Did Nothing Create Everything?

And you sort a question, which I suspect you will avoid, but remember I ask it so that some passer by will seek the answer...Do you know what a "scientific theory" means?
And perhaps in addition are you familiar with the philosophy of science as put forward by Karl Popper?
Keep up the good work please.
Now I really must go and do real things in the real world with or without god but certainly with much reliance on the knowledge provided by science...you should get a dog as you can talk to them when alone and perhaps get more feed back than god ever gives. I like dogs..hey dog is god god backwards...what does that tell you?


Copied the following from a place on the internet...

”A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.”

Why is it that a scientific theory can absolutely not meet this standard? But still be accepted anyway, sometimes for decades?
And you sort a question, which I suspect you will avoid, but remember I ask it so that some passer by will seek the answer...Do you know what a "scientific theory" means?
And perhaps in addition are you familiar with the philosophy of science as put forward by Karl Popper?
Keep up the good work please.
Now I really must go and do real things in the real world with or without god but certainly with much reliance on the knowledge provided by science...you should get a dog as you can talk to them when alone and perhaps get more feed back than god ever gives. I like dogs..hey dog is god god backwards...what does that tell you?

It tells me that a dog is probably a good co-pilot.
I knew it! Alex works at Area 51 doesn’t he?
I think so. He was born in 1947. 1947/51 is about 38 and it's been 38 days since he last mentioned a dog. That didn't just happen by coincidence. I think we can safely say that he does indeed work at Area 51.

They don't won't you to know that and these are the same people who told us about Big Foot, so they can't be trusted.
I think it is nice you take the time to post stuff that gives folk something to argue about and pass the time.
You remind me of a wonderful chap that was here a while back Jan. He would present as a theist and insist there was a god and he was so much fun because he was a total frustration in that he would avoid answering questions and while insisting there was a god never sort to offer any reason that was evidenced in any way. I believed he was an atheist who took on the persona of a theist to make them look stupid.
Both he and you do a great job by providing a little entertainment and to give scientific folk an outlet where they can vent , to some degree, their frustration with the sad human condition that requires most humans to believe in fairy tales rather than to believe in themselves.
I like to come here because it gives me something to do while I sit on the toilet or while I must rest my legs and need something to take my mind away from the torment of never ending pain.
What I am saying is you and Jan are sortta like god for some of us...we suspect that you are not real but we talk to you when in pain or perhaps sitting on the toilet.
I never expected you to answer my questions but you provide a platform where perhaps some poor brain washed human may stumble in read my questions and research to find truth and perhaps take on personal responsibility and indulge the benefits of knowledge science has delivered. And so each of us get something and folk like you and Jan should be paid by the site for the service you provide.
Have a nice day.

I really believe that we were made for more than this world can provide. And that is why we are never content here, in pain for sure, but also even without it.
I think so. He was born in 1947. 1947/51 is about 38 and it's been 38 days since he last mentioned a dog. That didn't just happen by coincidence. I think we can safely say that he does indeed work at Area 51.

As I suspected! I have 2 female Labs and they really are great companions!
That sounds like a faulty design.
It does indeed and certainly is, but in the beginning, when we were created, it was not so.

But I’m not preaching or anything, just talking so try to not be easily offended.
It does indeed and certainly is, but in the beginning, when we were created, it was not so.

But I’m not preaching or anything, just talking so try to not be easily offended.
I'm not easily offended. Remember I gave you permission to post anything you want.:)

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. I believe he created light and called it Day and did so several days before he created the Sun and stars.

It's kind of hard to create light without the Sun, wouldn't you say?
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And you sort a question, which I suspect you will avoid, but remember I ask it so that some passer by will seek the answer...Do you know what a "scientific theory" means?
And perhaps in addition are you familiar with the philosophy of science as put forward by Karl Popper?
Keep up the good work please.
Now I really must go and do real things in the real world with or without god but certainly with much reliance on the knowledge provided by science...you should get a dog as you can talk to them when alone and perhaps get more feed back than god ever gives. I like dogs..hey dog is god god backwards...what does that tell you?


