I've tried, but I still don't get this.All other explanations are a form of "wishful thinking".
Well there is a popular story that god created Adam (and Eve), "in his image" in "1 day", which would seem to preclude evolution.I've tried, but I still don't get this.
What other explanations, and of what?
https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14746700.2013.750958Many modern Christians argue that the Bible teaches that God created plants, animals and especially humans through direct “special creation” without mediating such creation through any so-called natural causes.
Not especially. It's the obvious question to ask you. You speak as if you think you have a good idea about who or what God is, and I merely noticed that. It wasn't hard. I thought that, perhaps, you might be able to back up your bravado with an actual attempt at an explanation, but apparently either you couldn't, or you weren't interested. (Although, if it's the latter, I have to wonder why you bothered posting in this thread in the first place.)I bet you think that's clever.
For the sake of argument, let us assume that you're correct that I don't know who or what God is, for now. So, fill me in! I'm all ears.It sounds like you think you don't know who or what God is.
Whenever somebody says "probably" they aren't claiming 100% confidence. I agree with you that, as far as I can tell, it is far more likely than not that God is mythical. I could explain exactly why that is my assessment. This may strike you as brilliance, but it's really not. It's ultimately the same kind of reasoning process as the one that led to my more prosaic belief that it will probably rain tomorrow.But wait, you do know something about God after all; well, actually you believe something even though you don't know it's true, something like "God is probably a myth". Brilliant.
Aw, shucks. I ought to tell you that my smarts have been independently assessed on a number of occasions, if it matters to you.I bet you think you're pretty damn smart, eh James?
I wouldn't necessarily go that far. How could I be sure? How about you? Where's your confidence level about your own level of delusion at? 100% confidence that you're not at all deluded about anything at all?No self delusion in your little world, huh?
Nah, you really didn't.I just answered your question about who or what I think God is, even if you don't think so!
Well, I don't know about you, but pre-Covid lockdowns, I used to regularly get people knocking on my door wanting to tell me the Good News about their versions of God, unsolicited. These days, they tend to drop pamphlets in the letter box. They sure give the impression that they want other people to know about their beliefs and their Gods. I understand that you might be different, but again the question arises as to why you decided to join this conversation, if you're really as uninterested in spreading the word as you claim.See this: And say some believers did find evidence, why would they tell you or anyone else about it?
'fess up. You've had the door knockers and pamphleteers knocking at your door, too, haven' t you?If no true believer claims any such thing because they of course realise they don't have to (unless maybe they also felt some need to help or save people from ignorance)...
Why all the hypotheticals? Can't we just talk about what you believe and why?...how would someone like you who admits they don't know, um . . . know about it?
Why is it the obvious question? Why did you notice that I think I have a good idea about who or what God is? What tipped you off; what did I say?It's the obvious question to ask you. You speak as if you think you have a good idea about who or what God is, and I merely noticed that. It wasn't hard.
But James, I'm actually pretty confident you do know; and not only do you know, you also know the people who come knocking on your door to tell you all about it, haven't quite got the idea. You know they're wrong about something, something you don't have the time or patience to explain.For the sake of argument, let us assume that you're correct that I don't know who or what God is, for now. So, fill me in! I'm all ears.
Was it like exhaling?My interest has vanished
Sorry. I thought it would be clear to you. Let me walk you through it one more time, but more slowly.Unpacking this:
Why is it the obvious question? Why did you notice that I think I have a good idea about who or what God is? What tipped you off; what did I say?
Why wasn't it hard?
You're pretty confident about what I know ... maybe?But James, I'm actually pretty confident you do know; and not only do you know, you also know the people who come knocking on your door to tell you all about it, haven't quite got the idea. You know they're wrong about something, something you don't have the time or patience to explain.
So you don't know who or what God is?I seem to be able to evince certain "standard" responses, just by mentioning certain things. I haven't actually unequivocally said anything like "I know who or what God is", but more than one poster here seems to have jumped to that conclusion and expected me to explain myself.
