Did Nothing Create Everything?

A d you know how I xaid I never lie..well sometimes I lie which really demonstrate that generally I dont lie.
Sometimes I lie to people that I think they are doing a good job for example so as not to hurt their feeling and to offer encouragement.
White lie. I do too, everyone does if they've got a conscience.
I don't hate anything actually.
Although I do hate to be late and I do hate people who lie and think you are so stupid they can fool you...perhaps dislike would be a more suitable term.

I think hate is a toxin that destroys you whilst the object of your hate has no idea...It is like most emotions pointless. Acceptance takes away the desire to hate..I accept that many folk believe there is a god so I don't hate them...

I like truth.
I like justice.
I like cats,..and dogs and horses...I would like people to realise that the JC thing is a myth (and there is real evidence that shows there can be no other conclusion) and that today's scientists are much more reliable than ancient folk who did not know where the Sun went at night and if they insist upon there being a god to provide something other than some work of literature as authority for science (their science( and to concede morality does not come from the Bible other than by a cherry picking process that ignores the horrible stuff and claiming a book full of errors and disgusting morality could be inspired by a god without admitting he got most things wrong.

I would like those people who thank god and not the doctors and the science they employ next time they are I'll or in need of repair to go to the church and get fixed there.. hypocrites.

I would like to see the human race move to the next level where superstition is a historical curiosity and people accept personal responsibility for their actions rather than resorting to a mythical character to explain what they don't understand and above all for them to be capable of saying that they really don't have an answer and admit they do not know rather than making up unsupported superstitious BS.
I know Jesus existed, because I saw him die.
White lie. I do too, everyone does if they've got a conscience.
Lieing is wrong.
To call a lie "white" tames it down I guess... because white is somehow good?
Lies should be a capital offence....liars are fools..I set traps to find out if someone is lieing...they stupidly fall in...a liar thinks he is clever but if be was at all clever he would not have to lie.
Lieing is wrong.
To call a lie "white" tames it down I guess... because white is somehow good?
Lies should be a capital offence....liars are fools..I set traps to find out if someone is lieing...they stupidly fall in...a liar thinks he is clever but if be was at all clever he would not have to lie.
A friend of mine at the time, I was trying to shag her best friend(my girlfriend) said to me something along the lines of "I am ugly". I said she was beautiful but she wasn't, but she wasn't ugly either. She was beautiful compared to what she thought she was. She had kids, shagged loads of blokes and last I heard was happy. Where's the harm?
Where's the harm?
It's not about harm you see..it is about being honest ...you could have been honest and said you are the only woman here and I feel horny and I am counting on your lack of self esteem to get laid because frankly you are my only chance ....please have mercy for a guy who is still trying to get his first...think how she would have felt taking pity on you.
Here is another video and I will be interested to see if you care to ignore it or to refute it.

Send some of your snow it's 40 C here

I will try and watch the first one again more carefully today, and will try and watch this one as well. I will have some down time today. I am going to take care of my Dad the second half of the day today. And he naps a lot now, he is 95, and had a stroke about 2 years ago and has never been the same since. But he is still my sweet hearted Dad.

What do you think about this article?


How would this fit into these theories?
I will try

To "try" builds in defeat...do or die.
Recognise that you can't place it high on your priorities and moreover you perhaps expect the worse but I assure you after full comprehension of the premise you may find the alternate approach to faith and belief superior to worshipping what is in effect a false god invented as a mere political tool...it just means the new testament is a lie...the old testament may be the only place you will find acceptable.
I don't think there is a God but you don't like females so I would think of God in a sexless way if I were you. Do you think God has a sex? What would that even mean?
It doesn't mean anything if you don't believe does it? Complicating things.