It is possible for the media to misrepresent a story, while still releasing good information. The trick is to not present all the data, equally weighed. Data slanting can lead people to draw the wrong conclusion.
For example, say you have led a good life of community service, where you do good by others, 90% of your time. Say you were now running for office and biased media only presented the hard facts from the other 10% of your time. This 10% of your life data will make you look selfish and even petty. If this is all the data people see, some people will draw the wrong global conclusion of your life. All the facts will be both the 90% service and the 10% time to recharge your batteries. All the data will make you appear like a good but imperfect person. But if we presented either just the 90%, or the just the 10%, we can lead people to conclude you are saint or a reprobate.
As a current example, the hard data shows Trump making many insulting comments. If you fact check, this data is true. If we add up the time used by all these insulting comments, and divide this by all Trump's wake hours, over the past 1 1/2 years, this may reflect 1-2% of Trump's time. A person who is not aware of these data time proportions, but who only sees the 1-2% data, may conclude, that insulting people represents 100% of what Trump does.