I looked up Karl Popper and I will have to study his ideas more. What do you like about Karl Popper?
Why is it that a scientific theory can absolutely not meet this standard? But still be accepted anyway, sometimes for decades?
The problem I feel must cause you some difficulty is both your tenancy to generalise and not to support your generalisation with something that could indicate why you made the generalisation.
However I will generalise in an effort to present my options noon of what may take place.
I expect the only way to look at a scientific theory is to realise that it is the best model available at this point in time and that it has met various tests that hopefully include observation, experiment and testable predictions that have been run on at least a few occassions that gives credibility to the hypothisis upon which the theory was based.
So for example I don't not particularly like the big bang theory but the thing is it is the model that explains the observations which are consistent with the hypothisis.
But on a speculative assessment I would say that any reluctance to change perhaps comes from many generations of humans having to accept the unbending philosophy of whatever particular religion generations of their kind were forced to accept else the expression of any divergence with the ruling superstition known as religion would bring the practitioners of brain washing to call for and oversee their execution.
If we look at the church we can see that in its 2000 year history it has not changed and although their hypothisis have remained unchanged for 200 decades the fundamental myth has not been changed from when the Eygptians invented the human astrology type god thousands of years earlier. Now science fortunately is different and does not seek to execute folk who present any new hypothisis whereas the church had various episodes in history of going from town to town to find folk who they felt were not on board and burn them at the stake or endorse the hunting down of poor women a d executing them on unsupported allegations that they were witches.
Now so far no one has knocked on my door to put me on the rack until I accept the big bang theory in fact so much of my knowledge has come from kind folk patiently helping me understand the physics ...which is neat in comparison to the secretive methodology evident in the church.
However in an effort to be of greater help if you could be specific perhaps I could address your particular concerns.
I really believe that we were made for more than this world can provide. And that is why we are never content here, in pain for sure, but also even without it.
I am content and very happy, I have done many things like racing motor bikes on Sunday rather than sitting in church indulging in fantasy grown from lies.
I enjoyed the pleasures of healthy relationships with a number of woman without getting hung up on all that sin BS. Without religion I have a much better moral code free of delusion and rules imposed by men from thousands of years ago to keep their goats and females to themselves.
You mention area 51 and of course I must make the observation that there is a greater probability of aliens landing on the lawn at the White house than the myth of Jesus materialising and in part for filling his reported promise to return in the lifetime of those present.
So even if we could for a single moment accept the myth as real we then must accept that this human god did not act on his promise to return in the lifetime of those listening..and that was 2000 years ago so could one by forgiven for proposing the JC story is just not credible.
I really believe that we were made for more than this world can provide. And that is why we are never content here, in pain for sure, but also even without it.
Speak for yourself. In fact, you can divide the population of the world into two distinct categories: those who keep hankering for the hopeful theory of an afterlife and those who try to make the best of a real life they know.
Can you please tell me where the rebel base is?
It's hidden. If I told you where it is it would no longer be hidden. The rebel base is a proselytizing free zone though. It is outside of the Lord's zone of influence. Zarak is the God of the rebel base and Zarak recognizes only one true God and that is himself.

Maybe you should go to Zimulac as it's currently an open territory.
Copied the following from a place on the internet...

”A scientific theory is an explanation of an aspect of the natural world that can be repeatedly tested and verified in accordance with the scientific method, using accepted protocols of observation, measurement, and evaluation of results.”

Why is it that a scientific theory can absolutely not meet this standard? But still be accepted anyway, sometimes for decades?

If it's a theory it meets that standard. If it's just a hypothesis, it doesn't. If the standard was those applied to religion however most any idea (crazy or not) would meet that (religious) standard. You seem to be pulling at straws in your attempt to discredit the scientific theory and for no particular reason it seems.

As a matter of fact (and I've tried to be humble) I am God, not the God that you are referring to (he is a competitor) and I was born on a mountain top in N.C. and I can give you the Google Earth coordinates if necessary so as to prove my claim.
I'm not easily offended. Remember I have you permission to post anything you want.

In the beginning God created the heavens and the Earth. I believe he created light and called it Day and did so several days before he created the Sun and stars.

It's kind of hard to create light without the Sun, wouldn't you say?

No not really, I even have a light on my phone!
If it's a theory it meets that standard. If it's just a hypothesis, it doesn't. If the standard was those applied to religion however most any idea (crazy or not) would meet that (religious) standard. You seem to be pulling at straws in your attempt to discredit the scientific theory and for no particular reason it seems.

As a matter of fact (and I've tried to be humble) I am God, not the God that you are referring to (he is a competitor) and I was born on a mountain top in N.C. and I can give you the Google Earth coordinates if necessary so as to prove my claim.

Wow! What other tricks can you do?
And you’re doing a great job, at being humble I mean!