Did Nothing Create Everything?


Come Let Us Reason Together
Valued Senior Member
Do you believe that Nothing created Everything?

If you do, please prove it.
I was thinking about...

The belief that there was once absolutely nothing. And that nothing happened to that nothing for an eternity until the nothing magically exploded (for no reason), creating time, everything, and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself into highly organized molecular elements (again, for no reason whatsoever), and then into extremely complex self-replicating molecular bio-machines which then turned into dinosaurs. And all of the trillions of processes needed to pull all of this off had to defy entropy on a scale never before seen in empirical science.

If someone actually believes this, I would like to see them offer some empirical proof for it.

Is that a crazy thing to ask for?
I was thinking about...

The belief that there was once absolutely nothing. And that nothing happened to that nothing for an eternity until the nothing magically exploded (for no reason), creating time, everything, and everywhere. Then a bunch of the exploded everything magically rearranged itself into highly organized molecular elements (again, for no reason whatsoever), and then into extremely complex self-replicating molecular bio-machines which then turned into dinosaurs. And all of the trillions of processes needed to pull all of this off had to defy entropy on a scale never before seen in empirical science.

If someone actually believes this, I would like to see them offer some empirical proof for it.

Is that a crazy thing to ask for?
So does any rational human actually think this can ever really be done, as described above?
You haven't really "described" anything. There is no entity called "nothing". You use the term "magical", you don't want to discuss God but that would be just as magical.

No one knows the answer so that is why it's not about a belief. There is evidence for everything just after the Big Bang. There is no evidence for God or creationism so there is little to actually discuss in your thread.
You haven't really "described" anything. There is no entity called "nothing". You use the term "magical", you don't want to discuss God but that would be just as magical.

No one knows the answer so that is why it's not about a belief. There is evidence for everything just after the Big Bang. There is no evidence for God or creationism so there is little to actually discuss in your thread.

If no one knows the answer then I would say that we all only have beliefs.

And after the Big Bang, what empirical evidence is there that entropy can be overcome?
Do you believe that Nothing created Everything?
To the extent [minimal] that the question occupies my consciousness, I do believe that everything came from nothing, or near enough, but I certainly do not credit the concept of nothingness with the deliberate act of creation. Nor do I capitalize any of these imponderables.

If you do, please prove it.
There is no way to do that, just as there is no way to prove any of the alternatives.
Maybe it's just none of our business?
Do you believe that Nothing created Everything?
If you are referring to the Big Bang Theory I should point out that the theory does not say anything about things starting from nothing.
The theory takes us back to a hot dense something, as far as I can tell.

The theory presents how the universe evolved from the hot dense something.

So before you start asking for proof of anything perhaps you should do a little reading (that all it takes) to familiarise yourself with what the theory deals with...it deals with the evolution of the universe not it's creation.

I personally find the theory difficult to accept in so far as I can not accept that everything we observe grew from something very small very hot and very dense however one must recognise that the math supports the theory very well as do the observations given the time we are thinking about is billions of years in the past..13 and a half billion abouts.

If you read up you will find all the proof you need to support the theory ....

Moreover...if you want to critize you really should have an alternative that you can prove...I favour an eternal universe but I can not prove it nor am I going to try.

Nevertheless you may find folk more helpful if you tried to read up on what you seek to criticize rather than make a fool of yourself arguing against a non existent proposal...not suggesting that I think you are a fool but after you study just the basic premise of the theory you will appreciate why many may regard you that way.

Ten minutes reading and I guarantee you will learn 100% more than you know at the moment.

If no one knows the answer then I would say that we all only have beliefs.

And after the Big Bang, what empirical evidence is there that entropy can be overcome?
No, we don't all have beliefs. Some believe in God and some just say "I don't know".

Entropy doesn't need to be overcome. Entropy deals with the universe as a whole. As was pointed out up above...maybe you need to read a book or have some basis for discussing such a subject so that the discussion does devolve into "I didn't come from no monkey".
no one knows the answer then I would say that we all only have beliefs.
Regarding that particular question (which, incidentally, does not overly exercise most of us most of the time), we all have beliefs based on varying amounts and types of information.
The tenacity with which we hold onto our particular belief seems inversely proportional to the reliability of the information on which it is based.
The influence of whatever type or degree of belief we may hold regarding the origin of the universe upon all aspects of daily life is vanishingly small.
So --- wherever this was supposed to go, it won't.
Ok, so far it looks like anyone who believes that Nothing created Everything has only a faith position and little more. Glad we all admit that!

And yes entropy works on the universe as a whole but it also works on smaller subsystems in the universe as well. I am sure you know this. And undeniably on bio-machines every second of the day. All we have to do is stop eating. Or stop breathing. Only the intelligence designed into of our mind keeps entropy in check. Seems pretty obvious to every person on the planet.
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another
The first law of thermodynamics, also known as Law of Conservation of Energy, states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; energy can only be transferred or changed from one form to another

Right! Are you trying to say that entropy does not exist?
Is he? Then why is this in the religion section?

Because both Atheism and Naturalism are faith positions! They are both religions, even cults!

If not, please prove that Atheism and Naturalism represent all there is.

The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes Atheism as being equivalent to a religion.

Atheism and Naturalism based discussions belong in the “Religion” section. Because they are both faith based!
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Because both Atheism and Naturalism are faith positions! They are both religions, even cults!

If not, please prove that Atheism and Naturalism represent all there is.

The U.S. Supreme Court recognizes Atheism as being equivalent to a religion.
"I don't know" is a faith position?? Could be, I do have faith in the fact that I don't have a clue where it all came from.

And neither do you.