This person thought that, like a normal person, you'd be able to share whatever knowledge it is that you have. You know, communicate. On a discussion forum. Was I wrong to think that about you?A most curious circumstance, indeed. I ask, "why?", but who am I asking? As in "what do these people think I can tell them?"
Could you? Or not? If not, what are you doing here?Could I talk about certain . . . experiences, important to me for some reason, because I can still remember them, and after all, who am I if not what I remember doing during my life.
Could you? Or not? If not, what are you doing here?
Do I? Really?You speak as if you think you have a good idea about who or what God is, and I merely noticed that. It wasn't hard.
And just as clearly, something convinced you that's what I think. But I don't think I've made that clear at all.Clearly, something convinced you that God is real and has certain characteristics. So what convinced you? Let me know if such questions are too hard for you.
I explained, just above, in detail, in that entire post that you just skipped over. If you're not willing to engage in a honest two-way conversation, there's little point in my continuing to humour you.What I said was I think people who say they don't think God exists, don't know who or what they "really are", right? How does that imply "I have a good idea about who or what God is? ??
You're saying that God is whatever you need it to be from minute to minute. That's incredibly vague and unhelpful. There's no way to have a clue what you're talking about when you use the word "God". If you're for real.Like say, God isn't an opinion, God isn't an idea although the word does seem to give people all kinds of ideas. God seems to be something nobody can really define. and here you are, demanding I do just that.
I wanted to know about your God, so I asked you about it. But, apparently, you're unable to say anything definite about it. If you're for real, and not just trolling, then you need to realise that you're not actually thinking about anything substantial when you think about "God". If your God had any consistent properties at all, you'd be able to say something about what they are.So what do I know about "my" God? Let's see; I know that it's something a lot of people want to know about; I also know these people already know enough about it that they, like you, feel they can say something definitive.
I'm no longer interested. You seem completely unable to articulate whatever it is you're trying to say. The resulting mish-mash concept you have is actually, literally, meaningless.God is a word, a word is not what we're trying to talk about here. What we're trying to talk about here might be "beyond God".
Thru Prayer, sometimes I "feel" God answered me.Do you talk to GOD?
That's it.
That's the question.
And, though I do not believe in nor expect an interactive god.
I do.
I've grown partial to The Flying Spaghetti Monster
I think it has many of the aspects of religion and would make a good change from the full cookie cutter religions currently circulating
I on occasion do talk to The Flying Spaghetti Monster. Well his representation in the form of his presence in a can. When I find the shelf in the supermarket where he has been placed I have been known to say "There you are"
Of course like the thousands of other religions I do not entertain any ideas The Flying Spaghetti Monster is a sentient entity who created the Universe
I do like the concept The Flying Spaghetti Monster religion has of heaven and hell, which has both being much the same with a neat twist
Both have beer volcanoes and both have voluptuous vixens for the men and hunks for the women, tailored to the individuals preferences
The volcanoes in heaven put out beer (or your choice of fluid) and your choice of partner to fullfill your fantasies
Drinks in heaven come fresh, in hell stale. Partners in heaven are pure and engage your fantasies. Same in hell, however the vixens and hunks have incurable STDs
How about, I'm saying what God isn't, as needed?You're saying that God is whatever you need it to be from minute to minute.
What you mean there, is I'm not providing you with a coherent, understandable idea about God; instead I just say "God is not an idea".That's incredibly vague and unhelpful. There's no way to have a clue what you're talking about when you use the word "God". If you're for real.
Bullshit, James.I'm no longer interested.
'' instead I just say "God is not an idea'' .What you mean there, is I'm not providing you with a coherent, understandable idea about God; instead I just say "God is not an idea".
But '' I think to myself,'' no, such opinions are those of people who just don't know what or who God is, and this appears to be, to me at least, because they don't know what or who they themselves "really are".
Perhaps it might be helpful to include me in the set of "those people who don't know what or who God is"; and who "don't know what or who they themselves really are".That implies you think ''God'' is a ''what'' or a ''who'', which exists.
It also implies you know who you ''really are'' in order to understand that ''God'' is a ''what'' or ''who'' which exists.
Or, I may altogether misunderstand you, and you're saying, people who know themselves, know there is no ''God'' thingy. ??