Did Nothing Create Everything?

Only on sciforums would the topic turn from science to religion to “shagging.” :oops:

Shagging. That’s such an odd word to describe sex.

Carry on, guys. Lol
Only on sciforums would the topic turn from science to religion to “shagging.” :oops:

Shagging. That’s such an odd word to describe sex.

Carry on, guys. Lol
Shagging is also an odd word to describe sex coming from a guy who doesn't like women. :)
I was thinking today...we have two propositions.
The first is that there is a god who created everything including humans, a man from some clay and a woman in a similar way but god took a rib bone from the man to add to the woman. God gave them a garden where a talking snake convinced the woman to eat a forbidden fruit which ended badly with both the man and the woman bring evicted. Later as the human population grew god saw them as sinful and caused a flood that covered everything, however he told one man to build a boat and put on it two of every animal ( four in some cases) and that man and his family numbering eight persons were saved and those folk and the animals repopulated the world. Now you could think at this point god was happy that he got rid of enough humans..at least you could think he had got over the original sin thing... but no..according to christians god decided that he needed to have a son by impregnating a virgin so that the son could be in effect sacrificed to wipe away the sins apparently of those first humans and so the son was eventually put to death and rose after three days to join his father together with the ghost of the son in heaven.

Now the second proposition does not deal with anything other than the story relating to the son.

So the second proposition says that the Romans made up the story about the son for political reasons and that they created the story and set up a church in Rome who made saints of family members of those acussed of inventing the story...

There is evidence of a flood of you look at the Younger Dryas events it seems that possibly could be interpreted as a flood that covered the world...but the proposition one and two only clash on the son part...one says it's gods son and the other that the story of the son was made up..suggesting no death and rising after three days...in fact that there was no son but a story to benefit Rome.

One could wonder why the church was in Rome and one could wonder why those who believe the story up to the son bit simply don't buy that aspect.

I guess it's a matter to simply consider which proposition is more likely?

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What do you think about this article?
Suspect. A journalist trying to get folk to read his article is all...
But one needs to read stuff like this to appreciate how journalists put stuff out that they know will be well received.
I am sorry but the first issue to address is the issue of " did the Romans invent Jesus" ...personally I am rather persuaded that they did and although annoyed somewhat happy that I can finally figure out why Jews are so hated by the Catholic church...you see I don't blame the Nazis ...they were just cathilics dressed up in uniform...I always wondered how apparent good folk could be so horrible..well now I know as you can trace it back to the problem Rome had with bringing the Jews under control...I see the old testament as ok not withstanding it problems as it does not seek to take over god..which is what Christians do....the old testament is beautiful in many respects but the new testament is pure evil in my view.
I could be wrong but my view is anti semitism is a direct product of the Romans trying to put down the Jews. The church presents it that the Jews killed the son of God which is crazy...he was blashpomous and rebellious...and back then that would bring you death..some places today death are your wages for that...but why this separation...heck pretend he was real..but only for a moment...he was a jew tried by his peers etc ...I mean why the heck are Jews being blamed .thats the Roman input as clear as day...it was a local matter if we are to indulge the myth...the reason it makes no sense is because JC was BS that is undeniable and it is such a pity so many humans have been conned by the Romans...who still to a degree rule the world...well they do.. Rome dictates from the past to the US...Catholic Roman empire now takes in all of America..North and South...It does not matter that it's Protestant or Catholic... it all comes from the one barrel of BS .time travel evil..teach your kids the truth mate...dont fall for the evil sect called Christianity...and it is such a shame..good folk are drawn in and do good things and so the evil benefits..but it is still evil...look at you totally destroyed by their evil..you are a good person yet corrupted to be less than a superstitious barbarian..it's just not right...and to think you, in the belief that you are doing the right thing pass on this evil to your kids...your poor Dad .. will pass away at some point still a victim of Rome.
They gave but they took away. I just want to know..where is all the gold..think of it..must be more than Fort Knox..
We all have almost god like powers the church does not want you to know that...
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Actually I feel like writing one, but wrong place.
Well you should not....it's personal and your partner perhaps would not enjoy any intimacy revelled to the world.
And writing about such is not the done thing in my view...all it can be is a boastful banter geared I suspect to your side and thus leaving out the other party...still I do feel as though I would like to teach hopefully the art of love
... But I resist the distasteful urge.... knowing that each couple find their own bliss and overcome their inadequacy which is really just so inappropriate to consider...
Nevertheless tell me what has been your most wonderful experience...the smooth skin etc etc.
Some things must be private ...
And remember this...a man ranks himself by his victories in battles and his time spent in the bedroom ..first realise that is BS.
Owning a fast car is the only test...not even a big gun can beat a car that is huge.

