We should really take for granted that the Aether exists, and then we should go about finding it. Currently there are searches for Higgs Boson, and Dark Matter, and scientists talk about Gravitons, and Space Time. I don't understand why science accepts some claims, and completely ignores others. The Aether has the best evidence of all of the things in this list. It shows up, but nobody is looking for it. A few years ago, science found a way to find exo-planets using the change of brightness of stars as exo-planets passed in front of them. It is approaches like this that will find the Aether. New ideas, and new approaches. Now, I have been making Aether computer simulations, and what they show is that the Aether is evident in characteristics that science isn't thinking about. The Aether is a spherical stacking system of particles, and once you realise that, you can look for the stacking patterns. Spherical stacking patterns are the same as an exo-planet passing in front of a sun. The Aether becomes visible when you know how to look for it. The visibility can be found in natural fractals. You can ask.. "Why are there so many hexagon shaped fractals in nature?" You can find the exo-planet in front of a sun, by looking at hands, feet, limbs, snowflakes, tomatoes, crystal formations, Bose Einstein condensates, magnetism, single layer atomic structures. These are all spherical stacking results. In a spherical stacking system you can get 12 sphere around a single sphere. You get 6 sphere around a central sphere in 2D. Gravity shapes the 3D pressure into 2D pressure, because Gravity happens in the Y. In 2D pressure on a spherical stacking system you force the Aether to move into the Areas of least resistance. So what you end up with is hexagonal releases of pressure. Hands, feet, snowflakes, tomatoes, fish, dogs, cats. Then after studying that, you learn that entropy is reducing those results to smaller shapes that finish of the fractals as trees, plants, roots, scales on fish, finger nails, and hair.
You will not understand how these shapes come about for a long time. First you have to understand the Aether, then it is easy to move on to hexagon fractals, moving forward to entropy is a harder route.
But I can see the Aether, because I can see the exo-planet moving in front of a sun.