Do we know the exact method of building pyramid of egypt ?


Those slaves surely had great skills.

Does anybody ever read complete sentences anymore?
Does the term "on the backs of slaves" have no secondary message buried within it?

Did you know that the first recorded labor strike was during the building of a pyramid?
And that the reason was "garlic rations".

p.s. The primitive "trundle wheel" is still used today to measure exact distances.

Water in a square tub is still used to measure horizontal.
It has now been replaced by the enclosed "airbubble" in spirit level.

Most tools we have today are merely refinements on some very fundamental principles.
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and you know this
It is a matter of degree. There is never only this or only that . I am sure both slaves and seasonal unemployed workers were used as they are today for major infrastructure projects.

Judging by recent history, slaves make for cheap labor of physically demanding jobs. All great labour intensive infrastructures in the US were made on the backs of slaves.
Were Egyptians then more civilized than modern man was a few decades ago and still today in the great modern works in the Middle East.

Skilled labour is expensive. Paying high wages for 30 years to tens of thousands of physical laborers to build a single pyramid would not be very cost effective. In that respect, nothing has changed much in a few millenia.

It is a confronting reality that even in the present day, men, women and children all over the world remain victims of modern slavery.
The Arab States region covers 11 countries including Bahrain, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, United Arab Emirates and Yemen, and is home to two percent of the world’s population.
Isn't it interesting that Egypt is not mentioned in this list?
The region is diverse, spanning the wealthier Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC countries) and countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, and Iraq, which are dealing with the impact of ongoing conflict in Syria. This regional study summarises a longer set of findings, which can be found in the Global Slavery Index: Arab States Report.
On any given day in 2016, an estimated 520,000 men, women, and children were living in modern slavery in the Arab States. This is a prevalence of 3.3 victims per 1,000 persons. When considering the forms of modern slavery, the largest share of those in modern slavery were victims of forced labour (2.2 victims per 1,000 people), while the rate of forced marriage was 1.1 victims per 1,000 people.
Over half of all victims of forced labour exploitation (51 percent) were held in debt bondage and this affected a greater share of female victims than male victims. The Arab States accounted for one percent of victims of forced sexual exploitation globally.
Within the region, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen had both the highest prevalence of modern slavery and the highest absolute number of victims, accounting for 76 percent of the victims in the region.
These regional figures, while important, should be interpreted cautiously given the gaps and limitations of data in this region. Only two national surveys were conducted in the Arab States region (Lebanon and Jordan), both conducted in Arabic, and none were conducted in the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) states, despite the incidence of forced labour reported by various sources in such sectors as domestic work and construction in the GCC countries.
The regional estimates for the Arab States were therefore built mainly from respondents who were interviewed in their country of residence and reported about their forced labour situation while working in that region. Further, measurement of forced marriage among residents of countries within the region is particularly problematic where there are no surveys. Taken together, these gaps point to the likelihood of a significant underestimation of the extent of modern slavery in this region.
Similarly, as it is typically not possible to survey in countries that are experiencing profound and current conflict, such as Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, data from these states are likely to understate the problem
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It is a tomb for a dead guy.
"Do we know the exact method of building pyramid of egypt?"
Yes, they cut up rocks and then stacked them.
There it is . Close the thread. It got 1 like. Hooray! Standing ovation!

Is that what you can offer to the OP question? Give me a break .

Citing slavery as having been a big part of these enormous works is perfectly appropriate.
Three important documents in chronological order are, firstly, circa 2700 BC Pharaoh Sneferu's "Palermo Stone" where we read forty ship loads of timber, imported from Lebanon, for temple building. Translate "temple" to "Pyramid" and the timber was required for the construction process.

Secondly, circa 590 BC priest and scribe Ezekiel records statements made by the ancestors of Hebrew Pyramid builders who speak of wooden" wheels within wheels" machines having four rims that were high and awesome, with eyes all around.

Thirdly, circa 450 BC Herodotus walks around The Great Pyramid and inquires as to how it was built. Priests informed Herodotus that machines formed of short wooden planks were used to raise Pyramid blocks tier by tier.

The simple step-walking machines are now understood as "four-lobe pinion-pulleys" and operated innately with a mechanical advantage of 2.8 (MA=2.8) which means a 2500kg Pyramid block requires an input effort of 900kg to raise it. The machines operated independently on all four sides of the Pyramid, progressively using the Pyramid to build the Pyramid to final completion. White Tura limestone facing blocks were hoisted and installed from top to bottom. These three documents exist and provide congruency of evidence of the ancient Egyptian four-lobe pinion-pulleys which are the earliest known prototype of "rack and pinion" mechanical engineering technology.

Watch 40 seconds model demonstration video ...
"Rampless Pyramid Construction - The Documented Ancient Construction Method of The Great Pyramid"

Three important documents in chronological order are, firstly, circa 2700 BC Pharaoh Sneferu's "Palermo Stone" where we read forty ship loads of timber, imported from Lebanon, for temple building. Translate "temple" to "Pyramid" and the timber was required for the construction process.

Secondly, circa 590 BC priest and scribe Ezekiel records statements made by the ancestors of Hebrew Pyramid builders who speak of wooden" wheels within wheels" machines having four rims that were high and awesome, with eyes all around.

Thirdly, circa 450 BC Herodotus walks around The Great Pyramid and inquires as to how it was built. Priests informed Herodotus that machines formed of short wooden planks were used to raise Pyramid blocks tier by tier.

The simple step-walking machines are now understood as "four-lobe pinion-pulleys" and operated innately with a mechanical advantage of 2.8 (MA=2.8) which means a 2500kg Pyramid block requires an input effort of 900kg to raise it. The machines operated independently on all four sides of the Pyramid, progressively using the Pyramid to build the Pyramid to final completion. White Tura limestone facing blocks were hoisted and installed from top to bottom. These three documents exist and provide congruency of evidence of the ancient Egyptian four-lobe pinion-pulleys which are the earliest known prototype of "rack and pinion" mechanical engineering technology.

Watch 40 seconds model demonstration video ...
"Rampless Pyramid Construction - The Documented Ancient Construction Method of The Great Pyramid"

This makes sense to me. It also explains the presence of the "Petrie rockers". I assume you have compared the size of the rockers to the size of the stones.

This makes sense to me. It also explains the presence of the "Petrie rockers". I assume you have compared the size of the rockers to the size of the stones.
gmilam, all "Petrie rockers" found are small flimsy tomb models for use in the "after-life", or have been hidden in safe places. Real "rockers" surround their load, so deduction is necessary, and logically straight forward to determine "rocker" length. The majority of Giza Pyramid blocks are limestone cubes of approximately one metre side length, thus real "rockers" would need to be one metre long, and of course extremely robust.