I think the real key, here, is who people would want and why.
As it is, there are ways this choice looks kind of normal: On the Democratic side is someone liberals will accept, on the Republican side is dangerous antisociality promising ruin. And over the last forty or so years, what this means is that the reason everything sucks so much is that everyone is trying to either compromise with or exploit traditionalism. In other words, voters have done this to themselves.
I'm not quite sure what to say. This is posed as a cliche pretty much. Yes, on the Democratic side is someone liberals will accept. On the Republican side is someone some conservatives will accept. Voters did this to themselves.
Sure, you could say this about any politic topic at any time in history but it doesn't add anything to any conversation to do so.
Meanwhile, your politic has kind of been stoking societal problems. You know, like
supporting prejudice and bigotry in law enforcement↗, or lamenting that people shouid just
grow up and be responsible↗. Because, you know, the last forty years of that stuff has worked out so well.
None of this is related to the thread topic. It seems to be a personal comment directed at me, but OK, fine. My "politic" hasn't been stoking societal problems. I don't support prejudice and bigotry in law enforcement. People should just grow up and be responsible, that always does work out well.
I assume the 40 years is a reference to Reagan. Again, so far this is a rant that you could (and have) post at any time about anything and has little to do with this thread.
For your part, you're referring to a self-imposed dualism between "pretty much like voting for Hitler" or voting for "someone" whose policies you probably won't ever like. Remember, it's not so much "Democrats", but the needs of local Democratic voters. Why Biden instead of Warren? Ask Democratic voters in South Carolina. Or consider New York City: Why a cultist with a shoe fetish? Because he's a cop; that's the point of compromise. They could have had a black law enforcer for mayor if they chose the other Democratic candidate, but she was a woman, so they said no; or maybe she wasn't corrupt and authoritarian enough for New Yorkers, so they said no. In any case, it's not so much a "Democrat" thing as a Big Apple thing. New Yorkers needed a compromise point between the conspiracist vigilante who happens to be white and a black woman, so they picked a corrupt cop.
Yet another rambling paragraph not really about the thread topic unless in the most cliche sense of "all politics is local". OK, true but it doesn't add much to the conversation. Real estate is about "location, location, location" but would I really need to say that in a conversation about real estate unless I was really just being lazy and trite?
Maybe you're getting a clue here as to how to keep your diatribes a little shorter. Just leave out the non-essential parts. That's also a key to good writing in most any style.
Still, though, if it wasn't Biden, your choice would be between "pretty much voting for Hitler" and "someone who isn't Hitler but whose policies" you don't like even more than Biden.
Flip-side: What would you actually be hoping for? If Republicans are determined to recycle the infamies of history, what do you actually want of the other candidate?
What I would like from Biden would be to be financially responsible and not contribute to the national debt, inflation and to not blatantly try to buy votes via student loan debt relief enacted unilaterally, passing major legislation after just increasing the money supply dramatically due to Covid, etc. You don't fight monetary inflation with more monetary inflation.
He started off OK by being the "caretaker" that most people elected him to be before he got way off track. Regarding Warren, I'd like to see her fall off the face of the planet.
From the current Republicans, unfortunately, I don't expect anything. As you say, the voters are doing it to themselves and I can't change all of those voters. I would like to see more backbone on that side and I'd like to see all of the more traditional Republicans take over from the crazies and be more responsible. I'd like to see the public debt get back below, let's say 75% of GDP.
However, all I can really do is to be responsible and take care of myself and if everyone did that, the political clown show would matter even less than it already does.
From you, I'd like to see more than trite cliches and more specific improvements, whatever those are from your point of view. It's lazy to just sling mud, don't you think? It's also lazy to be so verbose but actually say nothing.
Sure, you don't like Reagan, everyone is a racist, you don't like how things are going. You don't really talk about what you do want, which we know isn't capitalism but you rarely, if ever, really address that. Why is that?