Some idoit said..

There will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself....as if that mattered...

Heck we all know we are the best lover and the best fighter ...so what crap.

Me well I am me..can fight a few and win but realise just possibly there could be some one better and although I am perfect some girls want someone less than that....and so I conclude perhaps the whole deal is too complex to worry about.
If there was a real god we would not be so f..led up... maybe.

And why does Rome hate the Jews...cause Rome was inferior they knew it. . simple


I watched the two films today. The longer one for the second time and the shorter additional one for the first time. And I will have to think about them a bit more over this next week.

It would seem to me that, in this case, Flavius Josephus would have to be thought of as a kind of anti-historian. As unreliable as a truth presenter, as a traitor to his own faith, a traitor to his own people, a completely unreliable source of historical information altogether.

If that is the case, and it would seem so, then how could his accounts of Titus ever be considered to be factual?

In other words, why is it not possible that Josephus, created or made up events in the life of Titus to mirror the actual real life of Jesus? So Titus would be thought of as the fulfillment of prophecy and as the Son of God.

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And remember this...a man ranks himself by his victories in battles and his time spent in the bedroom ..first realise that is BS.
Owning a fast car is the only test...not even a big gun can beat a car that is huge.

Some idoit said..

There will always be greater and lesser persons than yourself....as if that mattered...

Heck we all know we are the best lover and the best fighter ...so what crap.

Me well I am me..can fight a few and win but realise just possibly there could be some one better and although I am perfect some girls want someone less than that....and so I conclude perhaps the whole deal is too complex to worry about.
If there was a real god we would not be so f..led up... maybe.

I'm glad you are around my friend Alex.
In other words, why is it not possible that Josephus, created or made up events in the life of Titus to mirror the actual real life of Jesus? So Titus would be thought of as the fulfillment of prophecy and as the Son of God.
So you are leaning to proposition one ...maybe read proposition one and two again and apply some of your possible alternative skills to proposition one as well.
I think we get somewhat too tied up in the detail and hence I tried to present proposition number one in a tree down version to outline what we are expected to accept which is really just as unbelievable as you can find...you have to ask really is at all logical in any sense at all...do you really think a god the creator of the universe would bother and perhaps also think about why he would select Mary...why that place...why not China or India etc...here we have the creator of the universe confining his activity to just one small spot...it really does not make sense at all.

I think the "fact" to be investigated is the first saints...that must be easy...they were or were not family...if that fact is true we perhaps need not to worry about much else because that drives the nails in too far to remove in the lid of the coffin containing the myth of Jesus ....
I think the bible should not have the new testament...it is only about a created myth ...the old testament although perhaps containing myth does not present any man as god...if there was a god who looked into our activities, which is a crazy notion, how do you think he would regard humans who claimed a "blood" relationship...he would be ticked off I expect...anyways a direct answer please...proposition one or two...
If you have any reason left please use it...won't be easy but accepting the truth is rarely easy...it took me a while to see how us little folk are conned by our culture ... If the Romans had put out a flyer on how to behave no one would take any notice...we know that ..but work the rules into a god story and you don't even need a police force cause the mob obey the rules else go to hell...a loving god, a turn the other cheek god, a forgiving god...etc but fail and I will get you for eternity... honestly it does not make sense unless you are brainwashed...
Now don't forget..the saints...I really want to hear you view on this aspect.

And please O erlook errors I do this one fi.her a d this phone makes up its own words and I won't be back in time to edit.
So you are leaning to proposition one ...maybe read proposition one and two again and apply some of your possible alternative skills to proposition one as well.
I think we get somewhat too tied up in the detail and hence I tried to present proposition number one in a tree down version to outline what we are expected to accept which is really just as unbelievable as you can find...you have to ask really is at all logical in any sense at all...do you really think a god the creator of the universe would bother and perhaps also think about why he would select Mary...why that place...why not China or India etc...here we have the creator of the universe confining his activity to just one small spot...it really does not make sense at all.

