to light. Thats why the jews hated him, as the jewish religion is about the path to the dark.

The story in the new testament is probably older than the time of jesus, as humans have always known for a long time that there is two paths, light and darkness.

Most people like to goto the dark, as it gives them the easy pleasures. All you people care about is what can you get out of it all. If you want that road follow the darkness into judaism.
Much of what is written in the bible is morally repugnant. Even Jesus, who is widely (and wrongly) considered this upright citizen, preaches stuff you'd consider immoral today, such as leaving your family.

If you think literally . Leaving the family could mean leave the believe as they believe and follow the teaching of Jesus . Morality today is a real joke ." I am numero uno " is the today's morality
Yep really, listen to the sermon on the mount, and tell me thats a person whom spoke from darkness. Thats a person on the road to light. Thats why the jews hated him, as the jewish religion is about the path to the dark.

The story in the new testament is probably older than the time of jesus, as humans have always known for a long time that there is two paths, light and darkness.

Most people like to goto the dark, as it gives them the easy pleasures. All you people care about is what can you get out of it all. If you want that road follow the darkness into judaism.

Ah, yes, christianity, the religion which gave us the crusades, the Inquisition, burning at the stake for heresy. Truly the path of light.
Ah, yes, christianity, the religion which gave us the crusades, the Inquisition, burning at the stake for heresy. Truly the path of light.

How long are you guys hit the death horse , that was 500 years ago.
That's the problem with the Bible. It's moral message is incoherent.

I would not say so, You can not take the wrong doing by the old Hebrews and apply it as the way to live by. You can see constantly the exhortation by the prophets for people to correct their was of life
How long are you guys hit the death horse , that was 500 years ago.

Well, I have talked to many many on the radical christian right who feel that it is OK to torture muslims.
Well, I have talked to many many on the radical christian right who feel that it is OK to torture muslims.

They call themselves christian, but this is not in agreement with put the other cheek is what Christ was teaching
And this is today. Home page of the Westboro Baptist Church.

Besides, 500 years ago was 500 years closer to the true and original teachings.

I might disagree with such behavior but to kill a person who practices sodomy , is a no no . God will not say in one situation thew shall not kill the turn around and the say go and kill . In the old testament I believe there are some writing done by man and using the name of God to do their own desires and bad doings.
I might disagree with such behavior but to kill a person who practices sodomy , is a no no

That's not what other christians say, is it?

Mathew 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.

Mark 6:11 And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear you, when ye depart thence, shake off the dust under your feet for a testimony against them. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.

II Kings 2:23-24 Some small boys came out of the city and jeered at [the prophet Elisha], saying, “Go up, you baldhead! Go up, you baldhead!” And ...he cursed them in the name of the Lord. And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore fortytwo of the boys

Not a very nice guy, this christian god.
That's not what other christians say, is it?

Well , each of us is responsible for our own doing, and we choose to interpret according to our own conscience. I believe if God wants to remove somebody from the planet he can do it without using my hand .
Well , each of us is responsible for our own doing, and we choose to interpret according to our own conscience. I believe if God wants to remove somebody from the planet he can do it without using my hand .

Right, he has other means. "And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore fortytwo of the boys". So as long as your god doesn't use you personally to commit atrocities, he's good with you?
I would not say so, You can not take the wrong doing by the old Hebrews and apply it as the way to live by. You can see constantly the exhortation by the prophets for people to correct their was of life

What about genocide?
Right, he has other means. "And two she-bears came out of the woods and tore fortytwo of the boys". So as long as your god doesn't use you personally to commit atrocities, he's good with you?

I am part of nature and I am subjected to nature . I can ask God to help me to survive , and that is his will to provide help or not