I think the "fact" to be investigated is the first saints...that must be easy...they were or were not family...if that fact is true we perhaps need not to worry about much else because that drives the nails in too far to remove in the lid of the coffin containing the myth of Jesus ....
I think the bible should not have the new testament...it is only about a created myth ...the old testament although perhaps containing myth does not present any man as god...if there was a god who looked into our activities, which is a crazy notion, how do you think he would regard humans who claimed a "blood" relationship...he would be ticked off I expect...anyways a direct answer please...proposition one or two...
If you have any reason left please use it...won't be easy but accepting the truth is rarely easy...it took me a while to see how us little folk are conned by our culture ... If the Romans had put out a flyer on how to behave no one would take any notice...we know that ..but work the rules into a god story and you don't even need a police force cause the mob obey the rules else go to hell...a loving god, a turn the other cheek god, a forgiving god...etc but fail and I will get you for eternity... honestly it does not make sense unless you are brainwashed...
Now don't forget..the saints...I really want to hear you view on this aspect.

And please O erlook errors I do this one fi.her a d this phone makes up its own words and I won't be back in time to edit.

Jesus was real, and the Roman persecution of Christians happened because they would not worship Caesar as God. And so Christians eventually became a threat to Roman Power.

The Romans created the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope and made family members into Saints and on and on, for power and political reasons.

But Christianity existed first, before the Roman Catholic Church corrupted the simple faith that was clearly taught in the Bible.

Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church have always been two separate and distinct things. That is one of the reasons why the Spanish Inquisition took place, with Roman Catholics killing Christians, but this time for refusing to follow and submit to the Pope.

The Bible itself is often the main tool that is used to pull people out of Catholicism. Because the two are not the same thing at all. Rome would never have written a Bible which undermines the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church.

So Rome could not have written the Bible to begin with.

And, for what it’s worth, if I were brainwashed I would not be able to watch those 3 videos you asked me to review.
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Jesus was real,
It is impossible to say that given there is absolutely no evidence outside the gospels which were clearly written by the Romans..that is a fact.

And so Christians eventually became a threat to Roman Power.

I find it hard to believe that you watched the video and have still not grasped there were two versions of Christians...the rebellious ones were persecuted because they were rebels ...not because they were Christians...and Rome persecuted all sorts of folk..there was nothing special about Christians they were just one of many many crazy cults who created their human god from an astrology model common for the times ...but there is nothing other than the new testament saying Jesus existed... hardly evidence when the Romans clearly wrote the gospels...the evidence is before you how can you just ignore it?

Christianity and the Roman Catholic Church have always been two separate and distinct things.

That is historically wrong...there was only the Catholic church...all Christianity comes via the Roman Catholic Church...that is history stating anything else is just wrong...but show me I am wrong as I am always happy to find truth even if I have to admit that I was wrong.
Show me that I am wrong and I will thank you.
That is one of the reasons why the Spanish Inquisition took place, with Roman Catholics killing Christians, but this time for refusing to follow and submit to the Pope.

I think you are so very wrong here.
Where do you get your history?

So Rome could not have written the Bible to begin with.

You have seen the video and reject the facts that are well evidenced...you my friend are brainwashed...there is no hope...another human destroyed by the brain washing by Christianity parroting it's lies and myth in total refusal of real facts and real evidence...
And, for what it’s worth, if I were brainwashed I would not be able to watch those 3 videos you asked me to review.
I don't know...your ability to weigh the evidence seems non existent.

So you still have not specifically answered my question as to which proposition seems the most reasonable.

Are you unable to say that you find proposition one the most plausible? So brainwashed that you simply ignore the question...because put so simply it must seem so silly even to you...but I bet you can't answer the question as to really think about the question will send you into meltdown.

You seem to want to adopt the good bits yet ignore that the new testament clearly was made up by the Romans...render to Ceasar that which is Ceasar s....and not written by Romans...wake up my friend...it takes a lot of gutz to accept that one has been wrong and more still that they have been conned it takes only ego to live in denial of any facts that prove you have been conned.
The biggest problem with prosecuting conmen is that victims can not accept they have been conned. That is evident in your nonsensical responce ... You will hang on no matter what...good on you...you are just what the cult needs...so keep sending them money.